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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. if the guns weren't already loaded boy that question was!
  2. yer a rightly good crew, me thinks the cook is ashore! If I'm done in when she returns would ye ask her what's on fer the meal this evening? Whhheeeeehh! good rum too Petee. Grammercy Swan Say would ye mind if the amster-at arms is able ta find a bevvy of arrows and a few long bows would ye mind givin a few lesson to the quick study's aboard? Me too though thar be time when i does seem pretty thick.
  3. would somun call below and ask that the cook join us up here!
  4. whats in that flask Petee? I bloody hate loosin shipmates worse! Ye never gets used to it. Seems everyone takes a little wind outa yer own sail.
  5. before ye all go hog wild talk to the young lass she based on a number of situations where being a pirate and not a mermaid was a bit over her ability now mind you I have spent many hours in council only to find out that the inner workings of ones own self and that being where ones comfort exists and doesn't is not where my doctorate lies. She was missed before she left the docks and will be missed even more now that apparently many more than I was a kin to her. ask her talk to her as I have she is more comfortable watching.
  6. stuck around St. Petersburge when I thought it was a time for a change Killed the Tzar and his minister Oops Sorry I thought I was in the lyrics page fer a moment thar. Lets drop a rope over and hoist a damn barrel up ta us!
  7. * slowly lowers tankard and watchs kendra* Wait don't go. Spiritual hinderrence? What does that meen? Us sorry sailors need every scrap o scripture we can get. Your not hindering me spiritual none, and I don't thinks ya should go. Besides who else is gonna tease me. If theres nothin I can do ta stop ya, .......well I guess, if ya must ya must . *looks depressed, takes another drink from his tankard* I'll join ye Petee, (pulls up his fat white arse) Argh ye know one night maybe two in a hammock under the decks of a tall ship even ifin it be jes tied off to a dock and she was lucky to find out shippin weren't fer her Be glad we weren't ta sea lad! (looks over at the master gunner) wheres yer flask?
  8. Master Gunner, Would ye fire off a shot give it a half load and no ball. see if we can get the crew back fer the party before Kendra here drinks all the grog! (looks over to our ships spiritual advisor and winks) jes kiddin ya know! Thanks be to ya Petee!
  9. Aye, but remembers lass as the ship goes straight ahead so shall it be the crew and officers will do the same. No whispers! Ifin ye gots ta say it say it with pride. I wanted to tell you, ye might wish ta study below deck. Well, that would be until the loud and boisterous crew starts botherin ye more or less down there too. But, from the (and I knows hows ya feels) time when a cast of characters such as this does come together as well and exceedingly well I must ad, as they have. It's when a crew begins those first steps to where the rest of their running is going to be taking them and for some time too. Rewardin be of major import! So we threw a few barrels of grog up to them for a nice how do you do party, an it be me hopes ya join in but dare I say I know it won't be of said timely consequence that I should find you reading or writing where the abundance of cheer should find you quite quiet. Preach not to the demons they release today and on the morrow, but wait for their souls to return.
  10. Now hear this! Now hear this! thar be a wagon on our dock 3 here and it be filled to the heavens with good things upon which a hearty Huzzah be given to Sir William fer throwin some soon to be lost inventories this fine ships ways! So seein as how we are at a pass with all do respect to the fine officers with a goodly amount of cheer! I declare the balance of this day and that of tomorrow as well as 2 days off! Fill yer tankards and enjoy the lets see I believe it were rum and ale! and gets ta knows each other awhile. I am going to saunter back o'er to the Kate fer that lovely meal I seen. Surf and Turf sound abouts right?
  11. whats this commotion? aye Daggaz matey you look good. (well you know better than ye did yesterday anysways) have we sent for some vidals for this man? (as I turn and look at our ships Surgeon) Thar be nothin more of import than a good meal pon awakening from a knock out blow. Good ta see ya better Daggaz. Oh! Does ye play chess? Yer keeper isn't above makin a wager you know?
  12. :: approaches Diego and Phil :: *hushed voice* Mate, you don't really believe those tales of woe about having the fairer sex aboard? Next, you'll be telling me we've got bloody mindreaders aboard! :: looks around and smiles :: Coffee, my friend? Our new cook makes an excellent cup! Now Hear This! There are those in our crew with certain mental capacities which go often unexplained. They were sought after and that is a strength at sea I wish to not go without in fact the more the better! Did you not know ghosts all have a certain power Jack?
  13. Mate, thar be no secrets upon this ship! Adding that the women addressed fer employ on the Watch Dog are without exception the best man for their job. We are but brothers and sisters thar will be no incest!
  14. Quartermaster drop anchor kind sir. We are all to be about searchin for the right men to round out a crew of seamen, gunners and marines and that be the primary focus I addressed whilst ye be below. Let there be a few aquaintances you too might wish to approach for these positions are of the mandate to this point. Too sir have them P/M me as I would like to interview the potentials afore their posts, sir!
  15. A goodly cup of coffee is Gods gift to begins each day. Grammercy Surgeon. And who is this lass standing so perky and with a duffle bag of endeavor? Aye Siren ye be? Well lets go below and discuss yer willingness to work yer arse off lass?
  16. Have them all P/M me as I would like to not thicken the thread with the interviewing process, grammercy as well!
  17. It appears I shall not be spendin me evenings off the ship much any more. Good men (turns and aknowledges ships surgeon on deck). Thar be naught a reason why as I can see that addressing many of these tasks and duties should not be addressed with a bit of concern for each others pride. And should not be addressed unless ones own duties and tasks finds one in the gally done and accomplish. Going in, this is in need of being said as well. We are mustering a crew, everyone of us the officers are addressed, we are the cruxt of this ships strength and power but a ship with only officers will soon find blame on all parts where the work be needin done. I! (clears throat) no, We! yes, We! All need to now be a part of this legacy and deliver our souls into finding crew to swab the deck, mend the sails weigh the anchor, polish the balls and work the ropes (so to speak). I employ us all now in that we all must come about. And let us all usher into this day and retrieve a crewman. One which too shares a love of our free sea, one with a skill for banter as well. But he must know how to perspire as anything less than 120% will not get this ship afloat. Take leave then, go amongst our friends and aquaintences and get us a crew! (turning to ships surgeon) is there any more coffee about?
  18. I hope that the evening I didn't show up won't be held against me (that is unless its Rummy doin the holden). May I be of some assist? Perhaps a Guinness would unlock me sticky joints a bit as well?
  19. Aye lass and don't you just know ye be sleepin on the third deck same as the gunners the lookouts Our galley cook and me marine who will most certainly give cause to yer salvation. Figurin the bulk of the crew be stowed in the fourth jes aboves the galley and infirmory. with storage underneath. Guns just under the deck (the main deck) and the captain in the quarters in the aft. Haven't we stowed yer bags girl? I am off to that place that only comes once every workday the end o me shift and I be needen me grog as soon as I can muster a coin I'm buying this crew a round Hip hip Huzazah!
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