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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I feel better! I have been approached by a paint ball club so instead of catching little green fish and releasing them alive I get to paint ball all of these people I don't even know next weekend (after tall ships of course) Does anyone have a clue what paintballing is?
  2. (Standing at the near to our departing Captain and crew members) Mr. Lassiter I say, Might I be of help in this regard sir?
  3. Gary Like I said afore. We'll be down there early Saturday Morn can Rummy and I bring you anything of need?
  4. I want to thank thee for making this day just a wee bit happier as the likes of me own senses be tied to the mainmast as I yells at the top o me lungs "What's going on?" Guinnes Ahhhhh! Smothered within the confines of a nice piece of the worlds finest german chocolate pie indeed! And Another pint o Guinness to wash em back once agin. Sir William again I have been most well taken care of in your charge. Grammercy
  5. Not being one to risk dispair in times of trouble or need I watch listening to the Sampsons crews banter. I figure tis time for that mass. So I head down to my cabin finding after changing that I am within the legal limit of fairly well on my way to define tanked (after having two large goblets of wine in me cabin) whereupon donned in my robes I go up the stairs and resume my place on the deck next to the captain, Sir, this will not pose too well upon the others, (leans in to whisper) but, I can see from here that two of the men brought up are the faces of two of the Danzigs officers in fact the two that came aboard with their Captain Scully. If I'm not mistaken sir, I sees Eynbrecht and Visser sir? Have we checked on the likes of Scully's stay on board recently sir?
  6. Aye matey and you take rummys phone number on saturday and ifin the likes of the gate is a draw of thousands call us and we'll fly up there! really what are we talking about an hour drive from one to t'other???
  7. Yeh Rummy thanks for your concern but the reason I'm not able to fish in this club is because of one person, one very influencial person who only tries to sleep at night because of what little conscious they have. To think I actually thought it to be the only bass club in town. Hahahahahahahaha.
  8. "Make making it your intention-ooh yeah Live those dreams Scheme those schemes Got to hit me Hit me Hit me with those laser beams"
  9. Ah now me ole son dont be mad just as sure as ye make up yer mind somethin always comes inta yer life wantin ye ta change it so bles sed be the decision of either or, fer it's a fine choice anys ways.
  10. Changed me mind about Corona mi amigo! think that Dana harbor will grab me attentions as the likes o this fine lass and her mates 'll be singin and I heard em thar in Corona a while back and they are worth listenin too and enjoying again! X 2 in fact. Dana Point is blessed too by a tavern not too far away (Doheny Saloon) with iced long necks and a couple a dart boards as well!
  11. That was my original post a couple a weeks ago. I have asked to speak with the board. (to no avail) I have asked for a reason as to why? (to no avail) I saw the most of them (members) on a lake a week ago and saw they were there and even though it was hot I was basically ignored. Three of the twenty plus Isaw said hi without to regard for the rumor spreading cancer it could have caused them within. I knew of this and I thanked them. Now! I find out I am not only going to never be a member but! I can't even come into where they have their meetings as a guest! I sure wish that the over inflated egotistical board member that has fabricated whatever needed, realize that they alone are nothing but the single most often identified assasins of good hearted groups. They do nothing, add nothing and give nothing to so many believing people, simply putting them out of business! I call it moral bankruptcy! It is mostly caused when an individule with a very low self esteem gets a position of rank and it just goes to their head! "POWER" I can only pray the good hearted ones (the nice and easy going members in the group I know) see the problems these evil rumor fabricating liars cause within their own club and figure out a way to remove the likes of such an existance killing cancer.
  12. I cups me hands and yells out to the barges crew even afore it reaches the waters surface. Something in the waters men! On the mark three points a starbord four maybe five ship lengths away. I'll guide you in!
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