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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. morning meal complete I went up into the main masts basket and asked Ciaran if he can see the cutter and he says to me Aye! The quartermaster and Armand it appears are jes returning from a ride about. I looks at 'im??? a ride about? he says yeh they took to the saddle over an hour ago and just gettin back into the docks area. He handed me his brings 'em near and sure 'nuff they be dismountin there by the cutter.....@#$%&*$@ Who's getting the foodstuffes? slips outa me mouth afore I can stop it I looks to Ciaran and hands him back his brings 'em near and start me descent. Reachin the main deck I begins me look fer the captain to inquire to whom was put in charge of finding the food supplies on shore?
  2. I went down into the galley and lit the stove. Putting water on for coffeee I lit a candle and went down into the hold and found 27 eggs, a nice pig quarter flour and sugar. I made my way back up into the galley where the water were getting hot and I began the slicing of pork. Now I personally like it thin and crisp but so many of the crew likes it thick and never soft. So I just put the fire under the large fryer and lays out about thirty strips ta fryin I takes out me three flours, yeast and water and a pinch a this and that and throws it in the ovens to bake. The coffee grind already in me mug (premeasured) I throws it into the boiling water and turns the pork srips over (hmmmmmm) what a goodly smell it were too! So I scramble up the eggs and adding two cupes a sugar and a splash of water and adrop of maple start heating up to make some syrup. The first three loafs of bread came out just as Ms Smith came in fetching vitals fer the Captain herself and Ajayi our newly freed slave. "Aye Good morning little one is Gods blessing with you this day?" I says "throw back a cup here with me afore you go and let me fry up some a this frenchy toast eghh? So I finish it and hand her three plates with thee pieces each six slices of pork fried and three cups o coffee. Starting the next pan of pork strips after I threw in three more loafs of bread to bake, I watched her as she perfectly negotiated the turn and stairs with ease.
  3. Mornings pause just afore the suns rise I be up on the main deck listening to the sea birds making their own days renew. I couldn't see them but i know they must be headed out to sea in another direction because they weren't getting any louder to me. Knowing the prize of so many as it be fullfilled within the parameters of daily bread leaving me my duties again below. To the galley I trod having slept most untamed as a chill did awake me and first bird kept me such. Ah! To the galley for the coffees start and days begin. I be thinkin french toast and stripped pork might welcome me makes the new day. Mayhaps I can find me some maple corn syrup as well?
  4. Sleeves rolled up taking a sip of red wine in between each step of the main meals preparation the monsignor is fairly close to it's royaly presented finish, yams in a buttery white wine cheese and garlic dish, spinach and eucra. Then to cap it all, beach style roasted pig with a pinapple, mango, chile salsa and tea. Taht is tonights menu. Just after printing the sign to post upon main mast he was headed up the common when that haunting flute was hitting some very strange musical ranges , combinations of chords and notes never heard quite so... well? Put together before enchanting it was almost olde Elven style......
  5. Well no worry's I will have me second pint as you will.....
  6. You sir have done your homework! Newbies take heed this man is going somewhere!
  7. Another brother from the other coast eh? Well matey welcomes aboard indeed good ta haves ye and me feels goodly fer saying the man o'er there ahind the bar well he be Ray nice old seadog but very good at his duties. Like this, watch! (turns me head to address the keep) Ray I believe I'll have me a pint o Guinness on this here new shipmate Mr. Durty Mick Moon. See there it weren't so bad were it? Oh! ye say ye knows 'im well then welcomes aboard matey! (holdin me chin) Ya looks familiar ye does........ Have we ever posted bail at the same time?????
  8. The confession was flateringly most sedate. Though renewed by my new found admiration for such a beautiful and most talented women I left Rummy to watch the goings on and found myself blessing our luanch (the cutter) and it's crew delving into uncharted waters and carrying such a heavy load it were. God be with these men this day and protect their adventure ashore as we would gladly praise your name show mercy by giving safe passage, amen. I turned went to my chamber changed and headed to the Galley.
  9. They are in display cases and wicker bowls in shops at every faire lass! But jes in case the likes a you all aren't the awares.... NOW KIDDIES THIS AREA IS OFF LIMITS SO DON'T READ IT! You have to ask the pin vendors for their X rated box (they don't keep it out can't actually but) 55% of em have one and those secret stashes have some really nice prizes in 'em.......
  10. Pirating! What a nice way of life to think about..........
  11. yeh that guy that plays the stringed instrument and does the todays rock on the old celtic instrument. well he's playing in disney walk tonight and thats why we were all going in the first place only to find out it would be stupid to go there without partying with me friends. so! Tortilla Jo's I figure 6:30 -7:00pm and then eat drink and go find the musician whilst walking about! huzzah!
  12. we surely missed you at the worlds biggest pirate event in history! I do hope you are well and in good accord. Be safe and well stocked my friend we await your return to partay and maybe too a little parlay as well...
  13. This is not a closed invitation but! I am without the certainly needed knowledge to find a place I know not of its name or its location so if ANYONE can help me find to where this bill of faire is planned for tonight it would be much appreciated if it could get out there and I want to invite any and all to this loud and rauckus event. I understand Dulcimer (ergh something ergh-other) is going to be playing there as well? is there a dress code? shorts tee shirt ok?
  14. Calamri and Guinness over at the Tsunami Kate Join us its a feast!
  15. looking at this dish puts me in the mood I'll take three Sir William! and a Guinness if you will?
  16. I thought Carry On was a song! But obscure Indeed! If it didn't do $50,000,000 (THATS FIFTY MILLION) in the box office "world wide" it isnt quoteable, Is that maybe O K ?
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