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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I likes it well I does! I will be looking into that as one fer me and give Rummy me old used and abused one......(maybe, it's pretty sharp)
  2. I'd liken ta say yeh Patrick about feasting I am such the not worthy candidate fer the volunteering as I been afflicted on the heavy side with arthritic lock downs now near to every faire so I'm not drynkin tryin to solve it all out but nay it not be workin either I think quiznos or subway would suit me fine but Rummy hates sandwiches so you Caroleen, Scarlet and Rummy plan what ye will and I'll rest me wary'd bones
  3. I went by the infirmery yesterday to see him and there were no answer then I went to me cabin to nap before my shift on eves past where I went on me bell only to find while It was I were below he was up on the quarterdeck with the surgeon Tempest. I guess he's ok if he's up and about I should liken to have you maybe stop over and say hey if you would that is ifin you'd like me to take over there? Though I won't be lyin to you its a nice respit to be sittin.
  4. Aye I heard this once I dids: Yer hands are like submarines, I never knows where they are going to come up next!
  5. Having finished my time in the basket on evening past this mornings revelries were the damn sea birds afore dawns open mouthed yawn. Thousands upon thousands of birds did fly overhead waking me and the ships entirety I was certain. I dressed and went over to the galley where I did find a most wondrous lady there already with water boiling and scones in the oven I filled a cup of coffee sat down and decided to bless this womans resolve in that no one ever volunteers in service or ship. God bless you Meg, I should liken to take over your charge upon your need, so say when won't you? I sipped again adding 'Your coffee, its very good"
  6. I think working under women is a blessing! I think? No really I do think! Not often but sometimes I even think I think about good things to think about. So I believe I'll go think about what it was I was going to say........I think!
  7. Yargh! Rummy and I be walkin the entire site fer the producer since there are many ways to enter and the entry fee will be at parking gates not on the actual site we will be piece tying the whole day just partying along throughout the whole faire area (and hiding out in the tent on wheels partyin jes like a good pyrate should...) We should like to say too that this event is for the Catholic Charities and sponsers a food drive with discount entry with can food donations as well..... Don't ferget to tip yer waiters.
  8. that picture reminds me of a joke.... so..... off to the joke thread! oh yeh that joke!
  9. Saw on the weather channel last night the whole state will be under a deluge of rain this weekend........
  10. i was going to write out a joke but I am laughing too damn hard to typeeeeaaah ahh ahhh ahhh ahhh sorry
  11. that picture reminds me of a joke.... so..... off to the joke thread!
  12. Walk! if any company hires on a new hire and immediately gives seniority days off to the new one they are in contract violation! Walk and sue? sew? soo? sioux? ah take them to court!
  13. "not as long as I'm kicking, biting and scratching" Harsh!
  14. I have heard of it, Diego, but never has it passed me lips. Is it worth the while? I gotta say it is so worth not opening just because the bottle top (cork) is plasticized with a fuse hanging out of it you know like a (sp) mallotov coctail it's called honey rum aged in oak barrels and is quite the gold color looking alittle thicker (like a liquoure) I cant replace it if I opens it and loves it is my dilemma.....
  15. http://www.hbforge.com/products/tomahawks.php Made in the same forge the same family started three generations ago! Reproduction no. its the spiked axe
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