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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. we will most assuredly try and plan on being within yer proximity during pyratical raids on the northern local. Thank you, all of you, you are all just way too cool!
  2. in Tombstone the movie Doc Holiday is in bed and Wyatt asked him: Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never steal enough, or kill enough, or cause enough pain to fill it up. And so he walks the earth, forever seeking retribution... Wyatt Earp: For what? Doc Holliday: Being born.
  3. (sorry i were thinking of that bumper sticker i saw once) "driver has eyes for thighs bare em and share em" scrumptous
  4. I was standing at a bar once facing the bar watching in the large mirror behind itthis rather large guy as he walked by me behind me and the guy next to me took this cue stick and cracks him over his shoulders and head as he was passing and this happens right behind me and so the rather big guy he stops walking and turns and looks at me and cocks his fist back like im the brunt of his endeavors and luckely he sees that I am already pointing to the numbnuts drunk next to me and the rather large guy looked at him and just then the drunk numbnuts dropped the cue stick and it hit the ground about the same time his jaw got broke and in the same high speed slow motion reality as it was unfolding the numbnuts learned how to fly (about eight feet and slid to a stop on the floor out like a light. The rather large guy that got hit with the cue stick pulled up numbnuts stool and sat next to me like nothin happened and I know that whack woulda knocked out the fairest of gents and so he introduces himself to me and even bought me a beer and we still talk to this day. It's been something like nine years ago. He has been "back to school" shall we say for this and that but always ends up finding me somewhere throwing darts when he gets out. He said when he looked at me and just my finger was poining at the guy next to me it nerely cracked him up, I really kinda like the lunk. (rather have him on my side than against me)
  5. I am not proud of it, I have been in more than enough fistacuffs to prove that drunk, stupid and bleeding are all words that do go together. I hate it when anger forces an issue of someones stupidity and I am forced to see red. I have controlled it for the better part of a quarter century but feel the need at times to hold the nose and kick the ass of some loud mouthed spouting shyte fool. I pity the fool makes me see red.
  6. Gary ye gots cannon balls matey. Lucky man ye be livin the life of all our dreams.
  7. Fresno's drive is puss compared to northern! but I must say i did just get a rise thinkin about carnitas and lambroast maybe we should do the carnitas Friday night? Beer and wine and a few table dances and save the absolutely wild time, all the rum and the lamb roast fer Saturday night? I be thinking we'll leave here noonish Friday! puts us there afore dark!
  8. ok I'm up to the task what's a BANGERANG? 5 days till set up and six till the gates open! Huzzah!
  9. Don matey ye gots a fine store there and yer choice a friends are top notch mate. I only wish ye had a bar ta serve inside y aknow a place where a n old sea dog can wander in and tie up his boots to the chair so as he don't falls out! Ye gots it all goin there and I wish ye all the luck i know of and more as well. Claire yer crew a scalliwags wel they be a right nice and friendly lot! I were more than a dozen times lost in me thoughts a how nice a family thanksgiving dinner would be with the likes a all you sittin around the table jes eatin and then breaking out in good song and grog as well. Thank you fer givin it up fer us southerners. Right kind ye be. Oh yeh this thread be about Northern. On a scale of one being best and ten being last I rate Northern as the most solid two o the year (but then the only thing better than a ren faire is a pirate faire and Ojai was this years number one.) Two though is a great thing I like trees and trees sacrificed the entirety of mr Suns glare and though we were expectin rain I nere say I even saw a cloud Sunday. Rummy was kissin every guy she could get in a picture with (wait till those get posted)and they were alll up to her task! Shoulda been sellin tickets on a bridge ergh somethin. I'd a got rich! I did threw some darts whilst I were there (this was wierd, some guy walks up ahind me with a camera and takes a picture of me ten in the heart) wierd like he's never seenthat afore ergh sompthin?. The Red Scarlet Mc bane and her walk about friend were quite entertaining with all the general mayhem they were throwin to the mondanes, royalty and knights as well. it got hot we got hammered and we went to sleep, nice place, can't wait to go back next year!
  10. Waiting fer the Cutters return I was talking to our Master gunner about what he was planning on doing on shore and I pretty much had the same involve well without jumping off on a eeerrhhheeemmmm lets just say company. I found that Senor Petee were once in the army but favored the Navy and having been trained on cannon and volley. His area of need then upon the ship were a goodly them choice fer battle and waring. God is with us always I told him, (yeh like my own secretive shore time to find and replace my soon to be run out of medicinal ligueur.) When He said he were indeed with interest in said sipping rum I asked if he should like to join me in our journey? I was blessed by his acceptance as well and almost grew exited as a new born calf watching the return of the cutter.
  11. nice put up! Lookin forward ta bringin in some good (southern Ca. cheer) fun ta share with y'all.
  12. nice put up! Lookin forward ta bringin in some good (southern Ca. cheer) fun ta share with y'all.
  13. yarrghhh! to fremont on saturday we be headed and were camping at san luis resevoir saturday night then onto northern sunday (closing day) see all you plunderers tomorrow! Say? Does rum go with fruit drinks like punches?
  14. Meg you are certainly a joyous addition to our crew grammercy but ifin ye be with such independant spirit would ye mind ifin I went to look fer the captain? I should like to make a short venture to shore and seek out a fine rum liqueur for sipping then. Grammercy
  15. I were jes checking out the weather and its changed to: rain 30 percent late night saturday in Fremont and 40 percent Sunday in Hollister Think we might be going pirating in Nor Cal again!.......
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