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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. So I takes it that Friday night (that's tomorrow night) (one more day) we are going to have a minor get together with those a youz that'll be holdin down the fort so-to-speak. Cause fer the most a you me nor cal mates and mambers o Tales o the Seven Seas will be coming in Saturday afternoon to set up cause ye mostly all be walkin a parade there north,( a where we'll be bored waitin fer ye all so hurries up but be safe ) and we'll keep some chilled grog fer ye.
  2. Yargh indeed Black Hearted Pearl I would be much happier ifin we were there at the gate and you fer certs came by to say hey! Grammercy in advance,
  3. So! Is there any running totals as to the whos coming to the Pyracy.com New Years Party in Anaheim? Scarlet Yours truly Rummy Devlyn Pussy Petee and Jes (and their baby cannon) Sam and Experience is this all that's in so far? quote and add yer names to this list....
  4. newbies with conviction ave been lacking around here lately so I stopped back by to see ifin ye still be partyin with Ray here on yer coin?
  5. Oh! I forgot what this thread was for? Good looking Pyrate? Hmmmmmm! Rummy3
  6. (hobbles in holding securely to his staff) Ray I was all the way down the stree and I was told drynks were on the house up here. What be the occasion? (So Ray looks over to me and points over to Sam And Scarlet toasting to their good looks) So I walks up and says Yo ho yo ho! to what it be the drynkin is free? As I hoist me tankard high. Sam says he been promoted Scarlet says and I sees the light at the end o the tunnel I does. bowing so as to almost falls over I gets back up and says why Sam my entire list of cogratulatory toasts are in my other robes might I liken to throw an adlib out there jes fer you? (holding me tankard high) to a man full up with grace and a little bit o charm and unless you really piss him off he'll really do you no harm and he has a right nice gal fer a wife... I been around fer quite a long time so I'll throw out this rhyme and I nye met a better first mate in me life... Congratulations my friend (turns to ray) Tattoo mate!
  7. (holding ears and screaming at the top o me lungs) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate the Carpenters (you know I knew them too) you're killing me! (the name will come to me) but till it does try this onfor size! Sometimes I feel a little mad Well don't you know that no-one alive Can always be an angel When things go wrong I seem to be bad
  8. drizzly windy and cloud cover with a cold front getting ready to move on shore for the weekend.... winter
  9. no lass but ifin you'd be liken to hold the monsignors staff I'd be sure ta add a little extra warmth fer you.
  10. bit of a drive lass but i'm thinkin about flyin in ifin you'll nah bad idea maybe next year...
  11. I jes decided to leave at two oclock so we'll get there about 7:30 -8:00pm you know friday leaving L A traffic is almost as bad as leaving a patriots game when they're losing at home! How bout them Hooosiers?
  12. no black that was just you lookin in the mirror! Really man I have all the respect in the world for you. You having served in the armed forces and all where there is a chain of command. But here in the pub you talk like a cheap whores father from a trailor park. Do you really think its entertaining? Because its not! The more you post the more I think that every bit of taste you have is on your tongue. Please stop being so damn degrading to women. (by the way the only reason you have that picture is becuase thats the only way you'll ever find a mate) you'll have to tie her up and steal her and that too is scary as shit! Clean it up please! For me and for my daughter.....
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