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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Aye, Re-enacting a surgeon could be fun. Many years ago at an English Civil War re-enactment, we had a Lad doin' that.... he got one of our unit members ta play along with him... We did a battle fer th' public, and this lad got "hit" by a musketball in th' shoulder, I believe he had a blood squib ta make it look real. So a few of the other lads dragged him off the battlefield, and over to th' Doc.... Who performed field side surgery on him... got out his probes, wiped away some blood, "removed" the musketball, and then cauterized the wound, he had a hot iron from a fire, and a small wet sponge in his hand, made a nice sizzling sound.... Hehehehe.... I think one o' the public onlookers almost fainted... It was grande!!!! Hawkyns, ya remember this? down at Bacon's Castle, oh, so many years ago.....
Wot's this? Where be this Museum/Factory in PA? Might hafta make a trip iff'n i'tis close to me.... I have one o' their faux scrimshaw lighters.... nicely done... would love ta see wot else they got...
Actually I think it was somethin' along the lines of "M'never wearin' anythin' like that again!" To which I replied. "Well, if you didn't try to commandeer MINE they might have fit you better!" There was no response after that for some reason. You know, there are too many voices in me 'ead, there be....but at least they be interestin' ones! AH.... tha's Ol' Jack for ye.... No mention of eunich's? Hmmm.. maybe a goode thing.... Musta been aweful for 'im.... Well, 'long as a Pyrate's got 'is Hat n' 'is Boots... he be dressed..... Th' rest is su-per-fu-lous.... I think we've come to a good place here.....
Wot's this? Cap'n Jack Sparrow commentin' 'bout thong under thingys? I'm sure it was sumthin' like, "Very interesting...." I'm sure 'e saw sumthin' of tha' nature in Singapore.....
Grrrr... Why must this always be happenin' on th' coast I be farthest from....
Aye Lad, Where in PA might ye be?
Why JoshuaRed! Tha's Pyracy! Hmmm... A Pyrate, Pyratin' a Pyrate picture.... I Highly Approve!!!! Sorry...sorry.... been a long day at work.... had ta be done....
I was browsing through Maxim or some such magazine and there was a picture of a full sized heavyweight boxer's hands. Everyone remarked how big they were until I put my hands on the page and they said I had big hands. So to answer your question, double D. Good Gods man! Sound like ye could palm a 36 pounder cannonball! My, have we deviated from th' true nature o' this topic.... oh well... I suppose naught gets past ye then...
Aye capnwilliam, Hmmm.... depends on how 'authentic' ye want ta be.. (oh, there's tha' word again...) Unless ye got really lucky wi' plunder, or ye was rich enough ta have yer own pistol made, most available were right handed... Iffn' ye could find one o' them side-by-side double barreled pistols, ye'd be all set.... Sources are the usual ye find online, pedersoli, etc... or, if ye can find a local BP gunsmith....
Aye Capnwilliam, Loadin' down th' barrel ye have a possibility of a glowing ember, or some such in th' barrel that could set off yer powder... ouch.... As fer in th' pan, much less chance o' that... And I usually clear my pan (using a pan wisk, and blowing out the debris) before pouring powder there, thus eliminating the possibility of a cook off there... I have seen someone have a pan cook off while they were pouring powder there, luckily they were pouring from a bottle (apostle) so it was only a small amount of powder that popped.... only reason this happened is they were trying to get as many shots off in under a minute, the third shot cooked off in the pan... I'm sure Master Hawkyns can offer ye even more insightfulness here as well... Safety First!
Hmmmm.... Them short stubby fingers 'r just big, big hands? Are ye talkin' D-cup sized hands? 'ope I's not bein' too crude.... but then again... *raises hand* Pyrate!
Quite interestin'..... here's another thought ta go with th' particular time thing... Ship class, didn't always mean an exact size... i.e. we'll use Frigate here... a Frigate could be as big as 80 guns (big) to as small as 28 guns (good size fer Pyratin') So, that also changes what I'd pick/use fer th' sweet trade.... But, I'll agree wi/ both Cap'n Gary n' Master Hawkyns.... Th' Royaliste is a grande size fer pyratin', and a Sloop or Schooner is perfect as well.. Not too smal, highly manuverable, shallow draft...
Aye..... But, how big be yer hand, eh?
Aye, Hawkyns, I have a cartridge box very much like the one on the third link... Tho, I think it's smaller... Wonderful things they be... 'specially on the matter of safety these days... ain't never gonna load from a horn, 'cept maybe inta th' pan of a flinter... or matchlock... I used ta have a powder flask made of brass, trapizoid in shape for doin' ECW... happen to know of a source fer 'em?
Aye! Happiest O' Days to ye, Master Hawkyns!!! Hmmm... how much powder ye gonna need ta fire yer cannons fer each year ye be? A full broadside!!!! Aye!
Hmmm.... Which one had the brew that was true? The Flagon with the Dragon maybe?
Aye Ladds n' Lassies, Ye missed a bit o' Jacks love interests in th' movie... Remember Scarlette and Gezzelle? (sp) Mind ye... these weren't 'serious' love interests... mayhap as serious as a pyrate like jack gets tho... I'd love some back story on tha'.... And I agree... His love interest is the Black Pearl... as it should be...
Aye Ladds n' Lassies, Ta slightly deviate from th' topic.... Seein' Donald Duck as th' mascot fer the Corsair Fleet reminded me.... Walt Disney was comissioned by th' U.S. Military ta create insignias fer all o' the armed forces durin' WWII... I 'member this as th' submarine I used ta work on (USS Requin SS481) has a nifty insignia fer hat n' jacket patches.... mayhap I'll dig it up... It's a shark, seein' as Requin is french fer shark....
Aye Master Hawkyns, Good Gods Man! How many cannon ye got now? Or are ye just makin' multiple trucks/carrages fer the few barrels I know ye have? Keep it up n' yer gonna hafta get a semi ta move around alla ye artillery....
Aye Master Hawkyns, That looks ta be th' same as I carry, on'y problem I had with it... The guard at the back edge o' th' blade, it comes to a wicked point, so I did some smithy work and bent it forwards, towards th' tip o' th' blade, so now it dunna jab or slice inta yer wrist durin' swordplay. Also tha's a great price, even with shipping it's great! Hell, I may just pick up another, or two....
Aye Master Hawkyns, Ye know me well enough ta know my answer ta tha'.... But, for th' rest o' the Ladds n' Lassies... I'm more the Re-enactor type, now I'm not perfect, yet... I do try to keep what I wear in the proper time period that I'm representing, for example; I would not carry a cap lock pistol while dressed as a mid-18century Pyrate, or carry a 19th century cutlass for the same... I do have some things that 'pass' for correct - barely... but I'm workin' on tha'... Now if I'm goin' ta something that's a fluffy bit o' fun, with no regard for correctness... well.... *shrug* And this is not to say I stand around and comment on other folks stuff as being correct or not... I will however comment if they are claiming what they have as correct when it is not...
Aye Longarm, I know all three o' th' Ladds ye mentioned there, know them reasonably well..... As a point o' fact, one o' them happens ta be on this list, tha' I know for sure.... He was the Ensign o' Blackwells regiment, ECW... And I have learned a great deal about the Art of Gunnery from these Gentlemen, they have me deapest respect... I also agree that any amount of 'corner cutting' is a bad thing, as a point o' fact, there's more show if you do all th' proper steps... I believe it was pointed out by Master Hawkyns; "A cannon in knowledgeable hands is a fine weapon, a cannon in ignorant hands is a dangerous pipe bomb..." 'r somethin' ta tha' effect...
Here be a few links to some... http://shop.store.yahoo.com/the-forge/usnacu1.html http://www.antiquesofthesea.com/1336sword.html http://www.militarysabers.com/navy-nco-cutlass.html http://arms2armor.com/Swords/1861ncut.htm
Aye 'Quill, Tis a lovely find indeed! Ye says its light, looks sturdy enough ta use ta me..... a light sabre it appears... As fer tightenin' it up.... Hmmmm..... have a swordsmith have a peek at it.... or, worst case a blacksmith.... Did ye get an age ta th' piece? Makes me wanna display all me weapons on th' wall again....
*Watches the HMS Pineapple sail away* So..... yer all gettin' mighty loopey these days.... makin' fruit-ships n' all... Hmmm.... lessee... th' bore o' the main guns on th' Royaliste.... wot fruit would be properly sized ta use as shot ta sink th' HMS Pineapple? *scratches his week old growth o' whiskers on his chin in wonderment....*