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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Lassey, Since I missed th' wet chemise contest... "ow would ye look? Did I says tha' out loud?
  2. Joe?! Coffee, wot done replaces rum shipboard...
  3. A'right Lass, Ferget th' double then.... :slightly evil grin:
  4. "Puttin' on the Ritz!"
  5. Marty Feldman (odd little man) "it's pronounced I-gor..."
  6. Aye Willaim, Luncheon sounds grande... I'll 'ave it.... A fine portion, not th' whole thing.... I's not greedy.... really...
  7. Hrmm.. Taday I's listenin' ta Garbage.... no, really th' band.... Partikularly their garbage album... Jest seemed right fer taday....
  8. WooHoo!!! Er... I mean.. AYE LASSEY!!!! William!!! Lest 'ave a quadruple double espresso fer th' Lass 'ere! N' donna worry 'bout alla th' water... It'll dry up soon enough.
  9. :: Wanders in from a busy weekend :: Aye Lads n' Lasseys... Did I miss much? Bloody.... I missed the wet chemise contest ?! Hrmm.... Well.... Oh... Grrr.... William... wot be yer fair fer luncheon taday... :: Plops hisself onto a stool :: Give us a Guiness an a shot o' Drambuie... Ta start...
  10. Frau Bluker (or however it be spelt... ye know, from Young Frankenstein?)
  11. BwaaaHaaHaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd fergotten tha' commercial! Oh, ::Cough:: Th' topic.... Uhh.. Perfect, 10
  12. Might be able ta do it via Terry Clark's website.... Tis a fun video....
  13. Drinksallaround! ( I made it all one word )
  14. Hawiian Island? (ye know th' one next ta "Kumoniwannalayya")
  15. Aye Francois, You an' Master Hawkyns are lucky, lucky sea dogs.... I's GREEN wi' envy!!! Fair winds an' calm seas to ye both.. Lucky scoundrels....
  16. AT present; Last of the Mohicans soundtrack Goode background...
  17. An' what praytell might come in a glass ta do tha'? 'R are we talkin' about a bucket o' water ta be thrown over ye? "Oy lads! Wet chemise contest!"
  18. Aye Cascabel, Walter did a grande job there.... I also likes Robert Shaw as Cap'n Red Ned Lynch.... C'mon now.... ye all knows th' movie... An' yes, o'course I canna say I don't loves both Sparrow n' Barbossa... Bloody 'ell! Most o' th' ones mentioned hold a place in me heart...
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