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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. :: holds out arm :: Ye wish ta be off then?
  2. I'll see you in hell! (line from Highlander)
  3. Risk o' a Tyburn Necktie... not likely... Aye, ye could tickle me ear wi' yer lips... Mayhaps a stroll be th' proper course... William! A bottle ta go, iffn' ye please... Ah, wot e'er th' lass it ta be filled wi' Pick yer poison, m'dear... Tha' grin looks awfully familiar.... ::narrows eyes:: Wot say you?
  4. Nay Lass, Ye be th' one ta make th' challenge........ :)
  5. AYe Lassey.... ::tilts head to the side with a wirey grin:: I've life enough ta dance a fine jig, ta climb th' tallest mast, ta load n' fire th' largest of m' cannons!!! N' plenty ta spare fer wot e'er ye wish ta do... Wot's yer wager? Lass..........
  6. Now 'old up there missy... I's in mild discomfort... not out 'o comission.... I's still able ta do a fine jig.... just a bit stiffly.... Need ta work out th' kinks as it were.... tha's all... :: shakes head :: The lass sees a man settin' down an' she figures 'im all fagged out... I's life aplenty left in me, deary....
  7. Transmografier.... (Calvin & Hobbes thing)
  8. :: Ambles in, drops seabag on th' floor and drops into a chair :: Well, mornin' ta ye William... Mayhaps ye 'ave some Irish Breakfast Tea? Scones n' jam wi' tha' iffn' ye please... Ohhhhh... I do hate monday mornin's... 'specailly a'ter a busy workin' weekend... Mebee a gil o' singlemalt in me tea is in order.... ah m' back....
  9. ** A wherry boat approaches the chains of the "Watch Dog", as she bumps the side a gent stands up in the stern sheets and confidently spans the gap, easily climbs the side onto deck** Permission ta come aboard? I've been granted the title o' Ships Quartermaster, and as duty comands, I's reportin' fer me duty... ::knuckles forehead:: Who 'as this watch? Where be th' leftennant? You there, sway up me sea chest! 'ave it stowed in me quarters! ------------------------------------- Thankee Kindly Diego... I accept the position of Ships Quartermaster... During the GAOP, most brit and Anglo-American pirates delegated unusual amounts of authority to the Quartermaster who became almost the captain's equal. The capt. retained unlimited authority during battle, but otherwisehe was subject to the QM in many routine matters. The QM was elected by the crew to represent their interests and he recieved an extra share of the booty when it was divided. Above all, he protected the Seaman against each other by maintaining order, settling quarrels,and distributing food and other essentials. Serious crimes were tried by a jury of the crew, but the QM could punish minor offences. Only he could flog a seaman after a vote from the crew. The QM usually kept the records ans acct. books for theship. he also took part in all battles and often led the attacks by the boarding parties. If the pirates were successful, he decided what plunder to take. If the pirates decided to keep a captured ship, the QM often took over as the capt. of that ship.
  10. "Love shack, baby love shack"
  11. Aye, Lotsa folks ship their gear via one o' th' big comp'nies like UPS or FEDEX... Says it works well... Check in the PIP forum...
  12. William, Yer killin' me.... Tha' sounds a fine meal... Three hours til I c'n even think about th' evenin' meal...
  13. Nobody? Anybody?? Come now... Tis e'en a Pyrate movie!
  14. *gulp, gulp, gulp* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................. Thankee, thankee verily much William.... Might I 'ave another? Wi'a drambuie ta foller it?
  15. Jest past midday 'ere... Had a smoked ham on wheat sammich... an' a wee cherry pie...
  16. Fees? Bloody Taxes!!!!!!
  17. :: slowly strolls in, already weary from th' days exertions...:: WHy is it thays always talkin' frenchy when I's comin' in 'ere? Somethin' 'bout givin' mercy ta Boucoup an' some poor bison... Mebee thays gonna 'ave a roasted bison? Mmmm... William, Izzat wot ye gots fer midday vittles? Well, give us a nice cold refreshin'.... somethin' ta drink.. 'r jest throw a friggin 'uge bucket o' cool water o'er me 'ead.... Bloody hot wi' no breeze... *whew*
  18. Indeed.... Wot be me preference... I s'pose it depends on wot's at stake... I think we shall :: cocks head at the sounding o' th' bells :: Oh Bloody.... My apologies Mum, I must be off... a continueance later per'aps? :: with a bow he dofs his hat and jauntily makes for the doors ::
  19. Well then, sir...I have always had a taste for the spirited ones. **Predatory smile** Just how spirited are you? **Refills empty glass** Hrmmm....
  20. Tis goode ta know I be thot of as goode comp'ny... Likewise, likewise.... Forwarn me about bein' warned??? Tha' may ring true.... may ring true fer me as well... but I digress...
  21. Dodgin' th' high temps, ye say? Bein' a layabout? Why, th' breeze makes th' temp seem fine... An' workin' up a sweat makes ye feel alive... Fer me leastways...
  22. Aye, M'Lassey... I would be honoured ta keep a lass such as yerself comp'ny... ::raises eyebrows at the food ordered:: Hrmmmm... Wot'll I 'ave ta compliment such a dish? Th' usual... a pint o' Dram... Now, wot's about with ye this day?
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