A couple o' sea farin' lads are sittin' in a pub, havin' a few pints, tellin' yarns to each other about their time at sea...
In walks a man with an eyepatch, a hook and a peg leg.
He bellys up to the bar and sit next to these two lads.
Curiosity gets the best o' them, so one o' them leans o'er n' asks,
"Oy Mate, 'ow'd ye get the pine drumstick?"
The old salt looks them up an' down with his one eye,
"Oh, this 'ere wooden leg? Well we was out in a gale an' the mizzen boom parted wi' the mast an' crushed me leg..."
Th' two lads nod, "'Ere's ta yer leg!" and they all down a pint.
a short while later the other lad leans o'er an asks,
"So, wot 'appened ta yer 'and?"
An' the old salt loks 'em up 'n down again an' proudly says,
"We was bein' boarded, an' before I's able ta run thru me opponent, 'e chopped me 'and off, but 'e's dead, n' I's still 'ere..."
Again the lads nod in approval, "To yer 'and!" and they all down a pint.
Again a short time passes and the lads curiosity get the best o' them, one o' them leans o'er an' asks,
"Right, then, Wot 'appened ta yer peeper?"
And again the old salt looks 'em up n' down, then sheepihly says,
"Oh tha', me eye..... well..... a seagull pooped in it...."
The two lads look at him, then at each other, then exclaim,
" A seagull pooped in yer eye?"
The old salt, turnin' red suddenly blurts out,
"Well, it were me first day wi' th' hook....."