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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. So Phil, ye sayin' pirates didn't exist before 1600? Many of us here play GAOP... some of us also do pre GAOP... Like Hawkyns, among others... And as fer rules.... I sees 'em as more like... guidelines...
  2. Right.... 'ere's me avitar... http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=15 'ere's me lookin' like a common sailor on land... http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=676 I've a few more.... somewhere... when I's wearin' a hat too... An' firin' cannons, etc...
  3. Tha' ye did Lassey... Tha' ye did... William seems a weee bit slow this morn... Th' rest o' ye scaliwags keep 'im overly busy last eve?
  4. Aye, Many of the upper class (politically inclined) SCAdians frown on us folk.... I quit playin' their game a few years back... Used to be quite good wi' the Epee... Last tyme I was "authorized" to fight in tournament, I used a double wide blade... the heaviest blade allowable... Now, they have Schlagger blades, which I was using long before, outside of the SCA... Too much 'red tape' any more.... I am an elizabethan style fencer... fighting in the round... Was local champion for three years running, would have been longer if I hadn't gotten fed up with the bull..... As for on topic... Findas many copies of the original masters (like Saviolo and De Grassi, etc...). study them and work out the swordplay.... Works for me, and that's how I've taught others....
  5. Hrmmm.... I gets mesekf all braced up fer Mercenary Wench ta show me a replay o' her wet chemise contest... N' th poor lass 'as worked 'erself inta a slumberous state... Mahaps she'll awake refreshed n' energized.... Hehehe... 'ere's ta hopin'! Aye, William, Wot be th' fare this day? A might chill early this mornin'.... 'ow's 'bout some hot chocolate? In a nice chocolate pot? Mebee some scones? Thankee... Ye be a master at yer creations, sez I!
  6. A couple o' sea farin' lads are sittin' in a pub, havin' a few pints, tellin' yarns to each other about their time at sea... In walks a man with an eyepatch, a hook and a peg leg. He bellys up to the bar and sit next to these two lads. Curiosity gets the best o' them, so one o' them leans o'er n' asks, "Oy Mate, 'ow'd ye get the pine drumstick?" The old salt looks them up an' down with his one eye, "Oh, this 'ere wooden leg? Well we was out in a gale an' the mizzen boom parted wi' the mast an' crushed me leg..." Th' two lads nod, "'Ere's ta yer leg!" and they all down a pint. a short while later the other lad leans o'er an asks, "So, wot 'appened ta yer 'and?" An' the old salt loks 'em up 'n down again an' proudly says, "We was bein' boarded, an' before I's able ta run thru me opponent, 'e chopped me 'and off, but 'e's dead, n' I's still 'ere..." Again the lads nod in approval, "To yer 'and!" and they all down a pint. Again a short time passes and the lads curiosity get the best o' them, one o' them leans o'er an' asks, "Right, then, Wot 'appened ta yer peeper?" And again the old salt looks 'em up n' down, then sheepihly says, "Oh tha', me eye..... well..... a seagull pooped in it...." The two lads look at him, then at each other, then exclaim, " A seagull pooped in yer eye?" The old salt, turnin' red suddenly blurts out, "Well, it were me first day wi' th' hook....." Slainte!
  7. Tha's a goode one, mate!!!! sos ye fergets th' rest o' th' joke in th' middle o' tellin' it...
  8. Aye Lass, Since noone has directed ye there... on th' main menu there be a section "Pyrates Crews".... In there yer sure ta find bretheren in yer locale.... Yer kindly welcome....
  9. I prefers Redheads.......
  10. Awww Lad, Guiness' like chocolate, it goes wi' most anythin' (nudge,nudge... wink, wink)
  11. 'old tha' thought?!?!
  12. I's braced Lassey!!!
  13. All to hell we must sail For the Shores of sweet Barbados Where the sugar cane grows taller Than the god we once believed in Till the butcher and his crown Raped the land we used to sleep in Now tommorow chimes of ghostly crimes That haunt Tobacco Island Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!
  14. Hrmmm.... Salad 'eh? 'ow's 'bout some soup too? Mebee a few 'ard boiled eggs, no them deviled eggs'd be better! An' o'course a Guiness tripple ta wash i'tall down...
  15. Aye Lass.... I c'n 'andle it... truly I can... Tho, should I brace meself? Come now, no need ta be bashful.... Tho mebee some o' the folks 'ere in th' common room might not be up ta such a display... Wot says ye???
  16. Someone mentioned Hook... Now Dustin Hofman did a a funny, but great job as Cap'n Hook.... But, Jason Isaacs did a grande job in th' latest Peter Pan... I'll add 'im ta me list.... And tha' Parrot was hysterical!!! (he has an eyepatch and a peg leg)
  17. Flogging Molly... http://www.floggingmolly.com/
  18. Me spanish is very rusty... Hombre' "We don' need no steenking Badges!!!"
  19. Ate my baby! Stupid comercial... but funny!
  20. Dei Oh!!! Dei........... Oh! Daylight come an' me wanna go home...
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