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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. An' here be th' pieces o' eight fer payment.... Iffn' ye sees anythin' else o' possible interest in th' ware'ouse... ask 'bout 'em...
  2. Ah, there ye be.... Nay, bring th' swivels o'er ta th' pier... inspect 'em well an' a'ter we careen we'll fix 'em were needed....
  3. Oh Lardy... Not tha' again! Wot ninneys.....
  4. Aye,Aye, Master Diego... I know we be abit under handed (?) a' th' present.... I jest need ta make sure we's all understandin' wot preperations we need ta be adressin', an' in wot order... Be no sense ta load th' hold ta th' gils just ta 'ave ta unload e'erythin' a day later... I sees we 'ave new folks aboard..... :: goes to each new face :: Welcome aboard th' Watch Dog, I's th' Quartermaster, Dorian Lasseter... find yer berth n' set ta learn th' ship.... plenty o' work a'fore we weigh.....
  5. :: smiles and nods, stealing a glance into her eyes, continues on his way aft to the quarterdeck :: Cap'n, fellow officers, Wot say ye ta the idea of a right proper careenin' afore we make 'r first sail as a crew? There be plenty o' work ta be done, offloadin' the supplies a'ready aboard, dismastin' settin' th' cannons up ashore, ta name a few....
  6. :: returning topside wirth a small canvas bag full of specie:: Now where'd th' Master gunner get off to??? Pass th' word fer th' master gunner!!! Bo'sun! Rig out th' cutter an' a crew ta accompany the master gunner ta th' ware'ouse, load out 'r supplies. Cap'n William, Prey 'ave th' officers lay aft, we need ta discuss th' operation o' careenin' 'r fine ship... I know of a fine cove o'er th---, nay, wrong cove... O'er ta the north end, wi' a spit o' land and soft sandy bottom... Thankee Sir ::knuckles forehead:: :: notes Ms. Fitzgerald on deck, ambles past :: Aye Lass... :: under breath :: Care ta share a meal this a'ternoon?
  7. The Crow... "Out o' your soup, Dutch, ye got a party ta throw"
  8. Hmmmm... Offer ten pieces o' eight per... 'e might go fer a tidy profit.... On'y six... Nay, I we c'n do well with tha' no need ta strip th' Kate o' hers...
  9. :: standing back, admiring the thriftness of the Master at Arms... and woman who is newly arrived as the surgeon:: Ah, a fine thing t' admire... wot form n' dignity.... th' fire... :: realizes he's talking to himself, maybe a bit too loudly :: Ah, ships biscuits, good.....
  10. Aye, Master William, Yer offer be most gratious.... howe'er I wish not ta strip th' Kate bare o' her arms... ye ne'er know iffn' ye may need th' ta repel some rable, r' kings men 'r some such.... Let's see wot th' ware'ouse has ta offer...
  11. Aye Master Gunner, Excellent... I'll put it in th' books... As fer th' procuremnet o' more swivels... See o'er on shore, th' ware'ouse on th' edge o' the pier? Talk ta th' keeper n' see wot they's got... Ask wot they's in need of... Mayhaps we c'n trade up... We looks ta be down by nine... seven on deck n' two fer th' cutter n' barge... :: under breath :: lords a'mighty... tis tha' fine lass fer sure.... *Cough* Right, off ye go then!
  12. Aye Master 't Arms... I'll 'ave the cooper bang tagether some barrels..... Does we 'ave a cooper aboard? Well, we'll get 'em inta storage 'ere n' about... Thankee....
  13. :: comes up from belowdecks, parchment n' quill in hand...:: Cap'n, Sir, ::knuckles forehead: I have a list o' victules tha' have been garnered fer whence we weigh out... Here ye be... Salt Provisions: Salt beef and Pork - 130 bbl (barrels) Flour - 36 do. (ditto) Raisens - 200 pounds Butter - 600 pounds cheese - 1200 pounds beans - 800 gallons Rice - 400 gallons Vinegar - 300 gallons Molasses - 300 gallons Spirits - 2400 gallons Tho... we may need more spirits... ::swivels head around at a familiar sounding voice::
  14. Hmmm.. there be plenty... But, a grande song I likes; Brandy, by Looking Glass Says lots about sailors, if ye listen...
  15. AYE.... Here be m' sea pistol then... An' I some'ow fergot M' halfpike... Don' be given me tha' look... So I's got me own Ha'pike... Took me many a month ta get this jest as I likes it... 'ere ye be Master 't arms... make sure ta keep th' rust off'n it, an' sharp too...
  16. Aye Master Diego, Lessee... Does I hafta turn 'em o'er ta th' master 't arms? I c'n keep 'em in me sea chest... No? A'right... two Cutlass, one heavy, one light... one papinhiemer hilted rapier... one side ring dagger... a brace o' dragoon pistols... one Brown Bess... An' I'll be keepin' me sea service pistol on me belt... An me knife as well....
  17. Aye Lad, Inform me o' what funds ye needs ta bring us up ta proper strength... We 'ave a goodly amount o' swag ta barter wi'....
  18. Very well Master Gunner... But... 'ow's 'r supply o' grape shot? Chain shot? Canister? An' by a quick look about I sees we be lackin' a fer cannon n' swivels... An' by th' by, Master Gunner... not ta get off on th' wrong foote, but please address me properly... Thankee ...
  19. Aye, Diego... Th' crew's gettin' a wee bit ansy... as fer th' lack o' goode victules... Now, we do 'ave some specie in th' hold, along wi' several bales o' silk cloth, 4 hogsheads o' terbacco, Hunnert pounds o' coffee, an' a few un identified kegs n' barrels.... Might I ask th' condition o' th' riggin' th' spare cables n' sails? I hear we's needin' ta restock guns, powder, n' shot? An' do we 'ave a tyme tha' we shall vote on 'r next port o' call? I 'ave most all th' charts fer the Carib, some for the Indies, an' one tattered bit fer China.... :: Looks at the gent being fished out of the water :: Izzat one o' our crew?
  20. Aye Diego!!!! An' 'ere I thot ye was an Antisesquabedalinistic type o' person.... (I may 'ave misspelt tha'... been awhile since I had ta spels tha'...)
  21. Off we go then ta th' Den........
  22. Aye, A voracious kitten...? Hmmmmmmmm........
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