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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Master Diego, Friendly port r' not.... there be pyrates about.... Ne'er knows wot might 'appen... best at be safe th'n sorry... word ta live by... 'r was tha' always be prepaired?
  2. Come now... tis e'en from a Pyrate movie!
  3. Aye, Well.... mayhaps tis from th' escaped lad, mayhaps not... I know o' noone else who be injured such like... Prey carry on wi' yer shore leave, I's stayin' aboard ta make sure all is well... :: Smiles, nods ::
  4. Ah.... yer sure o' this? Very well then, I'll 'ave th' Master 't arms stand down then... I s'pose I'll go return m' pistols n' such t' th' arm'ry stores near 'r cabin space... I still think we may need the watch armed wi' somat... cutlass 'r quarterpikes... Ye sure I can nay keep me wee pistol hung on m' belt... jet th' wee one, not these 'ere dragoons.... Make me feel better , it would.... :: looks about, notices the surgeon on deck, reading a book :: Ah, well.. if tha' be all... I'll.... be 'round 'ere.... somewhere....
  5. Mornin' to ye Master Diego... Seems th' lad wot come runnin' down th' pier on fire has taken his leave o' th' surgeons' care... n' armed hisself... dunno iffn' he still be aboard, but noone seen 'im take his leave ashore... Dunno iffn' he be right in' th' 'ead at th' moment n' might be a threat ta th' ship 'n crew... So, keep a sharp eye fer the crispy lad....
  6. ::creeeping through the hold, dragoon in left hand cutlass in right, he spies about, seeking out the knave who turned himself out of the surgeons care when he hears the word passed that he is needed on deck :: Ah... mayhaps he been ratted out..... :: backing slowly out of the hold, he turns, takes one last glance around while sheathing his sword and finally makes his way topside:: Right Who passed th' word fer me presence? ::a lad points toward two of the ladies and one gent of the crew :: Thankee... ::strides over to them:: A'right, wot ye be needin'? Has ye found th' lad wot's gone missin'?
  7. The Young Ones... (they crack me up!)
  8. :: their eyes make contact, then pull away :: Aye Lass... Have a Care... Find yerself back topsides quickly... I donna wish ta give anythin' ta chance..... Get movin' lads!!!! Right, topsides' secure... Iffn' 'e makes hisself known, give a yell! I'll be huntin' 'im out below... ::takes ladderstairs to the bowels of the ship:: :: slowly allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, he peers about in the bilge... looking for any sign of his prey::
  9. Very well.... Keep a sharp eye an' a loaded pistol on yer person... I'd not wish ta lose more crew by th' 'and o' this feller... :: checks his dragoons :: Ye 'ave yer own 'r d' ye needs one o' mine???
  10. Aye Lass, A'right Alla ye!!! Ye be armed wi' his personables... 'as pistols but they may be unshotted... Have a care tho.... mayhaps he's found powder n' shot, take no chances, but try not ta kill 'im!!! I'll 'ave yer hide iffn' ye do!!!
  11. AH Bloody!!!!!!!!!!! Master 't Arms!!!! Call out yer guard!!! Seems tha' the lad wot was in th' sick bay 'as taken hisself out o' the goodly surgeons care!!! An 'as armed hisself ta boot!!! I'll be taken me light cutlass an' dragoon pistols fer th' tyme til he be found out!!!! ::with a keen eye sweeps the length of the deck and up the rigging:: I'll stay topside til th' guard r' set, then scour the lower decks n' tween spaces!!!
  12. Aye Lass, Mornin' ta ye... Wot might this matter be? ::furrows brow as he looks toward dock, seeing a horse drawn carrage there, and the longboat along side the pier:: Prey 'old tha' thot.... :: pulls small spyglass out of pocket, opens and peers through it at the longboat and pier :: Oh fer th' love 'o...... :: grabs up speaking horn ::: Aye Master Gunner!!! Leave 'em on th' pier!!! No use bringin' 'em aboard til th' proper tyme!!! :: puts speaking horn down :: Musta 'ad more'n 'is share o drink last eve...
  13. Aye.... Leave Granted ta all who's goin ashore.... lang as yer back afore the rise o' th' tide two days hence!!!!
  14. I's sorry luv, me thinks I's needed fore'ard... :: drops jack on deck, flips over sternpost.... strides forward to the sound o' folks departing :: Now 'old up there you!!! I say, HOLD UP THERE YOU!!! Ye cennet jest up n' leave!!!! Ye signed Articles!!! Yer part o' this rangey lot!!!! Cripes A'mighty, we hasn't e'en left port?!?!?! Nay! Nay, Nay Nay!!! Ye gets yerse'f back aboard n' we c'n straightren out wot ye think ailes ye!!! :: wipes face with both hands :: Wot you buncha sots do 'r says ta th' Lass ta make 'er shove off?!?!?!
  15. :: nimbly finds his self perched beside the surgeon:: Ah, very nice.... Aye, tis a fine view... look a' th' clouds there... th' sun leaves a grande red hue upon 'em as it sets.... tis a goode sign fer th' morn.... :: knocks his jack against hers:: *thuk* Drink up Lass, plenty more ta follow... Sliante!!!
  16. Johnny Depp... Or Oompa Loompas!!!!
  17. Very well, ta th' sternpost.... lead on, I'll 'ang onta these 'ere jacks til we're settled... ::waits for Ms. Fitzgerald to climb the stairs to the quarterdeck and follows her back to the stern.:: Here ye be Lass, Wot think ye?
  18. Well Lass, we c'n head for'ard ta the beaks'ead... not a bad view... or we c'n lay aft ta the taffrail... May haps a lean o'er th sternpost? I would enjoy th' view where'e'er we goes... ::smiles admiringly, slyly eyeing her from top to toe::
  19. :: carrying two jacks of grog :: Where she be? Ah.... :: saunters over to the surgeon :: Lass, 'ave a jackfull an a quite set down?
  20. Aye,aye, Diego!!! ::spies the surgeon coming up from below:: Mayhaps we c'n hoist a pint 'r two... Right Lads n'Lassies... square away yer gear! Then ye c'n go by th' board......
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