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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye William, That'd be a long haul iffn' ye take 'em cross land... Put 'em one at a time in th' longboat, use an A-frame in th' shallows ta get 'em out a the boat an' a pallet ta carry 'em ta shore... reassemble th' barrel n' truck there, an' then lay yer plankin' ta each position... Take ye half th' time 'r less... We has stout lines an' slings, block n' tackle aplenty ta make i'tall easy on th' back... :: looks about :: Master gunner still not about.... I trust yer not gonna 'ave trouble findin' th' lad?
  2. K K, bring us another round o' Beer!
  3. :: early the next morning, we see the QM already on deck, a steaming mug in hand :: Ah... tis a fine sight... be better iffn we were out on th' deep blue... Soon... soon enough... :: Leaning against the taffrail, he observes the crew slowly coming to life, going about their business ::
  4. Aye Lass, 'ave a goode tyme ashore... I'll try ta keep 'em from causin' themse'fs mortal 'arm..... Oh, nay... on'y thing I c'n think I's sure ye already attended to... makin' sure ye 'ave yer sickbay provisioned.... :: takes a deep breath and regains his light composure :: Thankee fer askin'... :: flashes a grin :: AYe William, On th' morrow then....
  5. G, G, I needs another beer...
  6. A, a beer B, Beer C, where we be when we drink Beer D, Der Beer... german beer E, 'E needs a beer........
  7. Hmmmmm... looks nuthin' like th' lad.... Eh, give us a clean tankard an' fill 'er wi' tha'... Lil change ne'er hurt... Wha' else ye got fer victuals?
  8. Next! Anybody? Beuller?
  9. Lil Devil, ye be, eh? "Devil Inside" (inxs song)
  10. 666 The Address of the beast! So, his neighbors would be # 664 and #668, cross th' street, #665, #667, an' #669...
  11. South Park... I shoulda known... ::shakes head::
  12. Aye Master William.... Ah, tha's where she be... very well... Ye gots plenty on yer plate as it were wi' th' placement o' th' guns wi' Master Petee... Ye c'n find 'im I's sure... I'll deal wi' th ' carpenters mates, get 'em set fer careenin' Tha'll do.... Thankee....
  13. Cut.... where did tha' come from? Nay... ferget I asked!
  14. Ah, William.... Th' Carpenter be Rummy... I ha'nt seen 'er fer an 'andful o' days... she be 'round somewhere... Iffn' ye hafta... rouse th' cap'n o' Marines an' do a search fer who be in need this day... Carry on.... (looks ta be a Drambuie day.... lordy.....)
  15. AYe William, Excellent.... Grande job ye done.... Pass th' word fer th' Master Gunner!!! Aye, ye an' th' M. Gunner make arraingements fer th' tarnsport o' th' particular guns... no firin' tho.... sight in th' barrels, but nay waste yer powder n' shot... no need ta attrack any attention... :: watches as Ms. Fitzgerald approaches, listens to what she has to say, furrows brow at the mention of 'no labor for Mad_Jack'...:: Aye Ms. Fitzgerald... no labor ye says.... Well... 'e c'n stand watch then... if 'e's not seein' double... Prey 'ave yerse'f a grande tyme ashore, Lass... Right... Now where be th' Master Gunner!?! Much work 'as ta be done! An' where be the damned Carpenter an' 'r mates!!! ::Temper is rising:: Master 't Arms.... If ye would be so kind as ta find th' M. Gunner and th' Carpenter so's we c'n right th' wrongs 'r grande ship might have... Afore th' season's end, mayhaps!?!?!
  16. "My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades..."
  17. Re-Animator... (eh, it was an ok movie.... H.P.L. prolly would have hated it....)
  18. Where terrorists need to be.... (in body bags)
  19. " give him a sed-a-give " (young frankenstein)
  20. :: saunters to the mainmast shrouds, climbs up to the fighting top, pulls glass out of pocket, pulls it open and looks thought it towards the cove...:: Ah... there be a fine thing.... Th' Master 't Arms done a fine job... looks ta be near finished..... ::shuts glass, grasps a line and slides down to the deck:: Master Gunner!!! Prepare a longboat an' crew! Pick four o' th' best cannon ta be set up on shore where th' Master 't Arms 'as made up th' fortifications! Soon as ye be set, we c'n make way ta gettin' this ol' gal careened... :: looks down into hold at the supplies there....:: A'right lads, make reperations ta sway up any unnecessary truck an' stow it on th' pier... ::clasps hands behind back, looks about and sees Mad_Jack comung topside with a bandage on his head:: Hmmm... all fixed up I sees.... :: not far behind comes the Surgeon, a smile flashes across his face ::
  21. Wrenfield! (Dracula's 'helper')
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