:: saunters to the mainmast shrouds, climbs up to the fighting top, pulls glass out of pocket, pulls it open and looks thought it towards the cove...::
Ah... there be a fine thing.... Th' Master 't Arms done a fine job... looks ta be near finished.....
::shuts glass, grasps a line and slides down to the deck::
Master Gunner!!! Prepare a longboat an' crew! Pick four o' th' best cannon ta be set up on shore where th' Master 't Arms 'as made up th' fortifications!
Soon as ye be set, we c'n make way ta gettin' this ol' gal careened...
:: looks down into hold at the supplies there....::
A'right lads, make reperations ta sway up any unnecessary truck an' stow it on th' pier...
::clasps hands behind back, looks about and sees Mad_Jack comung topside with a bandage on his head::
Hmmm... all fixed up I sees....
:: not far behind comes the Surgeon, a smile flashes across his face ::