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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
:: rises early, freshens up, dresses, heads topside :: *breathes in thru nose, exhales thru mouth* Ahhhhhhhh.... nuthin' like a goode sleep.... Lessee wot c'n be accomplished tadee... ::walks down to the waist, peers into the now empty hold:: Goode, Mad_Jack finished up... ::looks over to the pier where all the supplies, et all are stacked, tarped and a guard is standing watch:: 'e follows orders well.... I'll make a note o' tha'... :: slowly the rest of the crew make their presence known, the cook fires are lit, the smell of fresh coffee and food wafts through the air :: Mmmm.... mornin' meal... :: heads to the galley, profers a plate of food and hot drink, heads to the quarterdeck, stands at the taffrail and eats ::
Aye, Very well, Jack.... when i'tall be stowed on th' pier, post a guard... :: heads back to quarterdeck, pulls logbook from binnacle :: We's movin' along smartly... Aye, we c'n warp'er o'er ta th' cove on the morn.. soon as we's sure th' cannons 'r laid proper there.... :: runs his eyes across the deck, up the masts and rigging :: Soon......
Mornin' Hawks, glad ye be joinin' us... Ye be headin' ta th' cove wi' Master William, goode... ::clasps hands behind back:: All's workin' well... let's keep it tha' way.... ::walks over to the hatch to the hold, peers down into the darkness noting that the hold is almost empty:: Hmmm.... Mad_Jack been workin' th' lads quickly... :: looks over to the pier, noting all that was in the hold, stacked nicely :: Goode, tho 'e needs ta cover i'tall wi' tarps...
That she has... very fine lines.... ::looks at the wheelhouse:: Shinkicker? On'y if ye let her be...
Aye, wot William said... 'ave yer pick....
Ah, so th' blacksmith 'as appear'd! Goode, goode... I do believe ye out did yerse'f.... All appears ta be movin along smartly... Mayhaps on the morrow we' c'n warp 'er o'er, set up th' rig ta bring down' th' yard arms n' top masts... An' iffn' tha' goes quickly, we be careenin' afore long...
::raises eyebrows:: Well, iffn' ye do... I's sure we c'n oblige ye...
:: walking up the pier to the gangway holding a long canvas bundle over his shoulder, sees M. William standing on deck :: Mornin' Master William.... 'ow goes th' day thusly? 'ere be yer spades repair'd proper like... :: looks up at the sky :: I fear it may be a scortcher ag'in, be sure ta 'ave plenty o' fresh water at hand...
Aye, Merc. Wench, William speaks truly.... We has a fine ship tha' would be all th' more bright wi' ye as a member o' th' crew..... Seein' as ye be in a state o' recovery... We has a 'Look out' position open... an' when yer up ta snuf, ye can join th' gun crew! I'll not be droppin' th' king's coin inta yer drink an' shanghai'in' ye inta it..... ye must come o' yer own accord...
:: wanders from one o' the back cabin spaces, yawning :: Mornin' all... William... does I smell hot cocoa? Grits? Mmmm.... A bowl wi' cinamon n' brown sugar... buttered ta th' gils! Merc. Wench! Yer lookin' well! Glad ta 'ave ye back....
An alter boy was walking through the church when the confessoinal opened, the priest stuck his head out, looked around and saw the boy (we'll call him Tommy ) and in a loud whisper called him over. "Tommy, come here... I need you to take over for me for a short bit, I need to use the restroom.." Tom said " I can't do that! I can't give confession!" Priest, "Sure you can! Look, I have all the absolutions written down... someone comes in, tells you what they did, you read off the chart and send them off!" Tommy agrees and takes his place. Several people come in and confess their sins, he easily reads off the pentance and all is well until a woman comes in and confesses she had sex with her husbands best friend. Tommy whispering to himself, "Sex, sex... I can't find sex on the chart..." Now it's been about an hour since the Priest left and Tommy's really getting nervous, so he opens the door to see if the Priest is coming back and sees Joey, another alterboy, so he calls him over and asks him, "Joey what does Father give for sex?" Joey," Usually a pat on the head and a couple of candybars....."
:: swaggers in, sits at the bar, pulls a long stemmed pipe from his hat, a small leather pouch from his pocket, fills pipe with tobacco from pouch, lights pipe from a candle on the bar...:: Evenin' ..... Wot be th' fare this eve? I've a not so wee wait on some tools ta be repaired... Give us a Guiness ta start... Thankee.......
:: heads below to his cabin, cleans up and rearrainges weapons, etc., exchanges his rope sandals for knee length boots, returns topside :: Where be them spades needin' mended? AH, there... :: gathers broken spades, heads across the waist to the gangway and onto the pier :: A'right lads..... kep a sharp eye... I be back soon.... :: turns and heads off ::
Aye William, But who do ya like singin' it best?
Hmmmm...... now tha' ye mention it... Nay, I 'ave not seen th' likes o' th' blacksmith.... :: takes a few steps over to binnacle cabinet, removes logbook, flips through pages.... :: He's not been accounted for fer several days.... I 'spect 'e's ashore in a shanty 'r some such.... I fear ye been burdened wi' so much, Iffn' Mister Hand were about I'd 'ave 'im go in search of 'im.... :: ponders a moment :: Give us th' spades... I'll take 'em inta 'town' an' 'ave 'em attended to....
:: nods approval to M. William :: Aye, fer a job well done....
Yer startin' wi' R?????
Right, off ye go then... :: clasps hands behind back :: Hmmm... progress bein' made... I likes it... Mayhaps by friday we c'n warp 'er o'er ta th' cove....
Aye... the Beerphabet is done! Now on ta th' Pyrate Alphabet!!!!
Nay, V is easy.. V vant some more beer...
O O, this be goode Beer!
:: closed mouth smile :: Ah, very well.... I'll trust ye ta supervise th' lads swayin' up th' cargo n' other truck ta be put on th' pier as we prepare ta careen... Can ye 'andle tha'?
Aye William... I pray 'e makes 'is presence known soon... Aye, there be much ta do... much ta do... :: smiles and nods :: Off ye go then, an extra tot o' rum fer ye an 'yer gang iffn' ye do a grande job, which I's sure ye will...
M Mmmm... Beer....
:: watches as Mad_Jack approaches, listens to what he says :: Hmm.... well, ye been put ta light duty by Temp.... Th' Surgeon.... Lessee wot ye be fit fer this morn..... :: Holds up two fingers :: 'ow many fingers ye see?