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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Well, Th' fog o' grog addled m'brain... 'ere's an additional verse, mabye #1A Oh, I put my hand upon her toes, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my hand upon her toes, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my hand upon her toes, she said hey sailor yer way too low, Chorus Ok, 'nuff out o' me...
  2. Give ME th' Black Spot?!?!? I think not.... Weeeeellllllll..... here be the unexpergated version... I know it as "The Necrophelia Song" I dunno th' tune, but I think ye can figure it out yerself..... Tis best sung wi' a roudy bunch wi' a lead singer.... Bein' 3 sheets ta th' wind, tho not a prerequisite, helps... First part is th' lead in; " I'll tell you a tale of a bonney young lass, who would never suffer a sailor to pass. Tis a tale that ends sadly tho true, She'd set ya right down and here's what you'd do..." 1. Oh, I put my hand upon her arm, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my hand upon her arm, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my hand upon her arm, she said hey sailor yer doin no harm, chorus; Get in, get out quit fuckin' about, Ya Ho, Ya Ho, Ya Ho... 2. Oh, I put my hand upon her tit, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my hand upon her tit , Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my hand upon her tit, she said hey sailor quit squeezin' it, Chorus 3. Oh, I put my hand upon her knee, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my hand upon her knee, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my hand upon her knee, she said hey sailor yer ticklin' me, Chorus 4. Oh, I put my hand upon her thigh, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my hand upon her thigh, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my hand upon her thigh, she said hey sailor yer gettin' me high, Chorus 5. Oh, I put my hand upon her twat, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my hand upon her twat, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my hand upon her twat, she said hey sailor ya hit the spot, Chorus 6. (not necessary, but hey ya went this far) Oh, I put my cock into her mouth, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, I put my cock into her mouth, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! I put my cock into her mouth, she said Mmmm,MMMMmmm,MmmMmm, Chorus 7. (sung at half pace, lick a durge) Oh, Now she lies in a wooden box, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, Now she lies in a wooden box, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Now she lies in a wooden box, laid low from too many sailors cocks, get in, get out, quit fuckin' about - Ya Ho, Ya Ho, Ya Ho... 8. (sung at a much jauntier pace) Oh, We dig her up every once an' awhile, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Oh, We dig her up every once an' awhile!, Ya Ho, Ya Ho! We dig her up every once an' awhile, Hell! She fucked us then, she'll fuck us now! Get in, get out, quit fuckin' about, Ya Ho, Ya Ho Ya Hoooooo!!! Thar she be.... in all her glory.... th' first time I've ever put it in print...
  3. Capt. Mad Dog, I'd nay thought of th' mortuary sword... It appears I'll be havin' an eye out fer one o' them.... Or possibly a Schiavona.... tho that has a heavier blade, not as fast as yer backsword... I've looked at the Dutch Cutlass many times... Is it quite sturdy? Would Ye trust yer life to it? I have "field tested" most o' me blades and have found all but one to be up ta snuff... Aye, the rapier was "on its way out" during the Golden Age, and the small sword was readily taking its place... Fer that matter the Rapier was much more of a land based weapon, not practical aboard ships... ever try havin' a rapier fight in a narrow hallway? Tis quite a challenge... Also just about impossible to hack a bit o' rigging apart with one!
  4. Greetings Bretheren, I be lookin' fer all manner o' things ta fancy up me rig... Things like; Cutlass Cursors, or Pistol Cursors... Screensavers wi' tallships sailin' by... Screensavers wi' Pyrates plunderin' whatnot on the screen... Wallpapers wi' ships, pyrates, etc... All I keep findin' are Bloody Lighthouses!!!!
  5. Hmmm.... I've a rather sick n' twisted pyratey song..... sould I post it here, or in the Shanties forum? Tis 'bout a Lass who may have spent a bit tooo much time 'round the Mast (ahem)....
  6. Ah, Mad Dog, I fine pistol, the Dragoon is... Any one else care ta make known what they carry? Also what style o' Cutlass ye prefer? Short, curved blade? Long straight? Hanger style, with just a knucklebow, or full cage hilt? At this time I have two styles; the Hanger, short, curved single edge with a 8" false back edge, brass hilt with a knucklebow. I have 4 o' these... 3 ta lend out, one which I carry most often I've leather wrapped the handle. The Cutlass, a wee bit longer, heavier tipped falcion styled blade, steel cup knucklebow, wood handle... need ta make a scabbard for it tho... I do like some o' the straight bladed ones... tho they just don't seem right ta be called a cutlass...
  7. The Perfect Pyrate.... Lookin' at histry' we see lots o' pyrates who were quite good at the sweet trade, some that weren't.... If we look at who was, I'd say Mr. Teach was one of the best, most effective Pyrates; 'E could fight like a bear, takin' lots o' punishment an' givin' plenty back. 'E struck fear inta th' hearts o' his prey, thus, makin' 'is capturin' of 'em easier. 'E had the charisma ta whip 'is men in to a frenzy, yet keep control of 'em. 'E was almost always full o' grog, yet kept 'is head. (well, until the end) 'E had the intellegence to use many tactics to win the day. 'E had many other pyratical gifts as well....
  8. Greetings Bretheren, In reference to the nameing of this here forum, How many of ya rabble own the Boarders Away books? They are quite a treasure, very good resource... Question, asside from a trusty Cutlass, what's ye favorite hand held lead slinger? I have both a musket (Brown Bess) and a musket pistol (modified tower arms 1800 patern) I've an itch ta get a musketoon... Th' pistol's easy ta carry about, and would be the choice ta carry for boarding action, but a musketoon... Hehehehehehehe......
  9. Ahoy Mad Dog! Had a few thots on some of what ya said 'bout the books aforementioned... The Elizabethan swordplay definitely focuses on the rapier, the book works best if you have the weapon in hand to move thru the form whilst readin'... least that's how I got the most out of it... The Clements book, I think, does pertain to use of the Cutlass, being a cut and thrust weapon... It gives ya a good hand up on the basics... I also like the sections that put mixed weapons together i.e. Sword vs Pike... Kinda reminds me of a scene from an ok pyrate movie "Swashbuckler" If'n ya kin get past the silly clothing, the final fight scene was a duel between Cutlass n' Rapier... Which brings up an interesting thot... in that scene the rapier gets "dismasted"... Most movies have the character toss away the ruined weapon, however He keeps it to further defend himself... I always thot it dumb to discard something, tho broken, that could still be a defence... A'right, enought ramblin' from me...
  10. Aye Mad Dog, Wot yer sayin about the book-learnin rings true... Best to combine it with a master at said trade... Yer poke at that Medieval Group also rings true, fightin' wi' sticks that don't share the the same characteristics as the real weapon, while ok to a degree for practicin' as history shows us - some crews did have wooden stick-cutlass' made up for practice - tho the ballance, etc isn't the same. I have fought, choriographed, and trained others, mostly with fencing, tho a few with cutlass... In my younger days tho, my former Lt. and I had a live steel, unchoriographed, cutlass duel, full costume n' persona... It was amaizin'... we had trained together for so long that we knew each other's style so well. It'll not happen again, don't say as I trust anyone as well to be able to pull it off again... Disclaimer; Don't try this at home kids! Professional Lunatics under supervision! Also, I've never had a cutlass/hanger break while doin' any of this... Another olde crewmate had a Museum Replica scimatar snap at the hilt while slashing at a padded wooden target, ever see a giant steel boomerang? Not a pretty sight...
  11. Thot I'd add a bit more... I've taught meself Elizabethan Swordplay from the start, no collegate stuff, which has the distant relative of Gentlemanly small sword deuling... My 'umble opinion, pick up a few good books on the subject, two of me favorites are; "Methods and Practice of Elizabethan Swordplay" by Turner & Roper ISBN 0-8093-1562-9 "Renaissance Swordsmadship" by John Clements ISBN 0-87364-919-2 Both excellent works, tho I'll not swear that the rollin' deck of a ship will allow perfection of yer practicin'
  12. Ahoy There! Tis a grand site that has many a shanty from many a land... http://www.acronet.net/~robokopp/shanty.html Quite a few are accompanied with the melody, and many are in both the original language and english... It also gives reference to weather it be a Short, Long Drag, or Capstan Shanty...
  13. Good god man! Quite lucky you most definitely were! a'course, I believe that the foil is one of the most dangerous things in a fencers hand; too thin, whippy, easily broken.... I've been Fencing & Swashbuckling for near 12 years now, I've had a few blades broken on me, and broken a few myself, all Epees... they make a very destinctive sound, foils don't... Now, I fence with Schlager blades or better... I also agree with Mad Dog, Practice, practice, and more practice... followed by Practice... And NEVER without a mask, unless it be slow motion moves to define how a move is to be properly executed... Just my piece-of-eight....
  14. Aye Capt. William, I been bitten by th' bug, an' it causes me quite an' itch... Been Reenacting for 15 years on and off as the private life allows... sadly at present I get to play only a few times a year these past few... I just left a pic of meself in the Gallery o' Rogues on this here site of my most recent incarnation...
  15. Greetings One & All, I sail from th' Port O' Pittsburgh, PA.... Long time into Reenacting, SCA, F&I, etc... I do early 17th C. Privateer Captain and Artilleryman 18th C, F&I halfbreed, and crew of a Privateer and a few other odds n' ends.... Mayhaps we all will meet in time... May the Spirits of the Seas look wel upon Ye... Truly, Dorian Lasseter
  16. Greetings, I'm new to the list, but not to the Reenacting life.... Just wondering if their's any happenings in Hawaii, main island, in June... My job has me there from the 4th to the 16th... not too much free time, but... I thank Ye kindly,
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