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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Lass, Also, iff'n ye did nay notice.... it's backwards.... tis a mirror image o' Capt. Sparrow...
  2. Aye Royaliste, Lets hear it fer HOLLYWOOD!!! NOT!!! Dunno wot's wrong wi' mr mouse, etc.... hirin' locals, who know the area/waters better'n the imports is a goode thing... Fine them's gots their actors unions ta worry 'bout But..... Mind ye I'd be one o' them folks they'd hafta ship in ta th' location, so..... might I be shootin' meself inna foot?
  3. Cap'n William, They be a box lock style o' flintlock.... an' they all go off at once....! I know of, but donna think I've pictures of two milti-barrel flinters tha' can be fired seperately... one, ye see in POTC, tis a side-by-side barrel affair, two pans, frizzens, dogs.... Then their be an over-under affair, where th' barrels can be turned, so the top barrel can be fired, not too sure how tha' all works.....
  4. Aye Lass, Peace tyed, ta have a ribbon or corde tyin' yer sword, etc. inta its scabbard, so's ye cannot draw it, or have it drawn by another... Silly renfair rules...
  5. Aye Lass, Me thinks ye gots me bruther 'pegged' as it were... Royalitse, Growin' 'nuther mast, eh?
  6. Aye Royaliste, Meebe th' forum needs ta be expanded to beyond WA... Say a new topic fer all th' wenches onna board? An' wot mayhap be a goode definition of Wench? I gots me version, wot's yers?
  7. Aye Capt. Weaver, an' ye other Lasses, I pray ya donna take me bruther too seriously... 'e's lost more'n just 'is leg.... (iffn' ye be cetchin' me drift..... a wink is as goode as a nod to a blind bat, say no more- say no more....) Tho I do believe he could take a few lashes from yer cat.... prolly even enjoy it.... but me thinks 'e would prefer some lashes from somat other... Royaliste, A party... Aye twould be a fine party...
  8. Aye Crow Ladd, Nay, I'd not want ye ta be perched on my shoulder neither... I'll settle fer a true feather-face ta fill th' position... An' I'd never wish ta be callin' a fellow mariner me "pet"...... Unless twas a she...
  9. Hmmm... Me thinks ye need ta start hidin' some wares 'tween decks... I dunna understand tha'.... wot's wrong wi' a nice lil 12 ga marine grade shotgun? Nuthin' illegal wi' tha'.....
  10. Aye Ladd!! I likes th' way ye think!!!! Can't 'ave modern weapons ta defend yerself? Who says nay? Hmmm... backside fulla brass screws... Ye could always rig yer boardin' nets a'fore ye retire fer th' eve... Or made a sign tha' says; "this Vessel pritected by 6 pounders..." 'r somat like tha'..... "I dunna call 911"?
  11. Oh bloody H.... Please donna say she be a nay sayer ta fire arms... No, no, sorry.. I'll nay start a'preachin' here on 'at subject..... Bloody Tyranical......... Ahemm.....
  12. Aye Royaliste, Well said, well said... I could nay see havin' a pipe whilst cleared fer action... tho iff'n the wind has fallen off durin' a run... wi' not else ta do... So, yer swivels are nay set so's ye can't do dammage ta yer own crew, eh? Hmmmm... might be tyme ta rig some stops on tha' rail...
  13. I swear upon Saint Elmo, ye nay be turned in by this Ladd!!!
  14. Aye Lass, I know they be less fun, but try findin' some o' th' non-firin' replicas o' flintlock pistols... Mebe a nice Queen Annes fer ya ta tote about... They also be a bit cheaper than the real thing... Yer Mum might be open ta such?
  15. Aye Ladds n' Lasses, Ye must remember too, wi' todays rapid transit, we be spoiled wi' how little tyme it takes ta get from place ta place... I donna remember them sayin' 'ow much tyme went passed betwixt th' action... It very well coulda been o'er a months tyme... And 'ow often did they show th' moon in her full glory? It be plenty bright thru the cycle leadin' up to an' just passed th' full moon as well... Royaliste, might ye know 'ow long it takes, in you ship, ta get from Port Royal o'er to Tortuga? Mad Maudlin, Pagan Pyrate do ya be? Well Blessed Be...
  16. Aye Lass, We all donna' half ta wear Boots... They sometimes make climbin' th' riggin' difficult... Bare foote is best fer tha' Lotsa yer able seamen on ships had rope sandals to wear on shore, mostly went barefoote (in th' warm climates) on ship... I mostly wear boots, but will also wear me rope sandals....
  17. Me thinks ye'd take said keelhaul rope to either th' bow or stern, drop it inna water an' take th' loose ends towards th' waist o' th' ship.....
  18. Cap'n William, They be th' genuine article.... I have a pic 'r two in the Gilkerson book; "Boarders Away II" Ugly wee beastie....
  19. Aye Royaliste, Well, mayhaps ye like ta be walkin thru terbacky spittle all over yer deck.... Not I!!! I'll not have my ship suffer that indignation... Callin' me a merchant are ye? Hmmm..... A Gentleman has a pipe on occasion.... and, on occasion I have been called a Gentleman...
  20. A'right.... Since we got all o' Yo Ho Ho put here, how's about someone puttin' all th' words ta "A Pyrates Life Fer Me" here too? Sorry, I dun nay have 'em handy....
  21. Aye Royaliste, I pray ye don't have open barrels o' power out on deck... Do ya not have yer charges in a lead lined box/chest, ready ta be handled by yer powder monkies??? Tis best ta have a pipe lookin' o'er th' bow anyway... Settin' on a cathead, iff'n ye can manage it.... dangelin' o'er th' side... Or at th' base of the bow sprit...
  22. Aye Lad, I'll dispell one piece o' movie magic fer ya.... When Jack was in irons, the chain was long enough that he threw it over th' line an' hung onta it... As fer the tankard.... Hmmm......
  23. Aye Laddie!!! Quite th' prize ship ye got now!!! Th' Hawaiian Chieftain!!! Huzaa!!! So, now ya need a prize crew ta sail her... So when ya want us?
  24. Aye Stynky, Th' thread yer lookin fer be "Pyrates as livin' 'istry".... tis about 3 pages back in this forum now.... Mad Mary, Stynky speaks true, there will hopefully be a gatherin' of us Right Coast Pyratical types meebe later this year, or somat next year... tryin' ta find a central location tho... As I'm in the Burgh of Sir William Pitt and others are spread south.... There! Ye be warned...
  25. Welcome Aboard, Lass....! Not ta fear, we'll 'elp ye get yer sea-legs...! Tis goode ta hear a youngen' interested in 'istory.... Who was it th' said "them wot's don't know 'r learn from 'istry be doomed ta repeat it"... I can nay remember who twas... Ah Northern Verginny.... Ye be closer ta the coast, or more landside? Lotsa pyratical 'istry in VA..... Enjoy th' looneys on th' board...!!! Pssst.... watch out fer me brother, Angus... 'e's a wiley one....
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