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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
"How about a litle head" Eh? Bloody Hell Weaver!!!! I second Cap'n Gary ROTDLMFHO!!!! I haven't had tyme ta peruse this strand in awhile... Oh hell! me stomache is startin' ta hurt from laughin'!
Aye, Intrestin' stuff, that about Ben Franklin... If ye want a great site, try this; http://www.english.udel.edu/lemay/franklin/ ANything ye ever wanted ta know 'bout th' fine gentleman...
Aye Lass!!! Ye have yerself a blast there! 30 is a goode year... hell e'ery year above ground is a good'n! Watch out fer that Coyote there, 'e's a wiley one... Just wot 'cup' does ye wish her ta share wi' ya?
Aye Master Hawkyns, Ye just hit an interesting spot there... the camera thing. All the folks I work with find my hobbies interesting, and always ask me for pictures.... I never have any! Why? because I don't take one o' them soul stealing devices that weren't invnted yet with me.... Now I do have a few pics that other folks have taken, but those are few and far between. YA could take th' camera, hide it in the car, and take it out for pics after public hours? If, ye remember ye have it...
Best reality show, almost Pyrate style, was "the Ship" on the Discovery channel.... I was upset when they said it would all be done proper 18th century style, but... they all wore modern clothes... Bah! Other'n that... it was the best....
Aye, Or someone who can teach a group o' folks drill fer muskets, cannons, etc..... where do I sign?
Aye, Twill be a hard film ta beat.... Hmm... " A goode film is hard ta beat..." "A hard film is goode ta beat?" But I digress... So Bess, where da we send our head shots? When do ye think they'll want extras? Hehehehe............
Aye Cap'n, A fine quote from Ben Franklin! Tho... me favorite one from th' Lad be; Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb, contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin An amaizin' man full o' such wit n' wisdom...
Aye Lad, I do believe Clavell got it wrong... A pilot was/is one who knows a particular area, such as a port, and does what ye said, comes out to "pilot" a ship through th' trecheries of the local waters. Some pilots were well versed in larger areas, such as Selkirk (aka the real Robinson Caruseau), who was well versed in the Caribbean. Yer Nautical Milage May Vary...
Aye... I be th' reenactor type, jus' ask Hawkyns.... More r' less 17th n' 18th Century... Cotton n' Linnen shirts, no frills Blue Wool wesket with linnen back, a few fancy tapestry patterned weskets... cotton canvas slop trousers, plain white drop front and blue n' white stripped standard fly. Wool knee breeches, mostly black or dark grey. More leather belts with brass buckles than I need fer hangin' e'ery thing off of... thick cotton stalkings, mostly white, some black, and a red pair... Tall boots or rope sandals Hats, a cavalier wi' plumes, an' a by-corn wi' white edging - both black felt hats Several different cutlass/hangers several different knives n' daggers a Brown Bess flinter musket a tower flinter pistol a few spyglasses, pouches, a barrel top chest locked wi' a big iron lock fer all me swag! Prolly more tha' I can nay remember.... Oh yea, Bo'sun pipe r' two and most important, me St Barbara's Medal!
Clearin' the Debris Outta the channel...
Dorian Lasseter replied to the Royaliste's topic in Scuttlebutt
Aye Ladds n' Lassies!!! A party! I loves a Party! Drinks all around!!!! AVAST!!! Save some fer me! Whiskey? 'ow 'bout some Drambuie? -
Aye, A tat on'y hurts when it be done... and even a samoan tat on'y hurts once... ye donna ink o'er th' same spot... I will say they feel like sunburn fer th' first few hours afterwards... Heh, no pain, no gain...
Katey O'Tierney's (berp) Berfday, she be 27
Dorian Lasseter replied to Stynky Tudor's topic in Scuttlebutt
Aye! Most Happiest O' Birthdays, Lass!!! -
Aye Master Hawkyns, Lord n' Lady! I'd call tha' a busy winter! Hmm..... gonna make fer a fun spring/summer/fall! Lotsa powder ta make go BOOM!
AYe Lad! Happiest o' Birthdays to Ye! Many more ta follow!
Aye, I's awaitin' fer Master Gunner Hawkyns ta speak up... 'e taught me quite a bit 'bout cannons... been mighty proud ta man one o' his pieces when I gets th' chance... I still prefer "Voice" o'er his other fine guns... Me hat's off ta ye, Cap'n o' the Gun...
Aye Ladds, Don't rightly know 'bout th' cannon... but anywhere from 4 pounders on up to whatever th' largest was made, and captured, that they could get... Type o' shot, Iron ball, cannister, bar shot, chain shot, le Grange (sp), etc... Ignition, black powder poured down th' touch hole n' lit with a linstock (cotton line soaked in saltpeter) Sighting was done down th' barrel, the cannon could be angled up or down by movin'a wedge under the breech o' the barrel in or out, and th' whole truck could be shifted side to side with either ropes or spike bar levers. Musket ranges, in practiced hands, had a range of several hundred yards... unpracticed, the range of a medium caliber modern handgun... Yer nautical milage may vary....
Aye Me Crewmates!!!! I, and me brudder, thanks ye kindly fer th' fine words, etc. on r' bithday... Ya put a right fine grin on r' faces...!
Aye Royaliste, Have a grand tyme... have a Cap'n n' Coke fer me... I'll be doin' th' same whne I get home from work on Saturday...
Aye Ladds, An' regardless o' where th' Royaliste be from, where she be now, etc... She's such a pretty boat.... Ship! I loves th' Royaliste, I do.... I also count Cap'n Gary as a brother...
Aye Cap'n! Aw Bugger it all ta hell!!! twas a goode plan, gettin' me boss ta send me back out fer an article left behind.... all fer naught... I'll be busy thru th' weekend on th' job... Hmmmmm.... We'll be back... some tyme...
Hmmmmmmm.... Wonder iffn' I told me boss I fergot somethin' out there, iffn he'd send me back fer a weekend?
Aye Lady Claire! N' all yer other incarnations, Happy Birthday! I expect she celebrated in Disneyland, goin' roundy-roundy on th' POTC ride... Drink Up Me Hearties!
Dorrian Lassiter, a hearty thank ye.....
Dorian Lasseter replied to the Royaliste's topic in Scuttlebutt
Aye Cap'n! Awww... twern't nothin' I enjoyed every bit o' helpin' out, hangin' out, etc. Yer th' one I be thankin' fer the oppertunity ta reconnect wi' life on th' water... I shall do me best ta take ye up on returning... hopefully wi' more tyme at me disposal... Fair Winds n' Smooth Seas to Ya! Yours In Service, Dorian -
Aye Ladds n' Lassies, So a grand tyme was had by all then? I know ya did as the Royaliste told me so when I was a'visitin' him n' his fine ship on monday... Aye Capt. Gary, I's back here in me home port, safe n' sound... Still wished I was able ta make it, seein' as I was all th' way over there on th' left coast... but alas, me job comes first.... Lets see them pictures! I wanna sees wots I missed!!! Give me more of a reason ta make plans ta come back on me own tyme n' money! (not that I need a reason )