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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Aye Petee, Ye best be speakin wi' Hawkyns.... He be a Master Gunner, havin' several artillery pieces hisself... Taugh me most o' what I know 'bout cannons...
Hrmm... Kanji... or any other 'words' I've always shied away from... Tattoos are artwork, not the dictionary...
Missing legs and interesting scars.
Dorian Lasseter replied to Nomadicalpirate's topic in Ports O'Call
So, since th' leg has been there fer so long, what kinda salary is it gettin'? -
Missing legs and interesting scars.
Dorian Lasseter replied to Nomadicalpirate's topic in Ports O'Call
RM, That's rather amusin'.... inna twisted way.... -
Oooh...the last septum I pierced, my piercee kicked his feet like he were bein' hung when the needle went *crunch*! Wheeee!!!!! Hehehe.... Thot 'e was doin' a jig inna air, did 'e? Yep, gonna be 'interestin' when I get it done... My local inkslingers hubby does th' piercin's... He did his own septum, got it all in digi pics... Took him 10 minutes to work himself up to do it....
Missing legs and interesting scars.
Dorian Lasseter replied to Nomadicalpirate's topic in Ports O'Call
Me? Greedy? Nay... just got inta lotsa swordfights... None o' that modern style... All elizabethan swordplay.... Funny tho.... alla the tymes I's fought wi' live steel cutlass' I's was never hurt (Knock on me wooden leg) -
Hrmmm... The Code... we must honour the code... Well, I do...fer now.... I work within the realm o' the publik eye.... So all my tats are able to be hidden under a short sleeve shirt... But I do have both ears pierced 3 times... Still plan on gettin' my septum pierced... Also, I will give the temp tat stuff a good mark... I used the one set of do it yerself inks ta try out a few ideas... they last long enough to give ye the feel of 'permanent' for long enough... My first armband almost ended up on either my wrist or my lower arm instead of my bicep...
Hrmmm.... Buy Tats at officemax? How do ya get ye arm r' any other bodypart inta th' printer? Oh, ye print it onta a page n'..... a'right..... Nay Pynch.... nothin' better 'n the real deal.... No pain, no gain...
saddle bags
Blue suede shoes
Hrmm... sportbike... Ah... if possible move the passenger footpegs to a more comfortable location, But be sure they won't put yer limbs in a precarious location. Like when yer leaned over in a turn... Or, ye needs ta take a break every so often and walk about... How long does it take to become painful?
Missing legs and interesting scars.
Dorian Lasseter replied to Nomadicalpirate's topic in Ports O'Call
Hrmmmm.... "Pyratey" type injuries I've incured... I've the luck o' steppin on three nails stickin' outa planks. (3 seperate occasions) I've been shot just above m' right knee wi'a scattergun. I've a sword slash scar on m' left cheek... on m' face... barely see it now... My brudder tried ta throw me off a dock inta th' water n' missed... kinda... I half landed on the edge of th' dock an' a raised nail head tore inta m' left inner knee... Left a nice jagged scar... I had the knuckle o' m' left hand ring finger crushed by a sword blow... I've 'ad three rapiers (ok, epees) broken on me... none drew blood tho.... All I c'n 'member at present... -
AYe Lass, I think they be speakin' of bicycles.... pedal pushers... Not that their's anything wrong with that! I've had dirt bikes, 10 and 12 speeds, and now own a pretty good mountain bike... But, as fer th' motorcycle thing.... I miss it.... I need the $$$ to put my scoot back on th' road... she's a beaut... '67 Triumph Bonneville 650... An' as fer th' full leathers bein' hot... I'd rather be a tad warm than have major road rash iffn the accident should happen... I never ride without my jacket, and rarely without me chaps n' gloves... Frack, what can I sell ta get enough coin ta do what I need done?
Grrr, Th' bloody air handlers in th' office... Wish I'd remembered ta bring me Flogging Molly CD.... Ah well... I c'n hum some shanties to meself...
Aye, 'nother one 'ere... I's just a few leagues west o' the burgh o' Pitt... (that'd be Pittsburgh )
I's gonna add a bit about sandals.... I can see sailors wearing sandals in the warmer climates, as they provide a solid base to walk and climb with, don't stretch and deform as a leather shoe/boot does when wet... The type of sandal would be made out of what could be easily had onboard, rope... I have a few pairs of these; http://gurkeesandals.com/ The "Neptune" style. in natural... Only thing I see different from what might be period is how the sole is put together. They have the cordage laid out along the foot, instead of coiled... These are a nice alternative to bare feet, might not be proper as the only painting I've ever see with a sailor wearing these is Pyle's "The Bucaneer"
Aye Perkeo, Mayhap Francois n' I... n' mabbe a few others'll stop by, freshly bloodied from bein' off site... Nay, I's pullin' yer wooden leg... I've done a bit o' live steel work at reenactments, all blades are blunted, an' there are rules (I know, we use rules too!) ta live by with all that.... Francois an' Rod, I believe, do a fair bit as well... We do believe in safety... as we are cannon crew as well... Don' get any grey hairs frettin' o'er us.....
Aye Francois, The cutlass I speak of is the kind ye had at pennsic... the one piece brass hilt with knuckle bow... Yers had been modified fer full contact, with th' tip rounded a wee bit... I havn't done such to mine as of yet...
Aye, Gods be willing, I'll be at Pennsic this year.... I've no' missed many since '87, that'd be Pennsic XVII... Greetings Francois, see yer at the artillery park! Mayhaps we'll cross blades, even if I's not "legal" these days... Too bad we can't have a cutlass fight there, I picked up some o' them hangers you n' Rod favour....
Aye Foxe, I'm gettin' in late on this post here, but being an ECW reenactor, I'll put in my tuppence.... Black John's suggestion was what we use... tennis balls painted/burned black with film cannisters in them. Usually we put no more than 30 grains of 1F in 'em.... makes a nice puff, no real bang tho... Then ye can reuse 'em right quick.... If we used 'em doin' a fun battle, it would kill up to 6 people in an 8 fot radious of the blast. We also used raquet balls in our mortars... Also fer a town siege, we gave the women-folk buckets n' pots of rice or bird seed to throw on the invaders, as if it were scalding hot water or oil... Much fun it were.... Ah, th' goode ol days....
Aye Billy Flynt, Twas a pleasure as well.... I shall take yer offer ta heart, Iffn' ye make yer way north the same holds fer ye.... Ah.... me sails have dried out.... mostly.... I now have much fallen timber fer the galley fires tho... Nuthin' goode enough fer spare spars n' the like tho.... I's hopin' them squalls n' water spouts down yonder let up soon...
Aye Lads, Where might all ye be this weekend? I's down from PA fer a short bit an was wonderin' who may be about... (I'm working at the VASC until mid week, maybe later.... So, any evening between now, the 17th, and thursday, the 23rd would be good to meet up...) I stopped in at Master Billy Flynt's place o' work on thursday about 5:30.. 'e was gone.... Mayhap I'll find ye later?
Aye Cap'n Pern, I see... It appears tha' most forlks 'r out n' about on that most fun Holiday... I suppose I might still find Mr. Flynt there durin' the week? Well, we'll see wot may happen once I find meself in them waters..... I do plan on raidin', er..... visitin' that Mariners Museum on staurday or sunday.... Wonder if they knows about TLAPD??? I thank ye, kindly....
Aye Ladds n' Lassies, lordy, ye folks have plenty a talkin' on th' group at yahoo... Well... I's off ta Hampton, VA fer a 'job' as it were... I hope ta have access ta th' site whilst there. Iffn' any of ye be about o'er this here holiday weekend - it be TLAPD on Sunday - Mayhaps we'll run inta one 'r two o' ye...