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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye, Very well.... I just signed th' articles fer th' yahoo group.... Mayhap in my travels ta VA. I'll be able at meet up wi' Davey n' some others..... I'd also lbe interested ta hear what he 'r anyone else has ta say about said museum, or any other point o' interest in th' area....
  2. Aye Cap'n Gary, Glad ta hear all went well with th' haul out! Any pics o' th' ol girl with alla th' new paint and varnish? Fire a shot inta th' Lynx or any other target ye find fer me!
  3. Ah, We be speakin' o' two differ'nt places.... Here's where I's speakin' of; http://www.vasc.org Ye be speakin' o th' Smithsonian?
  4. Greetings, Well now... this appears ta be a fine group o' rogues.... I's in the SW o' PA... near Th' Burg o' Wm. Pitt... Anyone near by? As a side, my job will have me in Hampton, VA from th' 15th to th' 25th o' this month... So I'll be in unfamiliar waters o'er th' Talk Like A Pyrate Day Holiday..... Anyone on th' 18th or 19th in th' area plannin' on doin' something? I plan ta see some o' the sites in th' area, like th' Maritime Museum, among other things.... I have no problem bringin' a fair bit o' me kit with me for some goof-off time... Me 9 foot pike will hafta stay at home tho.....
  5. Hmmm.... My boss messed me up with the Richmond placing... but the address of the VASC is; 600 Settlers Landing Road, Hampton, VA.... So.... It's in Hampton according to that, and Mapquest.... Are we speakin' o' th' same place? Iffn' I's wrong, please correct me... This'll be an unfamiliar port I'll be comin' into, so I need a pilot! Right then... well, that's where I'll be....
  6. Greetings Ye Rogues, A'right, my job has me goin' ta th' Virginia Air & Space Museum from the 15th to the 25 o' Sept. (no, that's none too pyratical) I be free on th' 19th, Sunday an' maybe th' 18th, Saturday fer some sight seein', etc... was planin' on havin' a look at th' Maritime Museum there abouts, and was wonderin' iffn it were worth it, or iffn any folks would like ta meet up? Oh Bloody..... I'll actually be in Hampton, VA... not Richmond....
  7. Aye Lads n' Lassies... Got me new ink on Friday nite.... Have a pic o' it fresh from under the needle on me profile page here, can't get it ta post here... Took less tyme than was thought... Not exactly 'Pyratey' but, very nautical, plus, I has some o' me Compass Rose tat, fixed...
  8. Aye Ladds n' Lassies, Wot would ye grab up ta defend yerself in a brawl? Say iffn' ye was caught wi'out yer cutlass? There is a section in 'Borders Away' (the book, not the topic) about this. Belaying pins are a favorite...
  9. Aye Lassie, Havin' a few inkin's mesalf, and being very goode friends wi' me tattoo Artists, I'll give ye wot I know.... Yes, there is a standard to the sanitation of a tattoo shop - that's a LEGAL tattoo shop, not a back alley job... Yer best bet is ta go check out a few establishments, they will have their licenses and certifications posted on the wall.... Also, since they don't want a bad reputation, say fer havin' dirty equipment, they should open the fresh needles in from of ye, afore the work begins, some shops will even give ye the needles when yer done, thus, they can nay be reused.... Look around th' shop for sterilization equipment, like an Autoclave, etc... So, there may be more to know, but this be just my tuppence.... And, Sunday, I'll be gettin' me next bit o' ink.... a nice piece, gonna take 7-8 hrs....
  10. Where we be from? FROM THE SEA!!!! Tha's th' on'y proper response ye get from a Pyrate! Ok, ok.... ye must check me wee homepage 'ere on this site ta find me current location....
  11. Aye Scupper, Well..... I did it by knowin' th' Admiral... whom, in his devine ability, had speaks wi' th Baron of our 'umble lands. He, th' Baron, then granted me wi' th' Letter of Marque.... So, in all actuality, I didn't join a vessel.... I would assume ye just find them like-minded lads n' lassies... ask iffn' they need some new crew... Thants wot most o th' lads who done crewed under me did, they found me an' asked.... I's hopin' this'll help ye...
  12. Aye, Ah, my misunderstandin'.... Bein' both partly Irish, and partly in the SCA... I musta got confused..... I do a Scotts-Irish Captain, with a Letter of Marque, in the eastern realms... Tho, I might need a new one, seein' as their royalnesses have changed since I first got me letter.....
  13. Th' Irish dunna have much o' a sailor class? An' who's Grace O'Malley then? :angry:
  14. Aye, I'll be backin' up Cap'n Gary on tha' last bit.... Back ta th' main topic... All form o' sea creatures ye might find on th' edge o' maps n' charts o' the tyme I would think would be turned inta a tattoo.... I've had a thought fer a few years o' turnin' me back into a map of, say the Caribbean... havin the different sea creatures 'round th' edges... I already have th' compass rose on me shoulder... I'll be gettin a mermaid soon...
  15. Aye lass, Just put 'personal/ custom checks' inta yer favourite search engine.... Then, ye gotta look thru wots ta be offered.... One goode source is ; www.4checks.com My checks look like old maps n charts, with a compass rose up next ta me name.... think th' style is called 'world traveler' Ta,
  16. Aye, Also, in this here section o' th' forum there are at least two sections concernin' books... One titled Pyracy bibliography, th' other, Books... Lotsa info there.....
  17. Aye Lassie, I have tha' book.... tell ye how it is in about a month... tis on me readin' list.... I can direct ye toa a book called "Cochrane; Britainia's Sea Wolf" Excellent book....
  18. Aye Coastie, I seen them other ships, tho they be square rigged, they be steel hulled... I suppose I shoulda said I han't seen any wood square rigged ships... Plus, all them square riggers on tha' site are a wee bit too big fer my tastes... An I'll agree, nothin' wrong wi' a gaff rigger....
  19. Aye, Lookin' at all these here ships... notice tha' ya don't see anythin' but Sloops n' Schooners? Nary a one is a square rigger... Or is I lookin' in th' wrong ports?
  20. Aye Paisley, Thankee, kindly... That was my effort that day, ta even it out, some.... workin' indoors alla th' tyme is a bugger.... Tho I did sightly burn me back at lunch tyme the one day... I need ta make sure I spend more tyme on deck this year...
  21. Aye, *sigh* Wot Meself, n' a few others' could teach ye about gunnery..... I'd love ta train ya rabble inta a fine gun crew! I's sure Master Hawkyns would as well.... Aye, I need ta brush up on me sailor skills, seein' as I am, 'In the market for a ship, as it were...' LOL Carrie, All them inuendos..... On a gun crew, which 'position' do ya care for? Rammer? Swabber? Do ye wish ta handle th' prick? Deliver th' charge?Work th' front or rear o' the gun? AN' th' list goes on and on....
  22. Aye Lass, I have a compass rose on me right shoulder, theres a bad pic of me/it on me page here, click on me name ta see... (tis a bad pic that was took while I was in Hawai'i...) Took me almost a year ta hash out what an' how I wanted it... So, now ye know someone wot has a compass rose Tattoo...
  23. Aye Cap'n! Do ye mean ta say ye had Passengers on yer ship? Nay..... Wot fun is it just lollin' about on deck wilst mayhem's goin' on about th' ship? Firin' th' guns n' workin' the riggin'..... tha's where th' fun is ta be had, sez I!!!
  24. Aye, Agreed.... twas of little import, even tho th' media went ass o'er tea cup about it... I can explain it all in one word..... Politics
  25. Aye, that pic on th' site there, very simular to wot I used fer my compass rose tattoo.... I'll hafta get a goode pic of it n' post it...ya can kinda see it on my members page, tis on my right shoulder...
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