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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Aye Lass, Fer those o' us not there on th' left coast, how 'bout some pictures o' th' new-ta-ye weaponry?
Aye, I dinna forget ta get them dreams figured out! In fact last nite I went to my Hypnotists meetin', and a talk on dreams n' their meanin' was given... picked up a book too.... So, soon... we'll see...
This'n I be Black Roger Flint Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! Or Dread Pyrate Read Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. Even through many pirates have a reputation for not being the brightest souls on earth, you defy the sterotypes. You've got taste and education. Arr!
AYe Lassies, n' Laddys, Tha' link be screwy.... I first put in me name here, n' got "Horse Harry" Then I's put in me name me parents gave me n' got "Buckthorn Varlet" Dunno...
Aye Master Hawkyns, Here's a few lines outta "Borders Away!" about th' Boarding Axe... "Waepon and tool, the axe was carried to sea by sailors in time before memory, and there it has remained into the present as the ship's fire axe, still looking very much like its direct parent, the boarding axe, and perhapsa great grandparent-a kind of Viking axe. The term 'boarding axe' first appears in the 17th century naval documents, an apparent attachment of the nautical verb 'board' (to board or to go aboarda craft; of 15th century origin; probably from the original Anglo-Saxon word 'bord', meaning side) to the word axe, another Anglo-Saxon word, presumed to have descended from the Greek 'axine'. .... The boarding axe's distinguishing characteristics (primarily a pick head opposing an axe head, and a size and heft greater than a hatchet's and less than a felling axe's) evolved logically along with the sailing warship." It was used to but out fires, hack away ruined rigging, used as a hook to drag away heavy lines, hooking into chain plates and assisting the climb up a ships side, cutting away grappling lines... "The famous 'axe ladder' would seem to have been the invention of a hired editor trying to explain how axes were used for climbing ships. In any case, this student has found no actual eyewitness account of such a thing as an axe ladder ever having happened." And it goes on.....
Aye Ladds, Most pipes ya find fer th' tyme period would be th' reed stemed, clay bowl veriety... I admit, I have yet ta come across a picture of a 'capped' pipe of the like... I have seem a wood and german silver pipe with a cap, but I's not sure iffn' it be of the proper tyme.....
Oh Lassie, Donna get me wrong..... Redhead's be me weakness... Just Ms. Kidman.... fine lookin' but a bitch thru n' thru....
Aye Master Hawkyns, One o' these days we need ta play, between firin' th' artillery mayhaps..... Now I's on'y got schlaggers ta play with... but them other blades ye speak of.... sounds like a fine bit o' fun, indeed... Sealed knot, edge only, no masks... Hehehehe.....
Aye Stynky, Yer not gonna throw all tha' goode tea out when yer done there, are ye? Ye could drink tha' fer a week! Mmmm!!! kidding.... just Kidding! Really!
Aye Lad, I'm a fair hand at Seamans knots... not all of them, and I'm a bit rusty on the more complicated ones... Half of them I can tie in my sleep, but I never remember the names of them! The books on knot tying, some are good, some are found wanting... I own one... the rest of my knowledge comes from sailing an' seamanship manuals... and a bit of actual use...
Kiddman?! Much as I's likes th' readheads..... scrawny bitch... She'd get broke to easily... Sandra Bullock on th' other hand.... Gena Davis... on th' other... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............
Aye Daniel, Les' see here... Swingin' across.... could be done from yer yard arm, ye gotta be close in wi' th' other ship... might have happened... not common... Oh and ye wouldn't swing inboard, unless ye anchored yer line at th' mast... Other ways ta get aboard... First iffn' ye throw o'er grapnels, ye can then pull th' ship ta be boarded close, even hull against hull... then, ye jump o'er, drop boards across, even cross on yer yerd arm, switch ta theirs, n' come down th' riggin'... Mind ye, tha' ye do this thru a hail o' bullets, grape shot, etc, from the ship bein' boarded... And Aye, there never was th' 'boardin' axes used as a ladder' thing... not gonna happen.... Now, this is on'y for a boardin' action... many tymes the attacked dhip would hove to wi' out a fight... an' th' longboats would be lowered, a party come over, ta take charge.... There ye be....
Aye Lass, Ye be wantin' ta have speaks wi' Angus MacVox... He be one o' th' Lads wot 'run' th' place... He'll fix ye up, Ship Shape, Bristol Fashion!
Aye Lass, Welcome to our humble 'pub'.... Enjoy our company, have a tot a' rum....!
Hmmmm.... 1815 sailor.... Linen, n' wool... If ye can, 'ave a look-see at wot the sailors in Count of Monte Cristo are wearin'.... there ye go...
Aye Lad, I'll hafta print it out, have it mulled o'er fer a bit, then tell ye wot it may mean... 'course I might need more info about ye as well... We shall see... Ah, th' Royaliste.... can't wait ta get back...
Aye Ladds n' Lassies, T'other nite, on 'entertainmemt tonite' there was a bit about what's happening with POTC 2... They says that their gonna do the same thing as the Matrix... film POTC 2&3, back ta back.... Anyone else see this? Seein' as it was on TV, Is it a grand ruse, or reality? Iffn' it be true, Where do I sign up ta be in 'em?!?!?!
Hmmmm..... I could have someone try ta analize them dreams... For that matter, (breaking out of character) I do some things that deal with dreams and more... Aye this looney be a certified Hypnotist... Dreams could be a form of past life regression (if ya believe it or not)... Or, could be fanciful fulfillment... Or.... I've had, and still have some real doozies, they feel real... all five, or six senses involved...
Aye Cap'n! I wish I could be there in th' flesh... Yer just gonna hafta settle fer me being there in 'Spirit'.....
Birthday Grettings, Lucky Penny!....
Dorian Lasseter replied to the Royaliste's topic in Scuttlebutt
Aye Lass!!! Happiest O' Birthdays to Ye!!!!! Many, many more ta come!!! POTC rides, mebee a proper floggin' too!!! What more could ye ask??? -
Well then, I stand corrected... sure looks like fake leather stuff from th' pic.... Surface dyed it, eh? Crappy dye-job fer a 'spensive hat... Glad they be doin a better job since th' pic... I hope.... Ah well, I'll not be buyin' one.... mayhaps I may make one... some day... fer now I'll stick ta me felt hats...
Aye Ladd, I took a lookie at th' pic... That grey stuff be th' underside o' the material- NO - it aint real leather, fakey leather type material....
So would it be the opposite way for a left hander?? Just curious, is all. Aye Lass, Unless ye had yer own piece made, Lefties, just had ta learn ta fire right-handed... Bein' right-handed is the majority, not much was done ta help the south-paws... At least now a days, more stuff is available fer the south-paw... not so back then...
Aye Lass, The Manor house thing is one in a long line of things PBS is doin'. They did one fer post wwII England, makin th' family do bomb shelter drills n' all. 'Frontier House" several families doin th' 1866 western frontier livin'. I think they did a victorian one, that may be the "Manor House" And as we speak they should be finishin' up "Colonial House" . Aye, 17th century america... I can't wait fer it...!
Aye Coastie, Ye have th' fine start of a goode kit... Iffn' ye like sandals, hope on ta yer favorite search engine (like Google.com) an' put in "Rope Sandals" Or just go here; http://gurkeesandals.com/ The type I have are th' 'Nepture' style. I have some that are as close ta period as I could find, they wear well, are very comfortable, and ye can even climb riggin' wi' 'em!