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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Ladds n' Lassies, To SF I goes in the morn... Royaliste, I'll prolly be callin' ye round dinner tyme after I's settled in at an Inn... Mayhaps we'll see some o' yer furry (an not so furry) Physyonomies whilst I be in th' port...
  2. Aye Lass, I'll be in Union City from the 24th (evening) thru the 29th... But.... I'll be workin thru saturday... an' possibly parts o' monday... tha' has yet ta be determined.... I hope, at th' very least, ta be able ta stand abord th' Royaliste an' utter th' imortal words "Sorry, I couldn't help meself.... It's such a pretty Boat ---- Ship." Iffn' I had a way to n' from Ojai on Sunday.... well... we shall see...
  3. Aye Lass, I'm hopin' it'll be do-able... seein' as I'm comin' alla th' ways from the right coast, not likely I'll be makin' the trip again any tyme soon.... Twould be a pisser ta come all tha' way, n' not meet up wi' th' likes o' you folks out there...
  4. Aye Ladds n' Lassies, Well, me work trip out to SF, CA looks ta be a bit more (or less) interestin'.... I'm just wonderin' if the Ojai faire is too far out o' me way ta make on sunday...
  5. Aye, "Aye" says I... (yeah, tha's right, er, yeah) We'll give 'im a tyme ta prove 'imself, then mebee vote again? I's on'y seen th' comercials fer the serviver' thing... That is when the aformantioned idiot box is electrified.... Too many idiot boxes...
  6. Hmmmm..... Looks ta be a goodn'!!! I thinks I'll be makin' an appearance at me local pervayor o' periodicals of said type.....
  7. Oh Croikey..... Ye are just so, Bloody, Wrong.... I think someone who knows what end of a video camera ta point at folks, and knows some goode 'puter graphics ta make up what can't be done needs ta get on this.... now....
  8. Aye Lucky Penny, T'would be a fine thing ta see yerself, n' many others out there.... We shall see what becomes of this gatherin'
  9. Aye Stynky, I'll be wishin' ye all fun, fair winds and plenty o' grog fer yer weekend o' fun! Aye, tis a pity I won't be there... And Aye, I'll do me best at givin' th'Royaliste n' Co. what fer! As I says, the up n' comin' year has promise o' lotsa possibilities.....
  10. Aye Royaliste!!! Blast it all ta Hell!!!! I'll be out there from the 24th to the 29th! BUT... my work schedule has me workin Saturday, with Sunday free... Bloody hell... Maybe even Monday too.... not that it does any good... Well, we'll see ya at least....
  11. Aye Ladds n' Lassies! Again, the fates ha' conspired against me.... I'll not be amongst those that'll make it to the festival... (after spending two weeks away from my desk, on a work trip no less, I have a lot of stuff piled up) And tha' storm they's callin' Isabelle is gonna hit my port friday, thru saturday.... Funny thing is, I'll be headed to the left coast (on another work trip) on this comin' wednesday, thru th' next monday... And, as all WILL work out.... be seein' th' Royaliste n' Company! Wishin' I was able ta do both... but, the year ahead is promisin'....
  12. Aye Royaliste, Do ye be talkin' about sorta a "mile high club" type o' thing?
  13. Aye Royaliste, So, do ya mainly sail on Sat.? How are yer Sundays? Seein' as iffn all goes as planned, Sunday will be me day ta come play while I'm out there... Yer slip is 'bout an hour drive from where I'll be workin', so we'll see how that'll work out... BTW, what are the bore sizes of yer cannons? I just want a comparison ta what I'm used to firin'...
  14. Aye Royaliste, Claire done a fine job wi' the pictures!!! Tha' musta been Grand! Just Bloody Grand firin' off them Cannons!!! Great Spirits, I pray all works out for me trip! Mind Ye, I just got back from vacation, three days of which were spent crewin' a battery... all told over 4 days we expended 45 rounds! AArgh!!!! I hope ta have pics soon... Wassat ya say? sorry, ye need ta speak up a bit....
  15. Aye, Me Avatar be me.... on a colder than usual may afternoon... bigger pic in the gallery, more to follow soon enough...
  16. Aye Ladds n' Lassies, Interestin' wot california has fer donatin' blood laws... here, ye can nay donate fer a year... tha's it... so I donate when I can... which be very infrequently lately.... I keep gettin' another one, or havin' a lil touch upwork done... Pain n' blood.... aye it can hurt, but ony fer th' first few minutes, then it be just annoyin'... Blood, unless ye have light colours bein' put in, ye can nay sees th' blood thru th' excess ink... Brands... I'll pass, done enough o' that accidentally... workin' on vehicle engines, usin' solderin' irons, n' doin' weldin'...
  17. Aye, I spend more tyme at th' rivers edge than some think I should, I want ta be out on th' water... Nay, it not be the ocean, but the area is one o' the largest inland ports in the states... lotsa trafffic... I have fond memories dodgin' brage traffic in a 17 foot wood hulled canoe wi' me brudder (not Angus) an' some friends... Paddlin' down ta the one island an' uain' th' big rope swing ta go swimmin', or just explorin' tha' island... Tho e'ery tyme I get ta th' sea shore... Ahhhhhhhh.... home....
  18. AAaaarrrgghh!!! Cannons!!! Cannons, cannons e'ery ware!!! Hehehehehehe.... I'll be workin' a cannon 'r two, a mortar 'r two this up commin' week! Then, I'll be goin' inta withdrawl, then iffn all goes well, I'll sees ya in September.... (innat a name o' a song?) But I digress.... Cannons! Woo Hoo!!! (ahem) AArrgghhh!!!!
  19. Aye Ladds n' Lassies, All goode advice on tats n' piercin's... Most o' mine were done by friends o' mine wotown a Tat n' Piercin' shop.... Royaliste, the A&D ointment works great, but there's this great stuff that most tat shops sell called 'tattoo goo' i find it works better n' th' plain ol' ointment... And whatever ya do DON'T use Neosporin... it'll actually make the ink lines blur... And for piercin's yep th' mall type places... suck, unless ye just want the ol' earlobe done.... much better doin' it with the tubes at a piercin' place... cleaner, better job, etc....
  20. Aye Royaliste, I'll do tha' once I gets better individual pics o' them...
  21. Aye Lass, Twill nay post on a message... but as I said, tis in me profile.... ye be able ta kinda sees 'em there... me armbands are made up o' triangles, an' aye, tha's a compass rose on me shoulder.... All are done in either dark blue, cept fer the celtic knot, it has shades o' lighter blue in it... so the rest be blue, black n' dark red....
  22. Aye, I can nay get this bloody thing ta work!!! I gots a pic o' me showin' me tattoos, but wil nay go 'ere..... SO in me personal file here, th' pic be there... twas taken in may, in Hawaii at th' top o' Diamondhead volcano... ye can see all but wot be on me left shoulder, a wee bit o' celtic knotwork.... Bloody computers......
  23. Aye, Alla me tattoos hurt, some more'n others.... dependin' on where ye gets 'em... Iffn' yer wanten' period type o' tats, yer ink colour choices be limited ta black, dark blue, dark red... I been tryin' ta keep all mine proper, so as ta be able ta have 'em show while doin' a reenactment, etc.... As fer nautical, sea serpents from charts be goode, simple geometric designs too... At present, I be tryin' ta find some Hawaiian traditional tats, small ones, ta have as me next.... see mebee iffn' there's documentation if one o' Cap'n Cooks crew got inked there... I see 'bout postin' some pics o' me ink...
  24. Aye Lass, I been on a few, I 'ave... Lessee... Th' Ark, single masted sloop, river pyrate ship... Tha' one I sailed upon... th' others were at port; "Old Iron Sides" up in Boston, even tho she be a US Navy ship, she be a sight ta behold... Hey Royaliste! How'd ye like one o' the carronades from Her? 32 pounders! The Elissa, she be a merchant in Galviston, TX. The Falls of Clyde, another merchant in Honolulu, HI. Their been a few others, I just can nay remember 'em rightly..... An' me canoe... ol wood 'n canvas Peterborough... a wee pyrate ship! As few meetin' pyrates, I's sure ye 'ave mat a few... bein' in NY n' all... Know any lawyers? Ooops, no, them be sharks...
  25. Aye Ladd, Nay, just a bit o' a poke.... not gonna be too hard on yer just yet.... Type o' oil ta use... I usually use gun oil, wot ye find in a gun cleanin' kit, not th' solvent mind ye, the lubricatin' oil... Or ye can get th' fancy stuff made just fer BP weaponry... or one o' me favorites which I can nay find at th' moment "Antique Gun Oil"... All works well, why ye can even use linseed oil... light motor oil too or as a last resort, wd-40
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