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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Ladd, Weeell... iffn' is 'as rusted up enough ta be pitted... too late... So wot ye need ta doe then is get some emry cloth/paper, 800 grit or better, some light oil, like gun cleanin' oil, an' start polishin'..... wipe it down e'ery so often ta check yer progress.... then once ye get it back ta ship shape, spit n' polish... keep it oiled... wipe it down wi' an oil cloth e'ery so often... inspect it e'er so often... etc.... I commonly use steel wool ta get minor bits o' th' beginnin' o' rust offn' my steel bits, covered wi' oil o'course... I dunno, wot kinda pyrate dunna keep 'is weapons ship shape...
  2. Aye Lass, Th' reason fer th' tyme delay would be tha' th' one ship is nay built... This next month the keel will be lain... so whilst one Captain be sailin' (The Royaliste), th' other be awaitin'... (th' Rotter Lowe) So....
  3. Aye Lass, Well, puttin a place designated fer smokin' on th' stern o' th' ship would be th' worst place..... for th' wind blows th' ship forward, thus alla th' smoke n' possibly sparks would be all o'er the deck! Th' best place ta smoke would be th' BOW, up near th' beakshead... Why da ye think the privy holes are up there? why they be called "th' Head"?
  4. Aye Lass, Welcome aboard!!!! Aye Lass ye found th' right place fer wots ye be fond of... Ya gots questions 'bout th' site? Ask away!!! We dunna bite, well not too hard unless ye asks us to... Welcome aboard again I say! Enjoy th' site! Life's a bed o' roses in th' sweet trade!!!
  5. Aye Ladd, Tha' be St. Elmo's Fire.... and it'd be the tips o' th' masts tha' would show th' blue flame... n' actually, it'd be a goode chance tha' th' ship wouldn't be struck... (iffn' ye want th' scientifics on tha', ask.... I used at work wi' it allot) Goode ol' St. Elmo...
  6. Aye Ladd, Try lookin' at 'em in wot would be th' most usefull.... Plug Bayonet - good fer han' ta han' combat, not so good fer workin' th' ship... Longhunter - Good fer han' ta han' combat, good workin' knife, a might big tho.... Trade knife - ok fer han' ta han' combat, good workin' knife, reasonable size... I personally carry two or more knife/daggers; 1 combat dagger, a peircing weapon, 'bout 14" long... 1 workin' and combat knife, drop point blade, made from an metalworkin' file, 'bout 10" long... 1 folding knife (kinda like th' ring back colonial knife from Smoke & Fire - http://www.smoke-fire.com/treasures-for-th...gentleman-1.asp - close to th' bottom o' th' page...) Nice small workin' knife... So.... dependin' on wot ye be wantin'.... there ye be...
  7. Aye There's a book I'm startin' ta read, "Folklore and the Sea" by Horace Beck, isbn 0-7858-1119-2 Has all kinds o' th' folklore n' superstions o' sailors n' folks what live on the shore as well... Whistling during a calmness was believed to bring up th' wind.
  8. Aye Ladd, Lass, Hmmm.. seein' as it be a business trip, I'll 'ave on'y a wee bit o' free tyme... I hope mostly on th' saturday, an iffn' I hasta stay thru th' weekend, sunday for sure will be free... I nay know me way about th' area, so I'd hafta trust yon natives... I shall keep ye posted as I knows wot be happenin' I thinks me weapons will be stayin' in their home port... I'll just hope bein' armed wi' me wits shall be enough ta get me thru...
  9. Aye Lass, The Ladd wot had th' Brown Bess go up in 'is face, 'e went on ta reenact fer nigh on 30 years more... Th' accident actually reenforced 'is luv o' reenactin'.... Admire , aye much better, least ways wi' a fire arm... now a sword, I'd be wearin' tha' proudly! hopefully ta ne'er be used, just shown n' admired by all... I'll 'appily beat th' snot outta a repro tho... Aye Royaliste, Hmmm... aye, belts dunna hold up a'ter such a long tyme... buckles on the other 'and, put 'em on new leather!
  10. Aye Lass, As fer puttin' down coin fer an authentic piece, look fer estate auctions, 'ere be one; http://www.cottoneauctions.com/ This be an auction house.... lotsa goode stuff... As fer firin' said antique... NEVER... only iffn' it be th' only thing ta defend yerself with in a dire situation... I've known of some pieces that were inspected an' said to be safe blow up in th' owners face... put one feller inna 'ospital fer 3 months.... twas a brown bess, ca 1770s.... just with powder n' waddin' ta boot...
  11. Aye, Well, I just this day found out I will, unless things change, be in Oakland CA, right around the piers (where ever Matson trans. ships into) for a few days in Sept.... the 24th to either th' 27th or 29th... Should I pack a set o' me best? An' 'ow in blazes do I gets me cutlass n' pistol thru th' airport?
  12. Aye Ladd, I found th' pic o' the boxlock style flintlock duck foot pistol.... Tis in Th' Borders Away Book II on page 252.... tis dated ca 1800 also tis a four barrel job... nasty piece o' work....
  13. Aye, Tha' be quite th' complicated question... Hmmm... just as an example, th' clothes I be wearin' in me avitar pic, (bigger pic in the gallery) If all were bought; Boots $200 + Heavy cotton stocking socks $8 Breeches $45 + Shirt (cotton) $30 + Linnen, add $20+ Wool & Linnen Wesket (Vest) $80 + Felt Hat $20 + Belt $20 + Shoulder pouch $40 + Cutlass $250 + Knife $35 + Dagger $50 + Other Dagger $45 + Pistol $200 + Total $1023 + So... Tha's just one outfit... not tha' ye really need more'n one a week...
  14. Aye Lass, Goode set o' pics on th' site!!! Great AVI too! Royaliste, Might I ask, on seein' them pics n' the avi, how was it yer makin' some goode tyme, wi' out any sails set? Or didja just 'ave yer topsails out an' they weren't inna pics, etc...? Ye weren't usin' any modern type propulsion, were ye? I'd give me left leg fer tha' kinda fun.....
  15. Aye Lass, It appears tha' it could be a Mortuary Sword.... Mind ye, all cutlass do nay have a curved blade, many a cutlass is a straight, single edged blade... Not quite right but meebe, here's a Mortuary Sword; http://www.swordarmory.com/medieval_swords/2004gt.htm
  16. Aye Lass, Well, so far this summer; "Cochrane: Britannia's Sea Wolf" by Donald Thomas isbn 0-304-35282-9 "The Guardship" & The Blackbirdier" from th' "Brethren of the Coast" series by James L Nelson "By Force of Arms" Th' Revolution at Sea series, also by James L Nelson At present I be startin' ta read; "Precursors of Nelson, British Admrials of the 18th Century" isbn 1-86176-062-0 "The Speedwell Voyage" isbn 0-425-17438-7 "Folklore and the Sea" isbn 0-7858-1119-2 And I been slowly pickin' thru "Life before the Mast" isbn 0-7858-1517-1 Mind you some o' these were read whilst on two different business trips, where my free tyme (or lack there of) was spent starin' at th' walls inna hotel room.... or on a plane....
  17. Aye Claire, Royaliste, Great Pics!!! Excellent AVI!!! So, Who's who? Mr. bloody nose be Claires' Hubby, but who else be there? Tis a goode thing 'avin' names ta faces...
  18. Aye Royaliste, Ya bloody lunatic!!! Hmmm... well, tha' does work ta get ya there right quick-like... Th's a long bloody trailer ya use there! I'm used ta th' 53' trailers, yer ship bein' 71'..... Hell's Bells Man!!!
  19. Aye Lass, Might ye put up th' linkta this "Cherry's" place? I've nay heard o' them, an' th' price ye gots there fer th' pistol... very nice...
  20. Aye Lass, I admire any wooden hulled, tallship, square rigger, etc... There is a small river sloop pirate ship in me area named either "The Ark" or just "ARK".... she be 42' abeam... single mast sloop... I gotta get a note ta the Cap'n one o' these days... Las' tyme I was on her was at least 3 years ago.... lost touch wi' th' Lad since then... I'll agree, beautiful pics o' the Royaliste... 'ow 'bout some pics o' them new carronades???
  21. Aye Ladd, I dunna think yer gonna find a kit wi' flintlock, here's a description I found for 'em... Percussion 3 barrel, single shot, "duckfoot" Guns of this type were originally made C1840-60, but never gained popularity because they were horribly inaccurate. Most of the originals were made in England. Also, flintlock pieces were made C1790-1840. All originals are rare and fakes being sold as originals are more common. Original specimens are very highly prized, being above $2000. So... I think I have a pic in a book of th' boxlock styled one... I'll check when I get to th' book again....
  22. Hmmmm.... I dunno iffn' it helps stiffen th' hat, but a nice can o' campdry(sp) or yer favorite water proofing agent works wonders... No more floppy wet hat....
  23. AYe Royaliste, Oww... yer hit a sore spot wi' me... I be still kickin' meself fer not sendin' in me info for Last of the Mohicans..... Aye, local reenactors more than enjoy th' chance ta do just that... be inna period movie... I'm awaitin' on a friend o' mine ta call me fer doin' a documentary r' two... should be lotsa fun....
  24. Aye Maverick, Ye be wantin' ta got inta the "Hats" section in this here Plunder forum... Plenty o' information fer ya there....
  25. Aye Angus, Th' site looks Luvly... Tis much improved from th' last incarnation, yet so very simular... Cheers
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