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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. :: comes back from usin' th' head:: Hrmm... thot I heard m' name spoke.... ears must be goin' from alla th' cannon fire... A'right I's made room fer ta finish me drink... Wot be on deck fer the evening meal William?
  2. Crunchy Frog? (c'mon ye monte python fans)
  3. ::takes a break from dancing with Merc Wench:: *Whew* I think we be celebratin' 'cos tamarry be Friday.... Welcome ta th' weekend... Now, where was I?, Ah yes... 'nuther jig? 'r should I try ta finish me friggin' uge drink? Hrmmm wot ta do, wot ta do....
  4. Oh dear, 'ere comes th' golf jokes... A feller, lets call 'im Bob, went ta Japan fer a business trip... He had some extra time to spent by himself, so he figured, "I'm in Japan, why not get a Gesha and have a good time?" so he has a girl come to his room, gets a massage and then they have sex... as they start she kind of jumps around and starts yelling "Wa Hoo!, Wa Hoo!" Well, he thinks he's doin' her good, 'cos she's really movin' around, 'gettin' into it'... he finishes up, and she gives him an odd look before leaving. So next morning he goes to his business meeting, and afterwards he and the japanese partners go out for a round of golf. Well, Bob's an a'right golfer, he steps up to the 4th hole tee and whacks the ball good. It goes down range, bounces twice on the green and right into the hole. 'Wow he thinks, a hole in one!" So he turns to his japanese CEO and says "Wa Hoo!" with a grin.... All the other japanese fellows get a confused look on their faces. Finally, the CEO looks at Bob and says, "What do you mean, Wrong Hole?"
  5. fortune + tellers Tarot Cards...
  6. Blue Oyster Cult's greatest hits...
  7. A pyrates life for me!
  8. Aye, Tha'll do William.. Tha'll do... Aye, M.Wench... I would nay burden yer pocket wi' th' payment o' this grande drink... mayhaps a Drambuie later.... A dance! Oh... I suppose I's up fer a jig... Aye, goode day to ye as well, Mum... Beggin' yer pardon, I's gonna be o'er here fer a wee bit... :: shallow bow::
  9. :: swaggers in through th' doors and hears:: "Though you may wish to give the lot of them a good scrubbing down first." :: stops sort at that remark, gingerly pinches shirtsleeve and raises it to face:: *sniff, sniff* I'ain't tha' bad... been workin' upon the T'gallants o' the main mast inna sun... I ain't tha' sweaty... :: lets go of shirt, swaggers over to the bar:: William, give us a cool refreshin' drink... No tha's a wee drink... Tha' one's not so wee, but I need one tha's Friggin' Huge... Thankee...
  10. Settin' in Da's chair I see...
  11. Lordy, this took a bender.... Pyrate! (throbing python o' L... )
  12. Kewl!!! Er... Argh! I must plunder these from me TRU..... I don' get there often...
  13. Black Adder... (Hey it popped inta me head)
  14. An most excellent movie.... I actually have it on DVD... "What say you sir, you're a Royalist now...?" "I think we're more Realists..." Now fer my quote ta be figured.... "Wot, ye get yer tongues pruined like tha' Dago lawyer?"
  15. The Duelists....
  16. Tha' works fer yer thought... ST F. o' Assisi... St. Kitts
  17. of St Francis... (ye know... San Fran bay)
  18. What? Ye dinna' say th' Black Pearl?
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