:: finds himself in the officers cabin, taking stock of what is in the first mates sea chest, ditty bag, etc. Scratching it all out on parchment, comparing it with the logbook of the Master at Arms, etc. ::
Well... looks ta all be accounted fer... tyme ta get it topside...
:: closes chest and gets ready to drag it out of the cabin when foot falls are heard topside ::
Ah, mayhaps someones 'ere ta claim 'is belongin's... Right, tyme ta meet n' greet...
:: heads topside just in time to see the Master Gunner heading to the bow, looking sorrowful ::
Hmm... musta seen th' obituary.... well, I'll leave 'im be...
:: heads below.... starts draging the sea chest out and up onto the main deck, laeving it at the base of the mizzenmast, under where the post of the demize of Master Phil is located. ::
Tha'll do fer now....
Back ta getting this ol' gal in shape, bristol fashion - like...
:: crosses the waist of the ship, checking high and low, making notations of what needs to be accomplished in the next few days....::