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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. :: watches from the quarter deck as a large, black flag is run up the mainmast, breaking out in all its glory as it reaches the peak :: Argh!!! There be a fine sight!!!
  2. A'right... Still a bit fancy fer me.... lemon slice n' ice in me drink... not uesd ta such... 'cept th' ice when in northren climes...
  3. Oooo!!! Ice in me drink! An' a slice o' lemon! Tha's a fancy bit fer me...
  4. Hmmm... Nay.... I prefers ta drink m'rum... Brown sugar, confectioners....?
  5. Devil with the blue dress on....
  6. Looks ta be a fine bit o' dessert there... i'd be 'appy ta give it a try... Wot ye spike tha' with?
  7. I did not have relations with her..... RRRRrrrIIIiiiggghhhhttt!!!!!
  8. :: finds himself in the officers cabin, taking stock of what is in the first mates sea chest, ditty bag, etc. Scratching it all out on parchment, comparing it with the logbook of the Master at Arms, etc. :: Well... looks ta all be accounted fer... tyme ta get it topside... :: closes chest and gets ready to drag it out of the cabin when foot falls are heard topside :: Ah, mayhaps someones 'ere ta claim 'is belongin's... Right, tyme ta meet n' greet... :: heads topside just in time to see the Master Gunner heading to the bow, looking sorrowful :: Hmm... musta seen th' obituary.... well, I'll leave 'im be... :: heads below.... starts draging the sea chest out and up onto the main deck, laeving it at the base of the mizzenmast, under where the post of the demize of Master Phil is located. :: Tha'll do fer now.... Back ta getting this ol' gal in shape, bristol fashion - like... :: crosses the waist of the ship, checking high and low, making notations of what needs to be accomplished in the next few days....::
  9. Ah.... Hmmm... :: grin :: AYe Lass, I'll not be drinkin' more then one r' two... An' then back ta Rum 'r Drambuie......
  10. *after a fine few days of R&R, the QM finds himself making his way back to the open arms of "The Watch Dog"* ::strolling along with a half grin playing on his face, walk down the pier, noticing the leaflets posted here and there, noting their contents... Walking past the largest of them, scanning it briefly and continuing along until the contents register, then just about tripping over himself backpaddling to the parchment, ripping it off the post it was attached to:: Hells Bells!!! Han't e'en left port en we's losin' officers! Lardy Master Phil, ye gets yerself inta quite a mess ye did... "Oh it's safe on this 'ere island, we all knows each other'n naught harm'll become o' it.." Aye.... we be swarmin' wi' pyrates... we's always in harms way... :: crumples parchment in his hands and goes to throw it in the water.... stops in mid throw..:: Tha'll do no goode.... Tis me duty ta get 'is personal effects ready fer whome'er comes ta rightly claim 'em... ::takes a deep breath and releases it slowly... starts up the gangway onto deck, heads back to the officers quarters, draws a dubh out of the back of his slops and stabs the crumpled parchment onto the mizzenmast as he passes and heads below...::
  11. Right, then.... :: Takes glass, holds two fingers ta the side pours in the midori... :: Hmmm.... :: takes a sip :: Eh, s'a'right... 'oo's mellon's it flavoured wi'? :: pours lemonade into glass, swirls it around, taks a sip :: Mmmm... no' bad... no' bad a'tall... Cheers!
  12. Aye Lass, Midori ye says? I's up fer somethin' new... William, pass th, Midori o'er this-a-way... Thankee... 'ow may finger o' midori ta the glass o' lemonade does ye suggest?
  13. Hrmm... Asside from vodka..... wot would go goode in Lemonade......
  14. Aye William, Aye, a dashin' young bloke... My th' fare looks delightful... Hrmm.... ye say spirits in th' lemonade? Such as?
  15. AYe William, My wot a fine young gentleman ye got there! Ye gonna 'ave 'im try out fer th' next James Bond? All dressed in th' white tux... Mornin' all... Tempest, Lady Snow, Morgan, Christene... Wot's the fare this day?
  16. Hmmmmm... well, worse fer wear.... the ham is a'ready cooked... tis cold but... 'ere be some bread... fresh this morn it appears.. Some mustard... Got a barrel o' salt fish.... Hmmmmm....... Plenty o' rum, guinness an' the like....
  17. Hmmm... Looks like goose o'er here... Dunno what tha' might be there.... As fer greens n' such... looks ta be plenty... Some cake here... :: takes a pinch and tastes it:: German chocolate, mebee...
  18. Aye, well then... Lessee wot be in the larder... An Ham, looks ta be mutton, Hmmm... fresh bullock... Anythin' ta yer likin' so far???
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