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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Give up? Did we give up when the germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! NO!!!!!
  2. AYe Lass, M' glass be at yer disposal, anytyme... I believe tis better'n most aboard, 'cept th' Cap'n... Right then, be waitin' at th' portside er ye....
  3. Ah.... fer a soothin, lazy flight..... Albatros.... Oh I s'pose I c'n trust these lads ta watch o'er th' "Dog"... Aye, a trip ta th' "Kate" sounds goode....
  4. Er... Diego.... we duna 'ave Guinness aboard... sumat other... yer gonna hafta go ashore ta th' Kate fer tha'..... Ah, th' pelican.... Hmmm.... I perfer ta find meself more liken to an hawk...
  5. Aye Diego... tis a fine tyme fer.... tea... 'r coffee.... Oh, a very fine coffee... now wot be in th' 'old.... who's ta say... No. no Lass... coffee were offered... I's fine wi' it presently... Mayhap some tea later.... :: pulls small spyglass from pocket :: 'ere ye go, lass.... closer look at 'em birds...
  6. WooHoo!!!!!!!!!! Er.... *cough* AAaaarrrgh!
  7. "I'll have what she's having.."
  8. "like" ye love it?? As iffn' ye don't?
  9. :: nods at Armand with a half grinand a wink :: Oh, nay Lass, jest I been used ta rather weak coffee as o' lately... I c'n tell by the aroma this be a strong sort.... jest need ta take off th' edge... Much as I hate ta admit it... I's more partial ta tea... :: takes a sip, stops and looks at the china cup that he's drinking from :: Ye dinna get this from th' ship stores... tis... lovely...
  10. Scream like a Banshee!
  11. Hmmm.. listening to radio traffic on the work radio....
  12. Ah.... I see, I see... Oh, thankee lass.... Mmm uh.... Mercy, uh bowcoo Armand.... :: gingerly takes the cup of coffee and the cup of sugar... sips coffee, adds sugar, sips, adds more sugar, sips, adds more sugar, sips... nods, puts sugar cup down::
  13. ::shakes head:: Tis a sad day.... Ye best find yerself a goode video rental shoppe n' set asside a few days...
  14. Me? Where's d' I hail from... Ye kennet tell? Why, I's from betwixt Roisin Dubh n' th' isle o' Arran... Mostly spent aboard, 'r in a shipyard... Tho I's told I c'n lay claim ta Glencairn on th' nor'east coast.... ::noting her expression:: An ye, Lass? Ye say ye studied n' Paris, so's ye picked up their words... Tha' says not o' yer beginnins...
  15. Rake her 'cross th' stern...
  16. make yer shot count...
  17. Ah Lass, Now tha' some calm 'as set in, I's fine... Local birds? Hmmm.... gulls, terns, n' the like... Coffee... mayhaps wi' some sweetinin'.... :: under breath :: there's tha' frenchy speak ag'in...
  18. 'ow 'bout more like Stratego? Dunno......
  19. Very well, Diego.... ::crosses deck, goes below to cabin, deposits dragoons in sea chest, hooks sea service pistol on belt, hangs light cutlass on bulkhead... Returns topside:: Ah... better.... ::looks at remaining crew, lolling about on deck:: You lads, ye still be 'ere? Well then... ye gets first watch! You, got to th' bow, you two, ta th' waist, you two ta th' stern....... :: watches as the lads take up their posts :: Tha'll do, laddys, tha'll do.... :: slowly saunters over to where the surgeon is sitting :: Wot ye doin' lass???
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