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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
:: the smile fades from his face as one of the crew comes swaying about on the pier, hails M. Diego and trips over a cask, knocking himself out by running into a piling...:: Well.... an tha' be one o' 'r lookouts... ::rubs face with hand:: Mayhaps this day be shapin' up rather interestin'ly... :: looks to the Surgeon :: Temp... Ah, Ms. Fitzgerald... I 'spect tha' lad is in need o' yer speciality... If ye would be so kind? :: point to two Able Seamen :: You there! Fetch tha' lad offin' th' dock! Take 'im ta th' sick bay! Be quick about it!
:: takes into consideration the query of the Master at Arms... Whilst doing so, the Surgeon, Ms Fitzgerald and her servant arrive, full of anger... :: Oh there she be speakin' tha' frenchy ag'in.... Hrumph, I didn' know William spake it too... Tha's just lovely... now I s'pose I'll be 'earin' more o' it... ::walks over to the pair of them:: Beg pardon, I o'er heard yer conversation.... Tempest, r' Ms. Fitzgerald... I suspect ye be wonderin' 'bout th' reported death o' th' first mate, Phil... twas a falsification... he be alive n' well... right, he be alive fer sure... An' Master William, Aye, I do 'ave a chore 'r two fer ye... get a couple o' mates, head down ta th' cove there an' see ta makin' some simple fortifications... I'd like ta set up a few cannons n' such whilst we careen r' ship... Converse wi' th' M. Gunner as well... Aye... make it so... :: clasps hands behind back, gives a closed mouth smile ::
Bloody hell Foxe! How many hands does ye have??? Exactly... the paintings we had were just that, a whole mix of classes... Yes, many look to be courtly... but alot were "scenes from the working man" The butcher, the baker.... etc... I just wish I had more time to study them, which I didn't while they were here....
Hrmm... Tha's a tough one, mate... Iffn' it brings on a bad memory... Aye, Cheers it be!
Meersham pipes....
Tortuga.... All by yerse'f? Goode man.... goode man... Well then, iffn all goes well, mayhaps we c'n get th' ol' girl o'er ta tha' cove, careen 'er an' refit by.... say.... mid month? Lessee... I needs ta get th' carpenter an' 'is mates ta mix up some sulfer n' tallow, among all th' other supplies fer calkin' an fixin' th' hull.... Aye Ladd, we's soon be able ta load up alla th' stores n' cannon.... soon....
Very well, Lass.... Take yer gear ta th' tween decks 'r th' gun deck n' find a hammock ta call yer own.... Introduce ye'self ta th' rest o' th' crew rightly so... Welcome aboard! 'ere's a tot o' rum ta wet yer whistle... So now ye knows me, th' QM, an' ye knows William th' Master 't Arms - he'll keep yer weapons in proper order til ye needs 'em... Master Gunner Petee be o'er there... Th' rest o' th lads n' lasseys be comin' back from shore leave... We 'ave much ta do ta get yer new home Bristol Fashion... Don't make yerse'f scarce....
Mad Max... the cars used in that movie were Aussie Ford Falcons...
Aye Padre Diego, I hadn't th' chance ta praise M. Gunner Petee... Tis a fyne cannon ye found fer th' 'Dog'.... Twill do nicely... aye... Pass th' word fer th' Cook! Yer gonna get a snooker full o' goode scotch, ye will... Dare I ask where ye procured said cannon?
Aye Master William.... I'll drink ta tha'.... I need no congratulations fer me temperery appointment... tis a worldly weight put on m'shoulders... Tis a job I's had in th' past... seems another lifetyme ago... Mayhaps I be th' man fer th' job... mayhaps not... tyme shall tell... (edited out, replaced with) Cheers!
C'mon Lass, I know part o' th' story... not mine fer th' tellin' We's here fer ye ta bend 'r ears... 'ave a sit-down n' speak yer mind.... Give us a Drambuie, William.......
Trojan Wars?!?!? Hmmm... a'right... always use pertection...
Aye Diego, Very well then.... Ms. Constance..... Make yer mark on th' Articles.... I sees yer peepers be sharp... We 'ave a place fer a lookout open... if ye be willin' tha' be fer ye... mayhaps as tyme will tell, ye be given a diff'rent position.. Wot says ye?
Maltese Falcon...
Thankee CG.... Tha' makes sense...
:: Looks Sealegs up and down :: Aye lass... mayhaps tha' c'n 'appen... Cap'n William will 'ave th' final word, I do believe... I's on'y th' Quartermaster... I's sure he be thinkin' ta 'ave ye make yer mark on th' Articles... So.... c'n ye handle a musket? Haul on a cable? Swing a cutlass? Man..... aye, man th' guns? 'olystone th' deck? Pump th' bildge? Run th' Ratlines? Heave th' lead?
Aye, Positive it twas from a pyrate movie... Ta gives ye a hint... one o' Dutch's helpers/henchmen was named Mooney...
Day-to-day fashion... I would think very few prefered boots over shoes... A few years back we had an exhibit of 17th and 18th C paintings. I don't think I saw one set of boots on anyone... I did learn alot on how stockings were worn... they weren't always the tight, form fitting style, some even looked like leg wraps and not stockings... Back to boots... what is the purpose of the piece of leather where a buckle woud be that's kind of shaped like a butterfly? I've never gotten an answer for that...
I'll answer this.... sort of... The A, B, C.... most likely they refer to a notation that went with the drawing.... I have many bokks with maps, etc. that have numbers and letters next to points of interest... As for the topic.... You have to ask yourself if YOU would want to be swing about in the rigging while encumbered with boots, cutlass, pistols, cartouche box, etc... Me? No... I'd want to be as lightly encumbered as possible... Now, if yer gonna be attacking a ship... Yes, I'll be happy to be carrying all that truck.... On shore? Mocking the gentry, showing how fierce ye be? Yes, I'll be carrying the extra weight...
Audrey Hepburn... One Classy Lass...
AH, Christene, lassey... tis goode ta hear tha' the news o' r' first officer's demise be a falsification! A tot o' rum fer all ta celebrate! :: gets copper cup from side of cask, fills if from spigot..:: Ta yer health, Phil!!! * Gulp * Ahhhhhhh.... Mmmm.... Aye, tha'll do... :: replaces cup :: Now.... back ta th' days business....
The Breakfast Club...
Spiced Rum.... (gode ol' Cap'n Morgans)
AYe Master 't arms!!! A fyne bit o' work... very fyne..... N' Christene... M' hopes n' prayers to ye... Iffn' ye can resurrect 'im, then I'll not 'ave ta sell off 'is personables!!! I's sure M'lady Tempest will be about ta help in yer resurrectin' right quick now! Those o' us livin' will keep livin'..... those o' us not.... we's gonna bring back!!!
Back ta Alcohol eh? Rum!