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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. The water drips off his chiseled pectorals....his unbound hair falling sleekly around his shoulders down to his chest... He pauses, dimly aware of another presence...
  2. Pyrate Go put on both yer boots I said, Pyrate And go have a few toots You know, Pyrates Be a breed all their own There's no way...to...keep...them...down... It's fun to play in the Wild Spanish Main ... (Coins??? I don't go down fer pennies, ya know...LOL)
  3. In the distance, Christine sees a man emerge from the water, his body glistening in the moonlight...
  4. (Jumps up on the table wearing his black cycling shorts and "Cuddle Bitch" A-shirt, begins a slow, sensuous bump-and-grind)
  5. Awww... ...if ye stop cryin', lass, I'LL climb up on th' table an' dance fer ye...
  6. Be nice if they'd let me use two hands...
  7. Pearl Jam! Ummm..."Black"?
  8. ...ashamed ta be sayin', M'lady, aye... ...most desperately...
  9. ...you got a purty mouth, cuz...
  10. ...I heard o' kissin' cousins...
  11. Loose lips...must have been exposed to WD-40 ...now I can gum ya' all ta' death...
  12. ...i' took' 'y 'ips off...
  13. I don't know about THAT, Lady Snow... ...there be a few wenches here whot I'd like to get an upper-hand hard on...I mean, a hard upper-hand on...
  14. Thank the gods...
  15. ...AND various body parts...
  16. LOL... ...that's 1000 and 1 uses...
  17. Back to Spyro Gyra...ok, so I'm obsessive/compulsive...
  18. ...you must have frog legs LOL
  19. LOL! It be a fun thing, but pricey iffin' ye stay around long enough fer revenge
  20. ...never anticipate... :) LOL - good one! Much better, M'lady, thank ye...I at least neutralized SOME o' th' pain...but just coverin' up symptoms, I be afraid... ...ALL really nice email gladly accepted - I'll jes' tilt me back-board to view 'em... Jes a side-bar 'ere...iffin yer echinacea has Vitamin C in it, the Zn will be cancellin' it out...but if it work fer ya', more power to ya! To all the bunk-mates in Californi-aye...here's wishin' some drier times! (Even tho' NPR said yer pushin' the wet record this year... )...
  21. Oh, don't get me goin' on THET one, M'lady...me boys and I'll be puttin' on our reg'lar show again this year, Neptune willin' and the seas don't drop...
  22. ...that'll do it to ya, every time... Right now, my back is killing me...I usually don't mind pain, but this is from too many hours in this ^&%$# computer chair, which has a 15 degree list to port... ...maybe I'll just lay down on the floor and type... ...y'all excuse me while I stick some needles in myself...
  23. LOL - I used to live 2 blocks from "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz... ...he heard voices, too...hopefully different from yers, William...
  24. I seriously be doubtin' the sanity o' the fella's whot kiss a bridge instead o' a Bridgette...
  25. Right now...nothing... ...was just listening to a Narada collection in the car, tho...
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