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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Well, thank ye kindly, Ladies - I'll be bringin' me sleepin' bag and Chapstick this year... Oh...and the parrot - we're just friends...
  2. HEY!!! Merry just became an Immortal! HUZZAH! (I never KNEW an immortal before, except for Duncan...)
  3. Blade ...Master...
  4. Prisoners... ...#6...
  5. Lass, would ya mind tellin' 'er, at least from THIS ol' pyrates view, thet she might consider ta be spendin' more time on th' Bridge? Last year, after spendin' several empty and mostly embarress'n hours on the planks, and watchin' as the faire maidens ran shriekin' in terror, I ended up kissin', in no particular order, me hand, a strange little passin' midget whot be dressed as Yoda, and me parrot: none o' which, I might be addin', were satisfyin' in th' least-bit...although th' parrot DID blush
  6. LOL! Just posted sumthin' about tissue-stuffers on a nother thread...great minds think alike! Ok, lessee iffin' I got's the hang o' this... ...boddice... ...keeper...
  7. Ahhh - thank ye, Captain!
  8. ...and sometimes, the harder you try, the further away your goal gets...a lot of guys are turned off by closeness - go figure...
  9. Rumba, yer not the only blonde here... I be totally lost too...this sounds suspiciously like the test those nasty men in the white coats gave me last month at the Center... Are we suppose ta be respondin' ta each NEW word, or jes "cannons"? Please, someone explain...I feel so...inadequate.... And M'Lady MerryDeath - WHY must me and Patrick be second-handers??? Whot, we got dirty minds or sumpthin'?
  10. (Rollin' up 'is sleeves...) Alrighty, mates - ye asked fer it! It DO seem a mite diffycult ta be pickin' jes' a few, but here's whot comes offin' th' top o' me shiny skull...in no partickilar order, o' course... Clockwork Orange - (Love the use of language in this one) Key Largo - Bogey with Baby at what I think is their finest... The Godfather - The Godfather of all mob movies... Thief - James Caan (my MAN!), doin' the night moves... Under Siege - My OTHER MAN - sorry, but I do martial arts...so... Enter the Dragon - Not much to look at in terms of cinema, but it's BRUCE LEE, guys! His best, and last, film... Goodfellas - OK, so I LIKE mob films...just about grew up in Little Italy, OK?...you got a PROBLEM wit' dat???... Anything with Robin Williams - Sorry, but he's who I'd want to be if I ever grew up... The Magnificent Seven - When men were men...and women liked it... March of the Wooden Soldiers - hokey nowadays, but it has some sentimental attachments that I can't seem to shake... ...there's more...many, many more...but just don't have the willpower right now
  11. An admirable goal, M'lady...vous etes bien aimable...
  12. Methinks the Lady might mean REspired conversation - with the iron lung a'pumpin'...
  13. Well, Phil, isn't that what the rest of us are here for? To voice those dirty little inner thoughts? oh yeah, and song references? ...not quite sure what ANY of us are here for...
  14. I didn't want to say it...
  15. Thank ye, Duchess...
  16. No Sugar tonight, in his coffee... No Sugar tonight, for tea...
  17. ...it were goode tea...
  18. Aye, I remembers bein' thet way when I were in Human Bondage.... ...took 3 priests, 6 pshrinks, and a whole gaggle o' party girls ta be deconditioned...praise Neptune...
  19. ...you'd prolly need to stop in at yer local Drama Dairy...
  20. LOL - ...well, they HAVE done documentaries on apes using tools...
  21. OOooooo.... ...flying Baboons and slut pumps - life don't get any better... "They ripped off my arm and threw it over there... ...then they ripped off my...um...and threw it over there..."
  22. I used to carry one tucked in my belt, but got too many rude comments about its functions...
  23. ...in a Mae West voice...LOL
  24. "...NOW we can all see my lizard...I mean, the Wizard!" -from Pyrates of Oz
  25. That's scary, Christine - I almost posted that...
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