(Rollin' up 'is sleeves...)
Alrighty, mates - ye asked fer it!
It DO seem a mite diffycult ta be pickin' jes' a few, but here's whot comes offin' th' top o' me shiny skull...in no partickilar order, o' course...
Clockwork Orange - (Love the use of language in this one)
Key Largo - Bogey with Baby at what I think is their finest...
The Godfather - The Godfather of all mob movies...
Thief - James Caan (my MAN!), doin' the night moves...
Under Siege - My OTHER MAN - sorry, but I do martial arts...so...
Enter the Dragon - Not much to look at in terms of cinema, but it's BRUCE LEE, guys! His best, and last, film...
Goodfellas - OK, so I LIKE mob films...just about grew up in Little Italy, OK?...you got a PROBLEM wit' dat???...
Anything with Robin Williams - Sorry, but he's who I'd want to be if I ever grew up...
The Magnificent Seven - When men were men...and women liked it...
March of the Wooden Soldiers - hokey nowadays, but it has some sentimental attachments that I can't seem to shake...
...there's more...many, many more...but just don't have the willpower right now