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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. I'll take it... Handcuffs... ...ties that bind...
  2. Rod Stewart - "Stay with Me" and the rest of the "Downtown Train" album...
  3. ...desperate... ...but don't quite know why...a vague awareness of the timer running in life, but not quite knowing what to do about it... ...although the Tao teaches us to enjoy each moment and to revel in Nature's effortless beauty, I'd like to grab Old Man Winter right about now and put him in some SERIOUS chin-na ....
  4. ...I KNEW I liked you, Hawkyns! :) ...I've been to 14 Tull concerts...
  5. ...unless I be fond o' porky-pines...
  6. :angry: :angry: 4:30pm Monday - long day again...right now, Kohachiro Miyata is embracing his shakuhachi in the den... ...but Sting is calling me, so it'll be HIS stuff in a while...he be a poet, like me...only much, much, much better...
  7. Aye, I could'a at that, lass... ...but then I'd be known as ol' TimberMouth...or Woody! :angry:
  8. Great movie, too... :)
  9. (PPhil blushes and covers the Parrot's one good eye...)
  10. ...ooooooook..... ...hey, look at it this way - if no one posts, they can just take this off the board...nothing ventured...
  11. Touchy-feely time, gang! You KNOW the way my mind works...you KNEW this was coming...I WARNED you... ...how do you FEEL... ........right here, right now? I'll kick off...tired; coming off a long jag of sleep-deprivation experimentation; mellow (Thank You, Anita!); neither optimistic nor pessimistic about the future; happy to be allowed to share my particular brand of insanity with you all...
  12. (To Patrick-) Nice connection!
  13. Anita Baker again...sorry, but the Lady's got a voice that makes angels weep with envy and loss...
  14. Swamps... ...mangrove...
  15. 4:45pm...finished listening to my two boys for 8 hours, with THEIR fave listenings bein' more along the Gwen Stefani / Eminem lines...now it's time for some...let's see here...ah... ...Spyro Gyra's "Harbor Nights"...
  16. ...always a valid and timely question, within the musical realm and without...
  17. Very true - and a heck of a lot more Taoist than MY way
  18. 10:15 - You guys have all got me cueing up some oldies but goodies now... ...listening to Steve Miller's "Rock 'N Me"... ...on-deck - Boston, Kansas, Floyd, Tull, CSN, Steely Dan, Yes, Sting, Starship... ..."Too old to rock 'n' roll...too young to die"
  19. Wow- haven't heard that in a while...nice rhythm...and lyrics, o'course...
  20. ...excellent show...
  21. See, now, Cap't. Pete - YOU be scarin' ME... ...I jes now been makin' a little eyepatch fer me shoulder-mounted avian... Anyway... Jolly Roger... ...band o' brothers...
  22. 6:30pm - Anita Baker - "Body and Soul"
  23. Vivaldi's Concerto in G Minor...the Allegro...
  24. THERE ya go!
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