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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Aye - it be...cute...
  2. I think I'll pass - just had Denny's...belch...
  3. Heh, heh...glad I'm not the only Drunken-Style Pyrate Kung-Fu afficionado here...hic...
  4. Speaking of how we feel... ...frustrated...but thank ye fer askin' M'lady!
  5. Awwwwwww......
  6. LOL - always expect the unexpected...
  7. they splash like dolphins, and make plans for later to eat some raw fish LOL
  8. ...but Phil whips out his Silly String (Party Size) and paints her with it...
  9. ...when suddenly, without warning, thousands of giant mutant mosquitos, bred from the stagnant pools of water laying around the West after their heavy rains, come dive-bombing in, creating havoc and mayhem.... Oops - sorry - wrong script...I'll just go away now...
  10. Well, even iffin' ye be discountin' espada y daga, ye have ta be rememberin' I be of the Mysterious Oriental School O' Fightin'... ...sword in one hand, bottle of cheap Chinese wine in the other...
  11. "How do you handle a hungry man?... A Man-Handler!" To fence, of course, M'lady - wouldst thou ever consider me doing anything else???
  12. ...sigh... ...I love happy endings...
  13. ...le puff, le pant... Yes, let's!
  14. His head reeled as she leaned into him, filling with a delicious aroma of salt water, exotic flowery essences, and that mysterious, alluring something that women seemed to possess without knowing... His rough, callused hand on her collarbone trembled, feeling the soft, pliant skin beneath...gathering his courage, he placed his other hand on her waist... "You have a boat?!? Then we can be gone from this Hell-spawned isle!"
  15. He blushes, and sits back down to enjoy the show...
  16. "Aye, M'lady...born and raised...I suppose ye could say it be me Way...but I was marooned on this here place two years ago, as near's I can tell... somethin' about me an' th' ship's pet baboon...it weren't true" he hastily added, "but they left me here neverthenonetheless, with only the contents o' me flask and a few pieces o' hardtack..." He continues staring at her, his breath catching in his throat..."But how came YE to this a'cursed place, M'lady?"
  17. Grabs a fistful of dollars (great movie!) with his sweaty hands and stuffs them under the garter...slowly...one by one...
  18. ...pulls out a ridiculously huge stack of dollar bills and thunks it down on the table, smiling at her as she gyrates...
  19. "I'm sorry if I startled you..it's just that I...that is, I don't..." He pauses, confusion written on his handsome face... "I am...or was, I suppose...a Notorious Pyrate...but now...now that I've seen YOU...I...I've become something...that I Dread...", he mutters, while his fingers tenderly trace a line down her cheekbone to her lips...
  20. ...he slowly, ever so slowly, approaches her...stops an arms-length away..reaches out one tentative hand and gently touches her cheek... "Are you real...or am I still dreaming?" he whispers...
  21. *reluctantly hands back the thong, pulls on his tear-off pants, and takes the seat still warm from Christine* Iiiiits...showtime!
  22. He wades into the water, eyes on her golden tresses, noting the proud lift of her breasts beneath them... ...then examines her face...a timeless beauty contained therein, his heart skipping as he focuses on her eyes... ...words fail him...he wants only to live in this moment forever...gazing upon her natural unspoiled beauty, with the moonlight streaking down and the warm breeze caressing them both...he shudders...
  23. He sees her... ...or rather, he sees a Venus...caught in her innocent beauty, the moonlight blushing as it illuminates her perfect form... ...he gasps...rubs his eyes...and yet does she still appear there....seemingly frightened...yet self-assured... ...he begins to walk tentatively back toward the shore...conscious of an odd sensation, one he hasn't felt in years...
  24. ...he resumes drying himself off, bending to rub the cool water off his thighs...then, standing upright, pulls on a pair of worn trousers and secures them with a rope belt... He pauses once again, hands on hips, peering around, and spots a form in the water...
  25. (misses a beat as he catches the thong and winks at Christine) THAT be more like it, M'lady! (does a full bouncing split)
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