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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. LOL! (Phil, in a whining Frank Burns voice) MAAARGARET!!!!
  2. GoF- Sorry to throw salt on yer candleflame... Since I joined this board, I've never liked the organization of certain areas nor the lack of certain others. "Way to a Pirates Heart" - the title seems to indicate an area for emotional-type posts - if music isn't emotional, I don't know what is. As for poetry and such (admittedly a weakness of mine) - I early on made a request for a separate section, which was denied. I hardly think poetry belongs in Pop - that seems to be the provence of PotC fandom - so I settled on Rabble as the closest thing available. Not to worry - I'm now the Mod in my own Poetry section on another Pyrate board, so I won't be botherin' y'all with any more mis-posts.
  3. ...indulge in lust instead?...
  4. Thank ye, no...we're jes lickin' each other's wounds...
  5. Hmmm... I SEEN the kind'a sparks Christine be capable o' strikin'... ...ye'd all better be wearin' yer asbestos long-johns...
  6. His eyes light up as he spys the wondrous hidden retreat, her warm hand pressing into his...
  7. I think I'm pretty damn ready, sweetie - 'cause I just got a marriage proposal from 2 sharks, a jellyfish, and a sea anemone!
  8. They enter the water hand in hand, the still-slightly-cool waves lapping at their bodies...
  9. A bath would be wonderful right now, luv (hugs her and plants a big wet one on her)
  10. PPhil walks along the shore he remembers so fondly, the wet sand sticking to his feet...
  11. The best intentions are oft spoiled by life...
  12. PPhil drops in wearing his USPS costume, his bag full; gives Captain Annie a quick kiss on the cheek, drops his Highlander hair-tie in her hand, wraps his arm around her waist, and leads her off to the sorting cabin...
  13. LOL! Me ex- were never too crazy 'bout the idear - but now I got's one front 'n' center on me telly! ...a penguin, that is...not the ex-... (He be good friends with the dragon on me monitor, the koala on the sofa, and the BABOON in the loo!) See? - it be true - Great Minds Think Alike!!!
  14. (in Miss Piggy voice) "Allright for you, frog - HIIIIIYAAAAAA!"
  15. His arms being full, he envelopes Christine and urges her ahead with the rest of the Ladies... Gee...this is more fun than stacking cats !!!
  16. Just listening to some LaunchCast on Yahoo as I leave a trail of devastation and destruction here...jazz...
  17. Wraps his arms around Fancy's and Rummy's waists and leads them off for a discussion of dark places and teen games...
  18. ...oh...yeah...huh...mmmm.....
  19. PPhil gives Lady Snow food in exchange for her thoughts...(is this like guns for butter?)...
  20. Now, students, pay attention... Notice how Ms. Fancy, in her ever-so-winsome statement, has misspelled "PyratePhil", substituting a "T" for a "Y", resulting in "PtratePhil". An accident? A simple mis-alignment of digit upon electronic input device? Hardly... First, let us consider the ordered schedule of the alphabet - "Y" is the next-to-last letter, indicating a soon-to-be closure of events. "T", meanwhile, is much farther along, nestled snugly in the anonymous "S" and "U" grouping... Thus, perhaps Lady Fancy's usage of the colloquial "T" is an indication that she seeks safety (and perhaps approval) in the midst of known elements, i.e.- her friends and acquaintances. She spurns the use of the dangerous "Y", the rogue letter of the entire alphabet, said letter being too close to an ending, or final resolution, of the initial problem. Therefore, she can "accidently" avoid closeness with a known rogue. Another possible interpretation can be found in the Periodic Table of the Elements. "Pt", from the written "PtratePhil", is the symbol for platinum, the precious metal often used in jewelry. Being a metal that is so in demand, it is known to fetch a high price in the marketplace. Therefore, Madam Fancy's usage of "PtratePhil" may be a Super-Ego sign that she considers the subject to be priceless, like platinum. This theory is reinforced by the phrase "Ptrate" - translated as Platinum Rate - a metaphysical nod at PyratePhil's priceless worth. A similar hypothesis holds that she meant to imply that PyratePhil is Platinum Rated, aka "Platinum-Rated Phil". Finally, we will examine the overall climate in which we find ourselves deployed; namely, a closet. This class is not unlimited enough in either time or scope to investigate the many possible meanings of the term "closet", but a convenient yardstick of measurement is that a closet is a dark, comfortable, warm environment, usually utilized as a storage area for non-currently-used clothing. Hence, the Fancy Lady has shown her desire to shed clothing with a priceless rogue in a dark place - hardly the innocent meaning her original statement might have conjured up among friends. She herself adds much weight and conviction to this argument by questioning HERSELF ("me pondering this" and "...or would I."). Note the lack of the interrogatory question mark - this is not a question in her mind - it is an accomplished fact. She ponders that she would indeed take this PyratePhil into a closet to play Postoffice (again, note the unique structure of the phrase "Post Office" - we will be studying this attribute in next semester's classes). Ah, there's the bell...all right, class - homework - chapters 14 through 16, and ALL of the self-study questions...
  21. Thank you, Gunner - very well said...
  22. Personally, I think yer doin' a great job here, lass! As a former Mod and Admin for several boards, I kin tell ye - don't worry about it...NO ONE is ever 100% happy with WHATEVER you do - that's just the nature of the baboon...um....beast.
  23. Thanks, Patrick - never considered that really - sorry, Lady Rue
  24. I have a question - WHY is it important to know what you're asking? It might very well be true, every word...then again, it might not. Why do we (and I include myself in this category) try to change that which we don't understand? WHO is to say what is right and wrong? As long as they don't violate YOUR space, what's the harm? Wars have been started over one country deciding they didn't like the way the other country lived. Perhaps it's just the nature of the beast... Sit back, enjoy, ignore when necessary.
  25. Huzzah fer Hawkyns! O' course, jes as a small point..."legally" is open to interpretation... :) Lord Neptune knows, it be difficult ta live a split life - been there, got the tattered T-shirt - but iffin ye HAS to do it, yer way be THE way.
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