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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Where, where?
  2. Interesting to me how so many of you mentioned how the "real world" (Yes, Bess, I used the quotation marks!) won't allow you to be your "true" selves. What is wrong with this picture - you can only be yourself in this "false" world? SO...realizing the need to earn one's bread and a little butter in the land of the living-but-almost-soul-dead...I ask: Why NOT allow yourself to BE yourself more in the RW? Those who are remembered most fondly in life are the "characters", NOT the worker drones with the corporate attitude...when you are in your declining years, will you look back at a life lived YOUR way, or one spent in servitude, both physically and mentally, to the Great Big Machine of What Is Acceptable? Jes' thinkin' out loud, is all...
  3. Listening to my bones creak. much like the hull of an old ship, as I come to consciousness once again...
  4. I also think a lot of it is the Pyrate attitude - if you have it at heart, no matter how you express it, you belong here.
  5. Interesting question, Lady Rue... I suppose a lot depends on what you see as "reality"... I am who I am, but am constantly changing... what I post here is, as Mad Jack mentioned, a somewhat sterilized version of the real me...yet it's also a role I play, to an extent... In my "work", I'm anything from deadly serious to gut-busting funny - depends on the situation. Here - I see it as a relief valve, a place to mix my true and perceived realities for the enjoyment (hopefully) of others, and to discover new friends.
  6. Guess it's true what they say about certain biological functions kicking into overdrive when you hit the 40's... ...I myself have found that my hair is falling out MUCH faster now...
  7. Well, that's... ...um... ...yeah.....uh, what she said...
  8. ain't they already horny.... somethings? HEY! (catches fly with his tongue as he casts a baleful eye at Fancy)
  9. ...the horney toad spends his last days chained in the galley scrubbing dishes, fated to expire quietly while using Dawn... ...but by way of a happy ending, Dawn escapes and lives a full life.
  10. mmm...stick in my thumb and pull out...a plum?...
  11. Cardinal Puff... ...is that anything like HR Puffenstuff?
  12. Phil does his patented Flaming Monkey Dance... It's just a hop to the left...
  13. Pulls out his lighter - let's light the monkey on fire as a signal...
  14. I'm drawing a total blank - I wish some of me mates were here to help out...hey, how about good ol' Twister?
  15. Holds out his hand for her, pulls her to her feet...
  16. Tries punching the monkey, misses by a mile - I'm sorry, M'Lady - I jes can't find it in me ta hit me brethren...
  17. Aye - it were weird...but then, so be I...
  18. Rises up slightly wobbly, big smile, joins hands and spins with her as he recites: Pinwheel, pinwheel, where have you been? Hello, how are you, and may I come in?
  19. You like? My own blend of powdered seahorse, ginseng, garlic, and mandrake root...with a little clove to make it yummy...
  20. I noticed, M'Lady, you were seemin' a bit...flustered... And I got's somethin' here that kin take away yer pain... He lights the medicine with his scrimshaw-and-silver lighter, inhales (Yes, Mr. Clinton - INHALES!), and offers it to Christine...
  21. In Christine's absence, Phil pulls out a small bag of Chinese herbs and some double-wides...
  22. He watches a few small crabs crawling along ... is reminded to call the urologist later...
  23. ...the warm sand beneath them reminds him he has to change the cat's litterbox soon...
  24. Thank you, M'Lady... ...sits down next to Christine, looks out at the ocean...thinks deep, profoundly moving thoughts - like, what's for supper?
  25. He starts bending forward to awaken William with a kiss... (In all fairness, I can't go any further until William gets here to defend himself )
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