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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. ...that opens a world of possibilities
  2. (returns Ciaran's evil grin) Any port in a storm, me friend...any port in a storm!
  3. Aye, I'll be joinin' yer club - I did the magician routine...a kind of "poor man" conjurer with a tatty tux and a threadbare rabbit... Makes ya think on yer feet, it does, when the little ones try to catch you in yer show! Good trainin', says I, fer Pyracy...the fantasy kind, o'course...
  4. "Do you smoke after sex?" "I never looked"
  5. "In the Key of Healing" - Steven Halpern
  6. (Ella Fitzgerald steps in) Was it real, or was it Memorex?
  7. "The first thing we do, kill all the bankers" - misquoted from Wm. Shakespeare-
  8. Need more testing? "OOoooohhhhh....yeeeeaaaaaahhhh....aaahhhhhhhhhh....two, three"
  9. YAY!!!! A new Plunderer in our midst! May ye plunder well, m'lady!
  10. OOOooooohhhh... A Jedi thinks not of these things...puts them behind him, he does...
  11. "Test-two-three, test-two-three"
  12. Yer right, o'course, M'lady! It were jes' me dark-side speechin'...
  13. Maggie- Thank you - that's the first one I've heard of - geez, all the really cool stuff goes on in Georgia... Patrick- Yer readin' me mind, mate! Thanks!
  14. Well, Captain Ciaran might indulge his passion for wet-mopping, but aside from that, nope, no damage done...
  15. Thanks for the ideas, folks. It just hit me like a ton of bricks when my son mentioned it - here I am, 35 years in the Oriental arts, and never thought to put it in context with Ren Faires or pyrates. Salmagundi - aye, I'm a regular at the Chinese New Year festivals in NY - but it just isn't the same LOL. My son is into this stuff through me, of course - heavily into the entire Taoist philosophy, but also loves RPG and card games, so he'd be a natural. Me? I wish now there were two of me, so I could go as both my regular pyrate character and an oriental one.
  16. Oh, great Neptune, I HAVE to get to that some day! Thanks for the dreams!
  17. My son brought up an interesting question the other day, one which I wasn't able to answer, so I hope someone here has some info. Is there any Faire or Festival in the US that is exclusively, or even partially, devoted to Oriental subjects? What I'm envisioning is the fair-goers dressed in samurai, emperor, monk, ninja-type outfits, oriental food and wares being offered by merchants, demos of calligraphy, No plays, martial arts, etc., etc... Probably not a large enough interest level, eh? It just seems that all the Faires are devoted to European themes... And Mods - if this is in the wrong place - apologies - feel free to move it.
  18. Just an update on this Fest... I took a little recon drive around the Coal Street Park site...as I may have mentioned earlier in this thread (too lazy to check), it's an urban setting. A LOT of concrete surfaces, a kid's playground, a few trees...visions of me dressed in costume swinging on the baby swings came to mind... I guess what I'm getting at here is, if you're thinking of driving a long distance to attend this Fest, you might want to think twice. I'm TRYING to be positive about this, but I have a bad feeling about this location... I hope I'm wrong...I'd love to see the Festival take off...but then, I'm never wrong.
  19. Weel...it was a rhetorical comment...I don't HAVE a wife
  20. Ba-Dumm! But seriously, folks...take my wife...
  21. (Phil whips out his mouth harp and begins a stirring jig)
  22. Three huzzahs to Will the Notorious!!!
  23. (Phil whispers to Lady Snow) I think that imp IS watching us!
  24. Obviously, if you look at me, you'll know it only keeps out the drafts...
  25. I think Capt. Ciaran's on a walk-about...
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