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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Zounds, M'Lady! By my troth, I do aver... Dost thou not knowe...it DO be well and proper for violence to be true visited 'pon yonder lads and lasses...but speake of privies, knaving and wenching? Nay, a thousand time nay! 'Tis not the PC way!
  2. :angry:
  3. Thank you, my Lady! I will now esort you in a most gentlemanly, yet oddly distant, manner, to the above-mentioned destination.
  4. Good evening, Miss Christine. May I join you for some exciting social WARNING!!! ADULT CONTENT!!! intercourse?
  5. As long as there are people who are offended at the drop of a zipper, it'll never be normal here. And they're usually the ones that beat their kids on Sunday morning, then go to church... ...and it's ok for Junior to come here and read about the beheadings, stabbings, slashings, tarrings, keelhaulings, maroonings...not to mention the drinking that goes on here...but God forbid you pop out a pecker once and again.. .
  6. *Rod Serling steps into the Pub* "Submitted for your approval - two pyrates living on opposite sides of the world...two separate yet enmeshed lives...they begin to meld into one... ...in the Twilight Zone"
  7. Ahh...blessed Bach...Brandenburg Concerto #4...
  8. *Phil comes in, plops down* OY!!! *in a whisper* ...these late nights...I mean, early mornings... Between th' rehearsals fer th' Festival, th' About.com job I'm trainin' fer, me students, me clients, and th' heavy duties o' th' PPWTA... ...I...need...rest...or...a...new...brain...
  9. Yep - shower, and as Pepys said... "...and so to bed."
  10. Actually, I think it's getting harder and harder...
  11. yeah, sometimes they just refuse to come...
  12. Hot buttered biscuits Sittin' on the grill Christine walks by... Whatta' thrill!
  13. OUCH! Ma biscuits are burnin'! *flaps his hat ala Yosemite Sam*
  14. I heard I have a certain talent for it... ...word-of-mouth, as it were...
  15. I keep my jerky cold and dry A cozy little piece Until I start a'playin' 'round And then it hits me knees (Burma Shave)
  16. *hollers in the canyon* Heeellllllllllooooooooooooooooooooo...
  17. No...Jerky...
  18. LOL! "...and then they put a hood on me and forced me to do pushups until I puked!"
  19. He even squirts when you squeeze him!
  20. *pulls out his squeeky* Fancy, meet Squeeky...Squeeks, meet Fancy! *SQUUEEEEEEEEEEEEK*
  21. ...guess I won't be waiting 'til I get in the tub...
  22. Can I play with my squeeky in the tub, too? *and don't look at ME - I wear white knee-highs*
  23. Doesn't matter - just wear the dang things....
  24. OOOhhh...yer wearin' hose? *le puff, le pant*
  25. *Christine bobs up and down like a nun buoy on a rough sea*
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