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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. "G"! "G"! "G"!
  2. A safe cove in a storm? I'm sure...
  3. Your pillows are MORE than authentic enough for MY tastes, m'lady...
  4. Well, it's "come as you are"...
  5. If nothing else, I think you've just guaranteed a VERY long life to this thread...
  6. Sylvie Lewis - TANGOS AND TANTRUMS
  7. M'lady - Iffin' I came there, ye wouldn't be NEEDIN' any others...
  8. ...would we need to wear wooden shoes and those funny hats?
  9. Eh...I'm not really wanted much 'round these parts, so I'm grazing elsewhere...
  10. We be callin' Lady Snow th' "Druid Druggie"...
  11. ...a nicely-wrapped package, too, I might add...
  12. Sorry, ladies - laundry time! *pulls both towels off them and runs*
  13. Eh...in Wilkes-Barre, it could only be helpin' ye drive better...
  14. Well, if anyone could conceive of and bring such a beast to life, I have faith it would be you.
  15. BlackJohn- Perhaps we all should be askin' th' Lady what she wants - comfort or style, appearance or function, pricey or cheap, accurate or ...alluring.
  16. Lass, I'll be after goin' in th' tavern and filchin' a drink fer ya meself! My code be - damn th' rules!
  17. So...since longevity isn't an issue here - she's free to spend $50 a dozen times over, instead of $300 once. That makes sense. Thanks! ...and I have no stake in seeing Fancy either in or out of her bodice - my days of playing are over, thanks to some people's attitudes here. Just trying to help the lady.
  18. Leather will last 10 times longer than cloth and give a lot more support.
  19. ...and did I be mentionin' there be a beer tent?
  20. M'lady Fancy- I be agreein' wi' Hawkyns - I've owned some things from BruteForce - can't be touchin' their quality.
  21. I be hopin' ye kin' make it, lass...'tis a fine fest it be shapin' inta... Iffin' I know ye be arrivin', I'd even be considerin' takin' me PP badge outa' cold storage 'n' greetin' ye proper!
  22. This momentary joy breeds months of pain; This hot desire converts to cold disdain. Lucrece 690-1
  23. Room in that hammock for two, luv?
  24. Very nice! Not that I'm a graphics genius or anything, but did you ever consider making your name on the graphic a bit darker? It kind of gets lost in the haze...unless that's just my eyes going...
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