Arr, lass, th' pleasure were all mine!
An' did ye catch the authentic touch I added ta th' Pyrate Phil show? Th' one where th' blood were spurtin' down me leg???
I figures, it AIN'T a Pyrate show until there be rum, sex, and blood - well, I contributed 2 outta' 3, anyways..., iffin' we could jes' get some rum...
Aye, we only has 40 vendors or so - we still be a "new" show (2nd year), but hopefully th' word be gettin' out in a goodly manner...
LOL - "th' big, dark buildin'"...aye, me thoughts were th' same at first... does what ye has ta' do...but it WERE cover, like'n ye said!
Again, apologies fer' th' crappy weather - seems we gets it whenever somethin' nice be planned outta' doors.
Thankee fer comin', luv - pretty lasses arrr ALWAYS a pleasure!