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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. ...*seeks out a desolate corner of the lagoon to slip into the healing waters , floating on his back, his body going slack...Faire can be SUCH a tiring thing LOL*
  2. I got's th' cooler right here, lad - help yerself! I got's ta be goin'...say HI ta th' crickets fer me, Morgan!
  3. We rarely see an artist's mistakes, m'lady - jes' th' finished product - impressive nonetheless! Kind of a mix - we have a base script, but when the opportunity presents itself, we go crazy wi' improv!
  4. Arrrr, aye! One Twilight Zone Guinness comin' up!
  5. The Guinness doth flow like proverbial well It's really like Heaven, without any Hell Where eveyone's beautiful, healthy, and smart Where never is broken lad or lass's heart Where Pyrates can plunder to their heart's content Where swords are all straight, aye, they never get bent Where treasure is found, more than the Golden Hind The port that I'm sailing to is in my mind
  6. Aye, lad - tho' I be mortally wounded, yet would I be a-liftin' me Queen an' schleppin' ... um ... carryin' her ta th' festivities. But then I be leavin' fer other ports.
  7. Actually, that's th' Pyrate Queen savin' my bacon from th' mean ol' Sheriff!
  8. Thankee, m'lady, but as I said, it were the photographer whot had the talent. I were jes' - standin' there.
  9. Ahhh, thankee, M'Lady...only fer you!
  10. Wow - someone's a VERY talented photographer! :) Of course, it helps to have such photogenic subjects...
  11. Hope ye feel better, luv! And congrats on yer promotion - tho ye already WERE Legendary to some o' us...
  12. ROTFLMAO..Phil..nice touch *In Daffy Duck voice* I know, I KNOW - but I can only do it once!
  13. Arr, lass, th' pleasure were all mine! An' did ye catch the authentic touch I added ta th' Pyrate Phil show? Th' one where th' blood were spurtin' down me leg??? I figures, it AIN'T a Pyrate show until there be rum, sex, and blood - well, I contributed 2 outta' 3, anyways... ...now, iffin' we could jes' get some rum... Aye, we only has 40 vendors or so - we still be a "new" show (2nd year), but hopefully th' word be gettin' out in a goodly manner... LOL - "th' big, dark buildin'"...aye, me thoughts were th' same at first... sigh...ye does what ye has ta' do...but it WERE cover, like'n ye said! Again, apologies fer' th' crappy weather - seems we gets it whenever somethin' nice be planned outta' doors. Thankee fer comin', luv - pretty lasses arrr ALWAYS a pleasure!
  14. *sniff* Well, lass, ye do what ye must - make sure th' surprise be Pyratey enough... Have a good 'un, and we be watchin' fer ye! An' thankee fer th' good wishes!
  15. I saw one site thet said May 20th... ...it not be too clear...
  16. Th' profit, o' course, be th' attentions o' th' menfolk...
  17. Dang! Silly me - thank ye, laddie! Are ye able ta' make this one? (I hope) LADIES CHRISTINE AND CHARITY: Simple soultion, lasses - take th' bloody stuff OFF! It's been historically authenticated that Golden Age women did in fact wear only Victoria's Secret in their daily travels.
  18. Hope you heal fast, luv. I know what you're going through - I laid my KZ-1000 down on the West Side Highway in NYC many moons ago, and was lucky to walk away from it. Never rode again after that.
  19. ...as several of my castmates have discovered to their dismay...
  20. I'd think they'd be getting in the way of movement...both fighting and regular ship-board duties... But to hear the stage-combat folks talk about it, cloak-and-sword was an everyday thing...
  21. So you're saying that I should show up at the faire without pants? At least that would make me easy to pick out of a crowd. I could call myself "Capt. Drafty" and pretend that I don't know why people are looking at me strangely. LOL!!! Naw...jes...be "comfortable".... I be in about 20 pounds o' Pyrate gear - nuthin' says YOU has ta be thet way...
  22. Given th' amount o' drinkin' here... ...maybe ye should aim ta visit th' local Alcoholics Anonymous chapter...
  23. Lady C, ye really should try ta meet more of th' interested ones... Don't feel too bad - this is just a small, beginning fest...compared ta somethin' like Pennsic, this isn't a pimple on a flea's bottom...it's Disney-clean (well, th' OLD Disney, anyways) and amateur... ...but maybe that's part of its' charm...beside ME being in th' cast, o' course...
  24. Where do ye think they got th' name "Cape of Good Hope"? Historical, historical - on-topic...
  25. ...I did that at th' clinic once... ...but we'll be sure ta save ye some fun!
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