I was married for one gloriously happy year.
Well...I was married for 15 years, actually, but only one of them was happy.
Truth - the first 13 years were great. The last two were getting progressively worse, with no attempts on either of our parts seeming to make a difference. With us, it was just a slow shift apart of our basic ways and ideas of living, i.e.- change, inevitable change. Which now makes me agree more with some folks that the entire premise of marriage is somehow skewed - if not for everyone, then at least for me. Yet, I still feel the urge to be committed to one person...go figure.
We did the deed ourselves without a lawyer, drew up our own papers and child support agreements, have been divorced now for about 4 years. It DOES get, if not easier, at least more bearable after a while, Matt. We still consider ourselves "co-parents" (definition: we BOTH beat the kids ) and we are on fairly friendly terms. She has a steady guy friend now, and at first it struck me as being strange seeing her with another guy, but then I think I learned to accept it and wish her happiness.
Awww...I'm just saving myself for Christine.
Good luck, my friend - you'll do well, I know you will.