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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. I was married for one gloriously happy year. Well...I was married for 15 years, actually, but only one of them was happy. (Ba-DUMM) Truth - the first 13 years were great. The last two were getting progressively worse, with no attempts on either of our parts seeming to make a difference. With us, it was just a slow shift apart of our basic ways and ideas of living, i.e.- change, inevitable change. Which now makes me agree more with some folks that the entire premise of marriage is somehow skewed - if not for everyone, then at least for me. Yet, I still feel the urge to be committed to one person...go figure. We did the deed ourselves without a lawyer, drew up our own papers and child support agreements, have been divorced now for about 4 years. It DOES get, if not easier, at least more bearable after a while, Matt. We still consider ourselves "co-parents" (definition: we BOTH beat the kids ) and we are on fairly friendly terms. She has a steady guy friend now, and at first it struck me as being strange seeing her with another guy, but then I think I learned to accept it and wish her happiness. Me? Awww...I'm just saving myself for Christine. Good luck, my friend - you'll do well, I know you will.
  2. Dang - sorry folks - I think I'm working too many hours - my mental attic is collapsing... ...but I DO know for a fact that Underdog shaves "down below", and that he... Oh, sorry - wrong thread...
  3. ...quieter, introspective, depressed, suicidal... Gee - I can't WAIT to go out drinking again!
  4. -this morning, was watching an A&E documentary on the Rat Pack (the original one, not those young punks who usurped the name) -planning a series of classes for the local Blue Cross facility -more writing on the second book in my series -brushing Pookie -applying bandages to my body where Pookie clawed me
  5. Ahh, Mick lad, that were priceless - thank ye fer the laughs!
  6. Yep - and he was also Mr. Limpet...remember THAT one???
  7. It COULD be worse - if I take my whiskers off, I look amazingly like Wally Cox!
  8. When the heart is involved, subtlety and nuance go the frig out the window!
  9. Oh, aye, lass - and a strong one at thet!
  10. Well, of course I'm prejudiced, but... Christine is the Best Looking Pyrate of them All. She's also the Best Looking Woman of them All... Best Looking Californian of them All... Best Looking Blonde of them All... Best Looking...well, you get the idea.
  11. Well, I'm in the library right now, of course, but prior to this... -was up at 4am doing my personal workout -took a walk in the park at sunrise -after I'm done here, I'm going to pick up the new pair of boots I ordered (no, not pyrate boots - Western - I wear 'em all the time) -2 private lessons to teach this afternoon
  12. Yes, I felt you throw my lever!
  13. ***holds Christine tightly within the folds of his leather duster and plants a kiss on her that would make mere mortals swoon*** Thank you, luv...
  14. Excellent, John! *bows*
  15. Spanish; a bit of French, Italian, and Japanese; Mandarin and Cantonese. Oh, and a little English.
  16. Have to disagree with ye there, bro - at certain times in certain situations, it DOES solve things. ESPECIALLY when you have no other choice.
  17. Well, I debated using something higher, like 10 or 20, but a) my previous discussion left me wondering if I was unusual and after a dozen, don't you loose track? No - I remember each and every one...but then, it's kind of what I do...
  18. You HAVE to be kidding, right, Blackjohn? ...let's just say, "More than More than 5"...
  19. ...and just as burdensome to try to own...
  20. LOL - yes!!! Excellent! A key to happiness within A key to lustful mortal sin A key to hearts that fill with joy THAT key you gave Cabana Boy
  21. Cabana boys stood all around, Their towel racks were shined They were so bright Throughout the night, I'd swear they'd make you blind
  22. Amen, Sister...I'm in total agreement there...
  23. *Phil scribbling furious notes on his palm...* ...I'd better transcribe this before it rubs off...
  24. The Final Clutz
  25. Thank you, m'lady - glad to see SOME people appreciate fine art!
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