No, not with all parents, and maybe I've just been lucky with Ant and Mike. But I've been out at, say, a mall, when a kid is acting like Charlie Manson on speed, and the parents just ignoring it, too many times to think that the parents are totally blameless.
Maybe it goes back to Psych101 - "did you hate your Mommy or Daddy"? I think a large part of the problems these days is that people like ME are now parents...I'm a selfish person (not ashamed to say it, either), so I'm surprised my guys are as great as they are.
Which brings me to your second comment - the fruit not falling far from the tree.
God forbid.
I was a wild child my whole life, but Ant is a gentleman and a scholar. Mike...well, OK, maybe you have a point, Christine! He's too MUCH like I was...