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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. *bites his tongue 'til it bleeds*** I ain't gonna say it, I AIN'T gonna say it...
  2. Well, it isn't just ONE pi... ...it's 3.1415........
  3. ***Phil, saddened by the refusal to share, walks slowly away, a single tear dripping down*** YAY - the return of the single dripping tear!!!
  4. ...or call the lawyers, one or the other...
  5. Yeah, if only we could get away with something like that... I actually had some words with a father once at the playground (I was doing Daddy duty with Ant when he was about 4 or so). This guy's little darling was throwing rocks at the other kids, cursing, screaming...you name it, the little monster was doing it. Most of the other kids ran away, but Ant stayed there. The other Dad and I almost came to blows when, after I asked him to please say something to his son, he replied, "Hey, kids will be kids - let 'em learn!"
  6. Since there weren't computers, cable TV, Internet, X-Boxes, VCR's and DVD's available to me as a child, cartoons were my world. Nothing wrong with it that I can see - everyone has their little way to escape reality.
  7. Oh, jeez...NOW she tells me!!! You should listen to your Inner Voice...it knows the Truth...it will help you...now...PUNCH THEM OUT!!!
  8. Since monks aren't allowed at the local cinema, I doubt I'll go see it. Nor have I read the book - I'm not a fan of Brown's writing technique. But I might pick it up on DVD someday. Realistically, if I want religious controversy, I just go over to my religion and spirituality forum and there's enough fur flying there to make an Angora jealous. But hey - those who are about to view - I salute you!
  9. Yeah, as I posted that, I was thinking, "he HAS to have a name!", but I didn't fuss about it. GMTA again. My fave part was when Foghorn tried to teach him baseball... "Ya have ta keep yer eye on the ball, boy! "Ballboy"! I made a joke, son, and yer not laughin'!!!"
  10. No, not with all parents, and maybe I've just been lucky with Ant and Mike. But I've been out at, say, a mall, when a kid is acting like Charlie Manson on speed, and the parents just ignoring it, too many times to think that the parents are totally blameless. Maybe it goes back to Psych101 - "did you hate your Mommy or Daddy"? I think a large part of the problems these days is that people like ME are now parents...I'm a selfish person (not ashamed to say it, either), so I'm surprised my guys are as great as they are. Which brings me to your second comment - the fruit not falling far from the tree. God forbid. I was a wild child my whole life, but Ant is a gentleman and a scholar. Mike...well, OK, maybe you have a point, Christine! He's too MUCH like I was...
  11. Actually, it's the parents you need to hang. Some people just shouldn't have kids. So, the parents should be well hung. ...come to think of it, that was probably what led to the original problem, wasn't it?
  12. ***Phil, looking quite small and pale white, wearing thick glasses and covered in feathers, comes walking up quickly to Christine, scribbles furiously on a piece of paper, and shows it to her... ...thus, proving scientifically that she can get him going anyday.
  13. Now don't get me go- ... ...did you say "Christine"?
  14. Quoting Daniel Defoe: "Though you are a sneaking puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by laws which rich men have made for their own security; for the cowardly whelps have not the courage otherwise to defend what they get by knavery; but damn ye altogether: damn them for a pack of crafty rascals, and you, who serve them, for a parcel of hen-hearted numbskulls. They vilify us, the scoundrels do, when there is only this difference, they rob the poor under the cover of law, forsooth, and we plunder the rich under the protection of our own courage. Had you not better make then one of us, than sneak after these villains for employment?" ...............Captain Bellamy As I've often said, there are those who play at pyrates and those who study the smallest detail of pyratical history...then there are those who believe in and live its principles.
  15. Wow - what a blast from the past...
  16. Oh, now yer just trying to get me excited! ...I've heard it can be a religious experience, though...
  17. One toke over the break, sweet Jesus One toke over the break...
  18. What is life if not sharing, m'lady?
  19. Just as well that we are alone, my lady... ...for there is something I wish to tell you... (looks deeply in her eyes while furiously scratching) ...I have Jacque itch...
  20. Geez... ...I just sit and look at my thumb.
  21. Who said anything about wanting them to change? I enjoy being a monk - the uniforms are provided, all the gruel you can swill, and the view from the mountain top is awesome! But I am glad the leg is getting better, and I do cherish your friendship. Now, let me get back to sweeping that leaf around the monastery...
  22. Actually, if it makes you feel any better - Words are the only thing I seem to have my way with these days...
  23. LOL! Munchie attack!!!
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