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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Hopefully someone here can answer this question that just popped into my head the other day... Does anyone either KNOW or can figure out a way to ESTIMATE how many people are re-enactors AND fantasy pyrates? Failing any firm numbers, I'd be happy to entertain guesses! I'm primarily interested in world-wide numbers, but one country at a time is fine (given the location and membership of this board (just shy of 3,000 - WOW!), I'd expect the most guesses / facts for the US, but I AM very interested in global figures. Thanks for any and all comments / ideas.
  2. Thank ye, lad - but 't weren't nuthin, really... ...well, it were SUMthin', but I ain't rightly sure zactly WHAT...
  3. *sheep eyes* Thank you, M'lady! Heyyyyyy...maybe I'll have my name legally changed to that...just call me "VCP" for short...
  4. Yeah - nothing they like better than rum...except maybe lighting a few fires...
  5. nattering nabobs of negativism
  6. Holy smoke eaters, Batman! The cabana...it's...it's... ..oh, no, it isn't. It's just a burn barrel with some driftwood in it...whew...
  7. ...certain ones, yes...
  8. Thank you, m'lady - it's nice to be missed - one lives longer that way...
  9. ***In Cookie Monster voice*** Hmmmmm...them on to me secret comic source! Yum, yum, yum, yum...
  10. ROFL! I'm trying to stay pure of thought and body here, Pat - no thanks to YOU! ...and don't even THINK about the Tunnel of Love...
  11. Geez! Can't a body role-play around here anymore???
  12. Enigma - Cross of Changes
  13. weenie toppers (mustard, relish, etc)
  14. Maybe we can book 'em at ChrissyLand...
  15. ***Stands up, mutters "Amateurs!", and stalks out of the TIoDW ***
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