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Everything posted by PyratePhil
Declare sumthin' about yerself that no one knows
PyratePhil replied to CaptainCiaran's topic in Beyond Pyracy
I once worked as an escort -
RUMPLE!!! *Mungo comes flying across the Pub and leaps at Rumpleteaser, they roll, chase each other, etc., etc.* Purrrr...nice ta have ya back... Now...let's go kick some serious feline ass....
Hmmm...fairies on pixie dust, huh? We don't LIKE that kind of activity in ChrissyLand, young lady! And this Fantasy Pornring - what's THAT all about?!? Hmph...the nerve of some people, wanting to deal that kind of smut at our wholesome ChrissyLand...
Any advice welcome regarding a pirate song or skit
PyratePhil replied to princess_eskimo's topic in Pyrate Pop
Awww, shuckies! Well, m'lady Spork (which, for appearances sake, we will assume has something to do with an odd coupling of a spoon and a fork, rather than Spam and cork)... Actually, um...Sir Eric stole my thunder! That's a great idea, and as he said, 5 minutes goes by in a flash onstage...unless you experience the dreaded flop sweat, in which case 5 minutes is Eternity times Eternity...squared... If you do a search here on the board, maybe "Pyrate Pop" and "Sea Shanties", I'm sure you'll come up with some wonderful material that can be fitted into that precious 5 minutes. Good luck, and remember - "For custom rhymes and parodies, PPhil's the best on the Seven Seas!" -
Lordy, that girl gets around...
From Constellations: Frequently Asked Questions: Are the constellations permanent? Ancient astronomers often spoke of the "fixed stars," which maintained permanent positions in the sky. And, indeed, the stars do seem almost fixed in place; the patterns they form look much the same today as they did when the constellations were first named nearly 3000 years ago. But the stars are all moving relative to the Sun, most with speeds of many kilometers per second. Because they are so very far away, it will take thousands of lifetimes to see significant changes in the star patterns. But, over time, they will change. Because of the motions of the stars within it, for example, the handle of the Big Dipper will, in about 50,000 years, appear significantly more bent than it is today (see figure at left). We will, no doubt, keep the same names for the constellations, even if the stars change their positions. Constellations are, after all, products of human imagination, not nature. So, Rumba, Jack - we're ALL right - but you two are righterer than me! I bow before your superior intellect!
Umm...someone who is into astronomy can probably correct me, but haven't the constellations CHANGED over the millenia? What we see tonight as light from Cygnus is light that is very, very, VERY old. In the time it took that light to travel to our bloodshot eyes, those stars could have gone nova, for all we know. So no, I'm not sure that what we are seeing now is the EXACT same thing...
One could as well ask that question of people taking "legal" drugs, both prescription and OTC... My view - every substance on this once-green Earth has the capability of both "good" and "evil" - you can't have one without the other. HOW you choose your "drug" and TO WHAT EXTENT you allow yourself to be captured by it, is totally up to YOU, no one else. Moderation in all things...after taking a few wide swings to see how the other half lives...
Ehhh... Personally, I think the term "replaced" might be a wee bit lacking in this instance. "Took over through force of arms" might work, aka the Crusades... "Took over through terroristic acts" also sounds right, aka our 9/11... "Capsized, knocked over, overturned, toppled, turned over, upset, brought down, subverted, toppled, tumbled, unhorsed, defeated, beat, drubbed, routed, thrashed, vanquished, massacred, trimmed, whipped, dusted, licked, overthrew, slaughtered, butchered, let blood, bathed in blood, annihilated, decimated, walloped, trounced, mowed down"...all good... But "replace"? Mmmm.... Besides - the "old" ways still live... Long live the faith, and long live the fighters!
This will send me to Hell for sure...
Just my two cents as a martial artist and "dancer on the fringes" of the SCA - From what I've seen, although SCA style is nice and aggressive, you wear too much padding to ever make it realistic enough for period demonstrations. Keep in mind also that if you're used to padding, if it suddenly disappears for a demo, you'll have trouble pulling your strikes. There's an old saying - "you fight as you train"... I would think the style you use would be influenced by your character's history - noble-borns would, I assume, have access to classical training, whereas commoners would be more hack-and-slash types. Always remember Master Hawkyn's words - it IS a martial art, no matter WHAT level you practice at.
Jack - You might want to take a peek at ULC Forum - it's a nondenominational discussion board with everything from Catholics to atheists and everything in between. I'm sure they'd be glad to offer up some opinions and, more importantly, some expert knowledge. You have to sign up to post a question, but it's a quick and painless process and you won't be innundated with junk mail.
LOL! Actually, if they're targeting the same audience (college aged, middle- to upper-income background, male), then they have a large field in which to play. Personal opinion - I just don't see the numbers, although I have not done the research for that... ...but if they're as successful as Maxim, Neptune bless 'em.
...um... ...the sense of security I have right about now is registering in the low single-digits... ...with all due respect, Booty, since I'm not acquainted with you at all (I'm merely a peon here) I can't say how to run things...I'm sure you have good reasons for being the Invisible Admin... ...but your comment about "not doing politics", although it gladdens my heart, leaves me a bit confused. A nonpolitical administrator? How do you accomplish your work? - you can't possibly run this board all by yourself; you need at least a few people to help and you need to contact folk such as hosting companies, advertisers, etc. Therein lies politics. Please don't take these comments as an attack - your seamless presence has so far been fine and dandy with ME - just wondered at the lurking style, is all.
Ahh, Pete, I love you too, man! ... ...in a purely platonical way, of course... ...but yeah, wouldn't ChrissyLand be a cool place? Imagine all the weird things going on? Woof!!! Naw, yer not a loser - yer a winner! See, it says right here in my Google results - 18,423 hits say that yer a great guy. And make sure you and the missus enjoys the show - it's something I'll have to return to civilization someday to see...
You're more than welcome, luv! Just get yer tiny hiney back here pronto, OK? I'm pinin' away for the fjords ...
4 out of 5 pyrates surveyed recommended FireFox as the best browser to use for the Pub... ...the fifth one, we hung...
Sorry... Nothing and nobody beats Chuck. *Chuck Norris doesn't sleep - he waits.* *Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer - unfortunately, he has never cried.* *When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.* *Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors.* *Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.*
Oh, thank you Biker - that was fantastic - I needed that laugh!
No problem - my coffee-maker will kick ALL your appliances' butts...
She's tried accessing the site from the guyfriend's puter using IE, but it won't let her in - virus protection, prolly
Good idea - still trying to figure out what happened - if Christine's computer death was caused by this...
I got the same email...Christine's sister had opened it on Christine's home puter (she's not home right now) and the computer is DEAD. They can't get it going - going to try to reinstall the OS. It only seemed to happen after she opened the email and went to the Pub.