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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. ...ye fergot the brunettes attached ta me legs...
  2. Another beautiful piece, Lady Kendra. Now I'm just worried about yer state of mind - I know that when I write a "dark" piece, it takes a while to "come back". Truly hope all is well with you, and thank you for sharing your visions. I look forward to your future works.
  3. Oh, they surely would... Unfortunately, the director drilled it into our skulls today at rehearsal that, except for some slightly bawdy stuff on the beer-tent stage, it's strictly "G" rated... ...beer-tent stage, here I come...
  4. ARGH! Ye be on ta me, lad - I have thet ditty printed up on th' backs o' me business cards, so's I kin whip it out right quick-like when the passion be upon me...
  5. Why Phill, you don't mean your vows aren't to be taken seriously do you? Nice vows though, well done made No, o' course they should be taken seriously - jes altered however much for th' circumstances...but thank ye fer th' compleement.
  6. LOL! Oh, what I'd give to be able to just recite that one at the Endless Mountains' Fest...maybe with a little body English thrown in...
  7. Who SAY'S we can't kill 'em? Just don't get caught... That's why I never bothered with the law...
  8. Well, it's not so much that it comes close to the movie that's important to me (you heretic, Phil!) - just that it be a cool chapeau...
  9. Ah, thank ye grandly, M'lady! I knew I weren't goin' crazy...well, I DID...but not any worse...
  10. I had a link to the on-line vendor of this hat, and have spent about two hours looking for it, without luck. I'm fairly certain I first saw the link here, so if you happen to know the vendor's URL, I'd really appreciate it.
  11. "Echoes" on NPR - their late-night alternative-music show - but it's constantly being spoiled by their unending pledge begging...
  12. Not a bit, M'Lady...not a bit!!!
  13. Aye, m'lady, the rumor-mongers be tellin' true... ...I think they be castin' me as "The Third Speed-Bump on the Left"... Lady Christine- I know it weren't you - yer lips ar' pretty tight...
  14. Aye - when the Elf Queen calls, ALL must appear! LOL
  15. Empty Hats is a great group! And Giacomo does his own little comedy schtick on the side - funny stuff!
  16. It's in Wilkes-Barre, PA - starts the last Saturday of May - see the thread on "Before PARF - EMMF"...
  17. LOL - actually, probably not a lot - It's a second-year fair that's moved to a less-than-desirable location, but maybe if we give a good show, they'll get popular. I "played" with some of the cast last year unofficially, so this year it'll just be official, and me cabin boys'll get some exposure to treadin' th' boards.
  18. Feelin' GREAT! Just got back in town and found an email tellin' me that me an' me cabin-boys have been invited ta join the cast of th' Endless Mountains Medieval Fest - we start rehearsals this weekend - yee-haww!
  19. There'll always be those that back-stab, sweetie - even here... Me? I won't apologize to anyone - I am who I am - if you like it, fine - if you don't, tough shit - and if they'd drop the jealousy stuff, life would be a WHOLE lot sweeter...but don't hold your breath...
  20. Yay!!!
  21. Had my first breaded-catfish-and-jalapeno dinner in Austin, at a big barn-like building...never having eaten the peppers before, I took a few, popped 'em in my mouth, and began chewing... But the catfish was delicious!
  22. Yeah (sigh), I'm still waiting for them to call me - 2 months after the contest ended...
  23. Do we know better now? *hic*
  24. ...which bit did you get?
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