Presenting Mutual of Omaha's Wild Baboon Kingdom...
(OPEN with tight shot of Baboon face)
Papio Partyus once roamed the land in numbers too vast to imagine...
(ZOOM OUT to establishing locale scene)
(Several baboons stagger drunkenly about...Mr. Baboon sits tiredly on a bar stool, a clove cigarette dangling from his lips, empty bottles of rum strewn about, several female baboons lay peacefully sleeping around him)
...but due to decades of uninhibited partying, they now live at the brink of extinction...
(VOICEOVER with Mr. Baboon)
"Look, mate, ye can't burn yer baboons at both ends for long, ye know what I be sayin'? 'Ere, I'm as good an example as any - 3 quarts o' Captain Morgan a day, 'aven't been eatin' enough bananas or bugs, and the baboon babes - oh, man, don't get me started, 'ey? YOU try that for a week and see where th' bloody 'ell YOU end up!
Extinction my purple little backside, mate!"