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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. >Squeek, squeek, squeek< There - nice and squeeky oiled...
  2. Hey, now, this is a very grave matter... ...and you might have some stiff competition, can you dig it? Just stay a wake and don't start coffin'...
  3. I won't ask exactly HOW you contributed to th' wedding, M'Lady... Ah, very Yin/Yang - soft, hard... You're just downright cruel, ya' know that? ...and I like it...
  4. I REALLY like that paragraph, Kass! Thank you.
  5. I understand and respect re-enactor's needs and desires... ...but once you've actually been in situations where the firearms are real and the killing intent is pure, you don't willingly go back into that world... ...just a thought...carry on! lol
  6. I always carry lockpicks for just such emergencies...and a party-sized container of WD40...
  7. Un rictus de morte... "PyratePhil, 1958-2005" He died with his boots on... Though he lusted the ladies And committed sin, It's nice that he went in their sleep, with a grin! PyratePhil, star of stage, screen, and bedroom, died today after a prolonged bout of menage a trois. He was employed as a professional escort with "Studs Be Us" and was known for his engaging smile, witty bon mots, and lengthy tongue. Viewings at Our Mother of Perpetual YeeHa's - send a dozen roses and a box of Godiva, in lieu of floral offerings at the home, to: Ms. MerryDeath Ms. Christine Ms. Fancy PyrtaePhil is survived by two sons and dozens of broken hearts.
  8. ...oh, and a hint... ...Ladies - if you'd be interested in entering the Guiness Book of World Records, we could just call up, oh, let's just say, Fancy... (Ducks from frying pan thrown by Merry...)
  9. ... ...ya know, sorry to break character here, but I just want to state for the Pyracy Pub's archives that I, PyratePhil, on this 10th day of February, 2005, am about to die a happy man... "We, who are about to die, salute you!" ...carry on, lasses...good show! Pip pip!
  10. ...(PPhil smiles like an Idiot)...
  11. ...well, if you notice, they have side snaps for easy access...
  12. His leather pants glisten with the accumulated water, fitting him like a second skin... "So much for my close-up, Mr. Demille" lol
  13. I'll just be leavin' me rubbers 'ere in the 'all...
  14. Oh, thank ye, lass... Sorry, I seem ta be gettin' ya a bit wet...
  15. I saw a couple at Faire once with their "belts" on - an odd site, in this day and age...
  16. Steps into bar, his leathers dripping with ice and hail pellets... HHHrrrr....cold......
  17. One never knows, M'lady - one never knows...
  18. LOL - with a 7" AND 18" figure? ONE o' them's gonna have to play the dwarf... Let's see - for the 7-incher, that would be close to 1/10th scale, right? (Phil plays with his protractor and coddles his compass)...
  19. Whoa - impressive first post - welcome to the board, Jessie! I think MY first post was something like, "Duh..huh...heh, heh...HI!".... And I agree with that attitude...look, I work 65-70 hours a week being "professional"...my work requires that I be alert, moving, questioning, diagnosing and curing - I want to FORGET all of that when I go a'pyratin'... That being said - I'd say for me, it's firstly a Relief Valve, followed closely, if not hand-in-hand, by Fun. Third comes Costume (Kit/Gear ); finally, dead last for me, Educatin'. Been doin' THAT for far too long as it is... Besides, my knowledge of Pyrate history borders on nil and nada...so I'm hardly one to be askin' historical questions...I'm the Buffoon of Batavia, The Idiot of Islemorada, the Jerk of Jersey, and the Clown of Constantinople...but one thing I ain't is teaching in my "off hours"...
  20. Wow! Wish some of my silver jewelry would act like that...
  21. Along the lines of Lady Stormfeather's reply - It reminded me that hobby shops that carry model train supplies might have the weathering chemicals for metal - I've used it before, and it worked good on most of my projects...
  22. Oh, well, sorry - ...pr'olly why I failed HS Chem...
  23. Harking back to H.S. Chem... Doesn't an acid (lemon, vinegar, etc) turn silver black - various silver sulphides, or some such?
  24. Ah, excellent! I know where it be now - thank ye fer yer efforts, lass!
  25. Thank ye, m'lady!
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