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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. Does anyone happen to have actual measurements from that bone saw???
  2. I have some brass stock left over, I could whip one up for you if needed....
  3. Working, so its a Diet Mountain Dew.......
  4. Mr. Thatcher...dont forget I have a candle mold if you wanna borrow it.....
  5. Just scraped off the driveway...4 inches of sleet and ice.....the rest is supposed to be snow later...
  6. Playing with the kids, cooking some extra stuff incase we lose power, brought in firewood, fixing to either read a tad or sew on my coat, waiting to see if I get called in by the LT for extra duty. We are at 2" of Ice and sleet, snow is coming though, news says 18 - 24" Not sure if you can see all the icicles, gotta love it!
  7. Is there a snail mail address we can send to? My paypal is currently having "issues"?
  8. Is there anything we can do for them? A collection or anything?
  9. wes1761


    Not sure if I posted these, this is the spoon I was referring to when I originally posted: I have finished a rough mold, and will maybe try to cast tomorrow.... For some reason, I really like this spoon......go figure!
  10. For the sake of legality, the patterns I just poisted are really old and never used....
  11. Started making coal tongs again too....I use steel wire that I heat and flatten. I can add decorative twists if desired. $8.00 each plus $2 shippping. This pair I roughed out this morning for a picture: Great for lighting a pipe from a fire....
  12. Hey guys, I found this site and thought I should share, its got alot of really nice stuff! http://maps.bpl.org/explore_location/ Wes
  13. Started sketching and drawing again, when I was cleaning out the workshop I found an old atlas from the 30's. I used a combo of 2 old printouts of the Caribbean and the map of Cuba in the atlas to make this. It is on heavy paper and I used India ink on the old nib tip pens to ink it..... Bad pic, I had to use the phone... OK, got the camera to work:
  14. More patterns found: Capote pattern Ghillie Brogue pattern Shot snake pattern "D" canteen pattern More to follow.....Also found a Canadian Cap pattern and a prairie shot pouch pattern (think leather canteen type)
  16. Boy oh boy if that thing could talk....
  17. Cheers mate!! Happy Birthday!! I'll raise a pint in your honor! Wes
  18. wes1761


    Now thats just flat out cool!!
  19. wes1761


    Here is the spoon I am going to re-cast:
  20. Praying for you and your son Bo, stay strong!! Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant, and give your power of healing to those who minister to his needs, that he may be strengthened in his weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  21. Found this tidbit on a different site I moderate on, in our new 17th Century Forum: http://www.godecookery.com/engrec/engrec.html
  22. I have 3 steel jaw traps for anyone that might be doing fur trade...have surface rust, but they work! A good soak in logwood or black walnut would put them back to normal....
  23. $8.00 and thats just a guess...no idea as to real value....PM me your addy and I can mail it out for you to look at.....
  24. Combat Handguns....the one I have was published in 1980 by Stackpole books.....
  25. Got buttons too....11 small and 7 large, has the anchor on them:<BR><BR><BR><BR>Looking for a hat blank in black or brown....
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