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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. I sell for Middlesex, great folks, I was just wanting to see your pistols. Seems the finish is never quite the exact same from gun to gun...
  2. We shoot a candy cannon off at Rendezvous, and no charred candy! I use 1 cap of powder and for a wad we have a cardstock wad and a sponge wad. The card protects the sponge which protects the candy...I'll try to find a picture
  3. You wouldnt happen to have a rind of cheese about ye, would ye? or... Many's the night I dreamed of cheese!! Gotta love Poor Benn Gunn...
  4. Shameless plug here...PoD has amazing stuff! The quality is outstanding. Highly recommended!
  5. Here is another linnk to different maps: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/gmdhome.html
  6. Ahoy Mateys...Anyone in the St. Louis area...our club, Trappers Of Starved Rock is having its annual Trade Serssion at the Elks Lodge on Central School Road in St Charles. Link: http://trappersofstarvedrock.com/Tradeshow.html I'll be there after I finish teaching a Hunter Education class......sorry for short notice, things have been a bit hectic! Wes
  7. I'm disinclined to to acquiesce to your request...
  8. Can you PM me an address for payment please... Thanks! Wes
  9. Your actually building a personal bar, not a Tavern or Public House for period or historical events. Thus I would say you, as barkeep and head bill payer, get a bit of license as to how you decorate yer bar. I could (and almost have!!) easily fill my house with stuff I think is neat, cool, and or other.....too many neat time periods out there, and hard to stay narrowed down. Good thing the wife has a level head, or my house would look like a historic garage sale or thrift store....
  10. You have a pair of slops.....I cannot access the picture link from work....but I think they were a 34 -36 inch waist area...I do believe I need those!!!
  11. I have never made a hat before, too many other projects and honey-do's lately to get on it too. I have been reading up on it though.....
  12. I have 2 hat blanks at home, one brown, one black....and I have the brown one earmarked for a new cocked hat....any tips?
  13. Can you post pics here? Or email?
  14. Welcome aboard Matey!! Theres a ton of great folks and info here...
  15. There was an episode of Throw Down with Bobby Flay on Paella...I think it was in Frisco........ Looks tasty!! I just got a big Caribbean cookbook from the library....
  16. Nice!! I especially like the hat!!! Can you (or anyone!)talk my wife into getting into history or pirating??
  17. I tied an old finger woven sash on mine and made a "sling" of sorts for woods walks and club shoots. These most likely would have been in a pistol bucket on the saddle or weapons crate/locker on a ship.....
  18. Mr. Hand.....If I remember correctly, the boiler in the Voyagers Sketchbook might be a Hudson Bay Co. pot. They were fairly common, but I think they were early 1800's. I'll try to find my doc's on older styles if you would like. Here is a link to making a HBCo boiler: http://www.northwestjournal.ca/XVI1645.htm Spun brass kettles were also common....
  19. Thanks Matey!!!
  20. check to see if FL follows the pre-1898 gun laws.....I have a 15" blunderbuss that is legal.....other wise legal is 18" here in MO
  21. There were directions, but I put the coat up for a bit..needed a break from handstitching. I am hoping for a picture of a similar coat so I can see how they lay and take it from there. I am a visual learner I guess.....a thick headed, refer to directions to see what I did wrong visual learner!! Here is the coat thus far: I have added cuffs and started adding the stand up collar.....Pleats...AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!
  22. Here is a pic of the Ale sign I rescued from a dumpster: Still not sure what to do with it...the wife hates it!!
  23. Add a few fake gun ports to the walls, have them open and hide silly pictures....muskets always look cool on the wall....If the wife finds a new house, I am thinking of making my own great cabin in the new basement.....
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