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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. Working on a coat, linen liner with wool outer. Using a JP Ryan pattern which I no longer have. Can anybody advise a way to get the pleats right on the back? I have tried several different ways and cannot seem to get the pleats to lay right or the back of the skirts to look right.....getting a tad frustrated!! Thanks!! Wes
  2. The wife has become enamored with the idea of moving. I get to bang out a mega list to get the house ready to sel. Am I wrong in saying I want woods or water behind the new place so I have a playground?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Playground is a must... along with water, dock, rampart, cannons, flag pole, tents, blockhouse, pirate camp, ship, jolly boat, fort, treehouse, rope bridge,indians, gaol, tavern... ;>)

    3. Capn Bob

      Capn Bob

      Watch out for copperheads. I remember hearing about them in ol' Virginny...

    4. wes1761


      yupper, got copperheads up at the cabin....killed one at the house several years ago.....

  3. Really cool nautical signs....Replica ship models (the good ones, not the $4 flea market crap) Sea charts, Old maps, copies of broadsides for walls.....I guess it really depends on your taste and interest I did just get a really cool map from the 1600's of Virginia printed out...thats going in a frame, plus I have a 1776 Bicentenial poster my Dad found in the basement of their new house, a map of the coast (East US) from the 1820's, some really nice work from P.o.D.....plus I found a neat wooden sign for "Flints Ales" in a dumpster....I'll try to get a picture up. My wife is wanting to move, so it looks like I am gonna get to start over....still not sure how I feel about that!!! Wes
  4. This is for me and goofing off, I wasnt trying to be period correct on it. That comes later after I get used to nib pens again!! Thanks for the compliments!
  5. Bo....tell me what you want the lid made out of and I need a diameter, should be an easy make... I am not set up for casting much yet, unless you need bullets or pewter.....
  6. Mr. Mission is on the recieving end of the latest hammerings......instruments for his surgeons impression.......best to let him explain the actual purpose and use!!! Spoon casting: Spatula Mundani: Coal tongs: Copper pots, boiler, and gill cup:
  7. Here is a Cap'n Jack: this is a map of the Caribbean I inked out: Plus I been playing alot with metal again...
  8. Those are the same as offered by Middlesex Village Trading Co......with the exception of the CJS pistol. I am a distributor for MVTCo, and offer a diascount to all Pyracy Pub Pirates!
  9. Very nice! Great artwork too!! I just started drawing again and wish I would have never quit.......
  10. The folks on this board ROCK!! Lots of great info too... Welcome aboard!! Wes
  11. Reading the last book in the Bretheren ofthe Coast The Pirate Round Boon Island The Nagle journals and picked up 2 others I cant remember the title to right now, they are next.....
  12. "Pimp my Galleon"?????
  13. I'm game!! Bring it oN!!
  14. Uh Oh, back to self diagnosis and Web-MD.....LOL
  15. I now understand the phrase...Ignorance is Bliss......and I will NEVER trust my Doctor....unless its Mr. Mission....then I can at least identify the instruments!!!
  16. All I can say is..."OUCH!"..... Or, holy crap!!
  17. Making up these Spatula Mundani for the good Dr. Mission: The first: The second, has tweezer end as best as I could tell from drawing: Tried to blow it up some: These little barnacles are actually quite fun to make!! A few more to come as I get workshop time....
  18. I had a counter top made for ours at the Home Depot, they even installed it, for $350.....the install was easy, but since they included it I went with it..... I will get more pics of the new counter top, It sits on the wall as a bar.....the actual counter top around the sink is white ceramic tiles The arch was alot of fun!!
  19. Ms. Duchess, Thank you for standing at the helm for this, I am already looking forward to this year......
  20. OUCH!!! Bad mental picture!!
  21. Heres a better pic with some buffing done: spoon end: I'll send it out after I get a mailing tube....me no want a bendy!!! Hope it works for ya Mr. Mission!! Wes
  22. Hey. I am still fairly new, I can repost and ask dumb questions if it will make anyone feel better!! I assist moderating the Frontier FOlk board, but I can ignore everything and not use the search feature...... Sorry...being a butt,,,guess its the cop in me!!!
  23. Do you know what sort of finish was on these? It would be really easy to charcoal blue it. I am assuming it was not painted since it was a medical instrument..... Wes
  24. Here ya go Mr. Mission...banged this out after I got off duty today: Sorry..had to use my phone camera.... Forgot to add...it needs to be filed and buffed
  25. wes1761


    OK, here is the first VERY rough casting...obviously my mold needs a tad bit of "tweaking" it is next to original for comparison. I have not done any filing or anything yet:
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