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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. Search up Cornish Pasty....super tasty stuff! I use a mix of turnips, taters, and rutabagers with meat and onion.......
  2. Thankee kindly Mr. Hook!!
  3. Check amazon or a library for the book "Lobscouse and Spotted Dog" a bunch of receipts from the Aubrey/Mauturin series of books......O'Brien is the authour of the series, but cannot remember the 2 ladies that wrote the cookbook......
  4. As stated above, I have held his bibles and other books and he does amazing work!! I remember reading somewhere that ships/Captains logs were bound in lead somehow, so they could be tossed overboard to prevent capture......I cannot remember the source though.....
  5. The shirt has a shipwreck on it too!! Its shipwreck ale, my girls got it for me for my Birthday or Fathers day...cant remember....
  6. Here is a link to the only Spanish Musket I am able to get. I am a distributor for MVTCo, so ignore the price, I can do better: http://www.middlesexvillagetrading.com/MS1757.SHTML">http://www.middlesexvillagetrading.com/MS1757.SHTML</A>
  7. wes1761


    Seein how I have never made a spoon before, I have no idea on a price. I have made several items by casting and I have a bunch of old pewter to melt down, so I am not going to sweat that. Heck, if it turns out I'll send ya some......email sent as well
  8. Here is a link to a free downloadable "Pirates Degree"....you should be able to copy the test and make them answer questions to earn it. Then you can insert the name and print them off... http://josephlosteen.com/pirate_university/diplomas.html hope it helps and it said it was free...so I think we are good on copyright stuff..... Respectfully, Wes
  9. Here be my cheesiest shot: we WERE in Grand Cayman!! Just for fun, I AM stitching up a new frock coat though.... This is what happened to the last lubber whut smarted off to me about flip flops and hawaiian shirts Just kidding!!!
  10. I have driven to several events in my area, one of my favorites is Fort de Chartres in Prairie du Rocher Illinois. I usually go alone, but end up meeting with other guys in our BP club. Heck, I didnt even get to make it out to the St. Louis Pirate Fest due to work scheduling/kids soccer/etc..... I guess I need to see if maybe the Pirate Fest would be interested in having actual water on site, but as was posted above, its all good if your having fun! I tried for years to get a re-constructed fort built in the city, at no cost to them, but never got a reply. It was brought up this past summer at my Master review board though, and I think they were almost trying to joke about it until I told them that most re-enactors dont have an issue with spending money for a quality location/event. I explained the cost of putting together a BASIC kit (historically accurate) and that kind of got their attention. Thats another reason I decided to go "full pirate", seems to be more fun, a better group of people, and less stitch nazis......that really burned me, when the newbie comes up to start picking apart your kit because it looks old. I explained to them that if you actually WEAR it and DO stuff in it, it looks worn/old/sometimes tattered......yupper, you pirates are WAY cool!! Sorry, I am off the soap box!!! Wes
  11. Thank you!!
  12. I did'nt get a PM with a name to send to!!
  13. wes1761


    I have an old pewter spoon, Its got to be a repo, but looks similar to this: I am thinking of making a mold for it and maybe making a set or two of spoons. Question is, does anyone know possible age or period of said spoon styles? Thanks! Wes
  14. I am stuck in St. Charles County MO, plenty of buckskinners and Lewis and Clark types ( L & C had boats though!) Rendezvous etc.....the only Pirates I know are a buddy of mine who likes pirates, but does no re-enacting, and I know OF, but have not met, Mr. Thatcher of this board..... Kinda like being marooned. Off topic a bit, the city I work for has a new park with a 160 acre lake.....I am thinking Pirate festival of some sort.....there are going to be primitive as well as RV camping in the same park........scheduled to open in the Spring of 2011 Wes
  15. I already have a few goodies put aside!!! Can we start forcing crew members if no one be signing on??
  16. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, may your cups be full, your bellies be bursting, and your family surround you with happiness and great times!
  17. You can check and see if there is anyone in the area that makes boat covers, they can run it through a machine and stitch it up quick and fairly cheap....
  18. I thought I put my name in the hat too....can I play, pleeeaassseeee!!!???
  19. Hey Silas...I have a candle mold if you want to borrow it, makes tapers...we are close enough that it wouldnt be a problem, save you some dipping time!! Mad Pete...I am a distributor for MVTCo...I can get you a Long Land Bess on the cheap!! I get wholesale pricing..... I need to finish my coat, get a new cocked hat, and build my camp barrel/kitchen box..... Just put the top in the barrel:
  20. I could do a pair of breeches for my daughters doll!! Mostly smaller scraps, might be enough for a pouch, but I have not got it all together for a picture yet.
  21. Dang it...I have not been to an event all year, Pirate or otherwise!! Insert jealousy here>>>>

    1. theM.A.dDogge


      you goin as well?? I will be ther as well...where ye be stayin at? how long you there?? sunday thru thursady for i

    2. LadyBarbossa


      Nor I, Wes. Don't be feelin' too bad. Lack of dressing up in our "normal" attire has struck many of us hard. ~Lady B

    3. Dread Pyrate Greyhound

      Dread Pyrate Greyhound

      I got lucky and was able to go to three and a half events. And if being stuck in normal attire gets you down, do what I do, put on full garb, weapons and all, and pop in a pirate movie.

  22. Looking in the workshop as I clean I have found a bit of leather scrap, from buckskin to thicker stuff.........Free to the asking party, but I will accept a "donation" for shipping.....
  23. Hey Blackbeard...send me your APO and the kiddos (Kidds? LOL) can make sure you get a package for Christmas!! Let you squad mates know and we can fill a box of everybodies favorites!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!! Respectfully, Wes
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