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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. Extra or unneeded books thus far: Journals of Lewis and Clark J. Bakeless paperback novel size Robert Burns Poems and Songs Crowded with Genius James Buchan Oddessy of Homer The Illiad Redcoat Bernard Cornwell paperback novel Boone Cameron Judd novel Rome and Jerusalem Martin Goodman The Fraser Highlanders J.P. Harper Boone Biography Robert Morgan Combat Handguns Offers and Trades, most books are in good shape, read a few times and shelved...... Need Pirate plunder!! I will have more stuff in a bit..... Thanks! Wes
  2. Hobnails are PC.....
  3. Thanks! I sent emails to my shooting club buddies to get any additional info as well...
  4. Has anyone got or heard the official dates for the June rendezvous for the Fort? Its not on the website yet....
  5. OK...MODS, can we make this a sticky? Share and share alike says I.....I have done this in the past for other boards I used to frequent, extra stuff to those in need. Shipping can be arranged between parties if funds are an issue, and nobody gets greedy, if you have something extra that you dont need, help a fellow pirate out.... I'll be able to post other items as I clean through my shop...
  6. In an effort to keep it fair, I recieved an email from Peglegstrick at 1511 hours today. I also recieved a PM from Gunpowder Gertie at 1515 hours today. Peglegstrick was first, and I bet you guys could come to an accord on use. ..... I have a few other patterns in the basement that I will offer up as soon as I dig them out. I will also have a bunch of books that I will be parting with...... trimming down things that I might have to move due to things unrelated to piracy....
  7. Greets!! Welcome aboard! I, having been a member for a short time, have found the Pirates of this board to be a fountain of knowledge and kindness.....no better port to careen your vessel at!!
  8. I have a pattern....1750's Officer/enlisted/civillian coat pattern in a size 42..... I used it to make a caot pattern fo myself. I am a 46 in the shoulders and modified my fabric a tad. The Pattern is FREE to anyone that can use it.....send me a PM with an address and I will mail it out. Didnt think it should go in the market, since I am not selling......MODS, feel free to put this where you see fit... Wes
  9. Try here: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/Bounty/blighlog.html
  10. He do he do says I!! Thank you Lady B!!!!
  11. I am still planning on attending, going to put it on the work calender and maybe LT will be good to me. Anybody flying in, I will be driving by the airport probably on Friday Morning to get down and set up, I can offer a ride to a few people that might be arriving.......keep it in mind as it gets closer to June...
  12. Where do you find seamless Bronze tubing suitable for barrels??? Do/have you test fired these with double loads? Any performance issues? Just curious....me likey your toys!!! Wouldnt mind trying a few builds like that myself, using the bronze for a smoothie barrel, not stealing your boxlock pistol idea!!
  13. Brick dust was traditionally used to keep firelocks "armory bright". It was mixed with sweet oil (think olive) and used as a buffing compound. Pics would help....
  14. Put me on the List!! I'll try to be there and be with the Trappers or the Pirates!! Wes
  15. Parker is a good one...try sounding piratey with Olson....... No little house on the Prairie or Folgers jokes!!!!!
  16. Hammock!! I wanna be like Gilligan and the Skipper!!!! Sea Chest or Sea Bag??
  17. HA!! I see that! I am still trying to find time to cast some repops of the spoon I have. I'll try to get a pic posted.... Found a bunch of old pewter, might melt it down for the casting...or I'll just order ingots....
  18. I got a really nice leather bound journal, goose quills, a ring, red sealing wax and ink powder...nice nice nice!!!! Thanks to my Secret Santa!!! Wes
  19. Still looking Chrispy!! I have found some old Bess parts, but no lock as of yet....
  20. There is always Fort de Chartres in the summer and fall.....not pirate, but its a chance to burn some powder. I was planning on showing up in 2011 for a few events, and of course I'll have to be pirate!! A couple other folks from here attend as well, so we could always try and take over!!!
  21. I got mine a caouple of days ago.....my gift went out as well......
  22. Jendobyns...no sweat on sharing info, glad to help a fellow Pirate! You guys cover shipping and material and I'm happy....
  23. Shouldnt be a problem with re-tinning......
  24. I have a box full of mis-matched pewter, there are plates, goblets and I think a mug or two....I'll try to get pics up, as they are Williamsburg...... Mr. Hand, I can make you a nice copper mug.....used to make a bunch of stuff..
  25. I might have a lock for an old trade gun, if I can just find it! Workshop looks like Ted Kazinski used it for test runs.....I'll advise after I get off duty at 1600 hrs....
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