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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. No sweat Bo, I'll get the strap and that cap box mailed out. I think I got the right size piece of copper now too, so I see a lid in the near future. It always seems that the easiest way to to find whats missing is to go buy a replacement!! Ha Har!!!!
  2. Got a nice chunk of Black walnut and my blunderbuss barrel came in......gun making time!! I'll try to get pics of progress....hopefully extra time in the workshop wont be to hard to come by either!!
  3. Looking for a used abused and beaten coat. Size in the 46-ish range, Prefer wool. Can buy or trade, would like pics too please. This is for a friend that does educational programs and is the same rough size as me, but I just dont have time to make another coat. Thanks!! Wes
  4. Looks like a hard item to find, but I cant imagine it being that hard to make out of Iron.......
  5. WOW, them is some seriously nice duds!! Very sharp! I think I am gonna have to think about raiding other peoples slop chests!!!
  6. Slops are canvas...and comfortable. I like alot better than my old French Fly breeches! I need to work on my hat though, gonna cut and re-tack the sides. THought about trim on the brim, but I like the basic "slovenly" look....
  7. Tried to get one in more Piratey garb, I need to buy or make a new shirt, and for some reason I still have alot of green, might have to replace the weskit too... The new slops I got from Liam:
  8. Woo Hoo!! Happy Birthday Gertie!!!
  9. Was unsure if any of you Sea Rovers had seen this, http://www.gutenberg...4-h/20774-h.htm Link to download: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/20774
  10. $349 through MVTCo new...if they have them in stock. Great folks though, I been a distributor for them for about 4 or 5 years now.... http://www.middlesexvillagetrading.com/PKT.shtml
  11. That would be awesome!! Do you know the diameter as well? Wes
  12. Looking for a pic or drawing with dimensions to make chargers for a bandolier....just got the lathe working and need to play a bit. THanks!! Wes
  13. Look into the silica gel moisture absorption packets too, they help a bit, but nothing, like Bo said, can replace regular maintenance.....
  14. Just got in a bunch of parts and I am looking for a few ideas for pistols: Just had this bored out, still have to ream it and get a breech plug: Some of the parts, most are basic, some are for rifles I am also supposed to have a lock coming, its either a bess lock, or a doglock, I cant remember what he said I was getting. It was from a trade... Any ideas would be helpful, I have only built rifles in the past...I'll post pics later of those....looking forward to playing with pistols and maybe a blunderbuss or two!
  15. The selling of cargo and the buyers that were breaking the law and almost encouraging piracy by purchasing said cargos, from lumber to fabric.....and spending of the doubloons as opposed to the great buried hoard or treasure ship.
  16. Just got in a bunch of parts, so I am looking to put together a couple of new guns. Looking for gun barrel sections, any size, looking for bigger bores though. Please advise if you have chunks, sections, scraps, etc... Here are the goodies I got, will do a full inventory tonight and get better pics: Also have alot of main and frizzen springs, 2 front sights, patchbox parts, a couple of extra screws, a pair of sling swivels, etc....I also have a bipod for an M249 SAW Thanks! Wes
  17. Looking for a used abused and beaten coat. Size in the 46-ish range, Prefer wool. Can buy or trade, would like pics too please. This is for a friend that does educational programs and is the same rough size as me, but I just dont have time to make another coat. Thanks!! Trade items include: Flintlock parts modern gun parts surplus stuff Books custom tin-copper work Thanks! Wes
  18. Yupper...the shipwreck was Roatan....other cheesy pic was Grand Cayman
  19. 72" x 2 1/8"
  20. PM me your address and I'll send you a handfull... Wes
  21. So as far as trades, I have a KelTec Sub-2000 in .40 S & W, uses Glock mags. I have one Glock 15 round mag and a 29 round off brand mag. Both mags also fit a G-22. I'll swap it for your flinters....
  22. I have a new, black leather shoulder strap. Can make a baldric or cartouche box sling with it. It is one long piece, probably 3 inches wide up till the ends, which taper smaller. I'll try and get a pic tonight after work. GONE TO NEW OWNER...thanks all!!! Thanks, Wes
  23. I usually run it back and forth over a breaking beam to ease up on stiffness. By that I mean loop it over a board, or even off the side of the counter or workbench and go in a side to side motion..it will break loose the fibers some.
  24. Finally got my new ballistic vest at work!! Felt like a little boy at Christmas!!

  25. I just bought a bunch of lock parts if anyone needs parts...I'll post pics as soon as I get them.... Wes
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