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Everything posted by wes1761

  1. OK....sold my .45 and ordered another Blunderbuss today from Middlesex, looks like only 15" are coming in, in steel or brass barrel. Since I get them at wholesale, I thought I would put the offer out if anyone was needing anything, I have been a distributor for them for several years..... You think I would learn to hold onto the really cool guns......DOH! Wes
  2. What part of "Muzzle ALWAYS pointed in a safe direction" dont people get?
  3. Barrel is 18 inches overall....
  4. Started on this awhile ago, its a swivel gunne that a buddy of mine wanted a naval carriage for, Carriage is oak, steel rod axles hidden under a fake axle that I grooved out to hide the steel. Have yet to forge the trunnion straps, but hope to get to it this week yet. Pic is poopy, I took it with my phone:
  5. I am hoping to at least drag the daughters out for a weekend jaunt, will probably be in flatlander clothes though....
  6. I have had a few emails back and forth with Mr. Thatcher, and I write here an idea I sent to him. I work for the City of St. Peters, which is in the middle of building a 300 acre park with RV camping, and primitive camping with a 160 acre lake. Boat ramp is in, no gas powered boat allowed........I m thinking the city (which likes making money) and local pirates might come to an accord on a local Pirate Fest on water.......
  7. I have several original Roman coins left over from plundering with the Legions if you need more.....
  8. oh...forgot I am to be needin a proper name......hmmmm...the thinkin part starts!
  9. I can probably by-pass the 3 year plan, I have been re-enacting (Ancient Rome through WWII) for the last 25 years or so. I have backed off the F and I and Colonial though, getting to be "click-ish and uppity" in some aspects.I have no problem volunteering, but some folks forgot that I was using my vacation time to be there and looking after my 2 daughters. I just want to get back into the FUN of it, I can be historically correct, document my items, and build, sew, make anything I might need........just wanna go play and drink grog sometimes though........ Sorry for the caffiene induced rant, we now return to your normally scheduled message board...
  10. No, regrettably my LT decided to deny time off in June due to man-power shortage......we usually do a January freeze out, a few woods walks, and I try for the June 'vous......theres always next year though!
  11. OK, while not Piratey in the true sense, bein how I'm new and all, heres the basics: Shooting at Ft. de Chartres 42nd RHR at Ft. de CHartres (Cavendish) in front of a re-built Spanish Fort found in St. Charles County:
  12. So where is the Mercury located? I am a bit fuzzy.....(no hygiene references please!) I am near St. Louis and am looking to have a bit more fun "privateering" as opposed to the staged re-enactment stuff I have been doing....Thanks! Wes
  13. Mostly independent with F and I and Rev, belong to the Trappers Of Starved Rock though, a local shooting/rendezvous group. As far as level of involvement, I can do Fictional easy enough, but prefer history as it was. I do however try to avoid "stich nazis" telling me I cant wear a specific item because I didnt use a "historical" ie purchased pattern. (From a shirt I made of linen and hand stitched, but was told there was no documentation. I had fabric and thread, made a shirt, dont need documentation!) Love Ft. de Chartres (or Cavendish post 1765)...try to get there as often as I can.......
  14. Hey Bo!! Imagine meeting you here.....I like the dark side, they have cookies!! Good to be here though all the same
  15. Hey all, new guy from Missouri checking in....just outside of St. Louis. Looking to go Pirate, been doing F & I and Rev War for years......
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